Before And After Images Show Devastation In Gaza.

Footage captures the stark contrast of Salah al-Din Street in Gaza before and after enduring the brutal onslaught of Israeli occupation forces.

This is what Congress supports. This is what both Biden and Trump support. This is what your taxes fund. This is the debt your children will have to pay.

News Bites: February 28, 2024.

Trump is called a racist...again. Biden feels frisky. And Max Igan is silenced.

Donald Trump

The mind-control media is at it again, saying recent comments by Donald Trump are "as racist as they come". But as they typically do, they've taken an innocent statement and purposely chosen to be offended by it. Then they found some people who hate Trump to their core and used them to amplify their imagined harm. According to ABC News, "Trump’s comments were widely condemned by Black leaders, the Democratic Party and the White House". In other words, the usual suspects, many of them race-baiting Marxists, piled on and pretended to be offended in an effort to make orange man look bad.

What exactly did Trump say? 

“I got indicted for nothing, for something that is nothing. And a lot of people said that’s why the Black people like me, because they have been hurt so badly and discriminated against, and they actually viewed me as I’m being discriminated against.” 

That's obviously not a racist statement, and the black audience members didn't appear to be offended, but in the inverted world of Marxism, anything can be labeled 'racist' if it advances the radical left agenda, and the news media and opportunistic politicians are more than happy to play along. 

Quick quiz: Who said the following about Barack Obama? “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

That was said in 2007 by Joe Biden, one of many racially insensitive comments made by Biden in his long and destructive career. The Democrats and the media have managed to sweep all of those comments beneath the rug, a rug that is probably the door mat at the White House.

news story Biden

Joe Biden had his annual physical today at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. Despite the fact that Biden doesn't seem to know where he is, walks like a man with dementia, and stumbles when climbing airplane stairs, his doctor gave him a clean bill of health. At least that's what they'd like you to believe. According to Dr. Kevin O'Connor, "President Biden is a healthy, active, robust, 81-year-old male who remains fit to successfully execute the duties of the presidency.” Wow, that's sounds good, until you realize his exam didn't include a cognitive test. Biden's neurologist doesn't believe he needs one, despite a recent special counsel’s report on the investigation into Biden's handling of classified documents that repeatedly derided Biden's memory, calling it “hazy,” “fuzzy,” “faulty,” “poor” and having “significant limitations.” It also noted that Biden could not recall defining milestones in his own life such as when his son Beau died or when he served as vice president.

It's hard to sleep at night knowing Biden has the codes to our nuclear arsenal and could possibly start World War 3.

Max Igan

I was watching Max Igan's latest video tonight and he made a disturbing revelation: He's just been permanently suspended from both Gettr and MeWe, two social media sites that claim to protect free speech. This happened after he posted a video critical of Israel. At the same time, Rumble has shadow-banned the same video on their platform. Rumble was created to give people like Max a place to speak freely after YouTube became little more than a mind-control device for the global deep state. Luckily, BitChute is hosting the video [Terrorism Is Made In Israel] without censorship, if you want to see it. Even if we disagree with them at times, people like Max Igan serve a valuable role by speaking out when others won't and pushing the boundaries to see just how dedicated to free speech some of these platforms really are. We know that Facebook, Instagram, Twitter/X, and YouTube are censoring voices of freedom, but Gettr, MeWe, and Rumble promised to be different. But at this point, they are failing.

News Bites: February 19, 2024.

Nikki Haley

Nikki Haley is desperately trying to stay relevant by demonizing Russia and Putin. Just like without a roadrunner, the coyote would have no one to chase, neo-cons like Haley must keep pushing the fake news that Putin is our enemy, even though there's little evidence to support the claims. I've gotten to the point that anyone promoting "Russia is evil / Putin is a dictator" propaganda is automatically dismissed as a paid tool of NATO, the military industrial complex and slimy bankers, and can't be trusted under any circumstances.

Liz Cheney Donald Trump

Nikki Haley isn't the only propagandist for the deep state's agenda. Liz Cheney keeps on rising up from the swamp to impart her wisdom to millions of Americans who couldn't care less about what she has to say. Here she is talking about Alexey Navalny's death but she doesn't mention that Navalny allegedly conspired with MI-6 to start a color revolution in Russia. If true, that's treason, and Russia was justified in jailing him. Meanwhile, Cheney ignores the plight of the January 6 protesters who continue to rot away in Joe Biden's Communist gulag. Cheney should go home and take up knitting and leave politics to people who really care about America.

Louisiana National Guard

Down in Louisiana, Governor Jeff Landry has announced plans to send 150 members of the National Guard to the Texas border. While that seems like a worthwhile mission, at the same time, Landry has put Louisiana into a "state of emergency" due to rising crime and a severe shortage of police officers. If crime is that bad in the state, why not station the Guard where they can help to maintain law and order? Apparently New Orleans is a hotbed of criminal activity. Shouldn't the Guard be stationed there? Or this going to be used by Landry as an excuse to restrict freedom, using curfews, checkpoints, and surveillance? Never forget that tyranny can come from both the left and the right. We can't become complacent when politicians are involved.elderly bank robber

Finally, on a humorous note, an elderly bank robber and his accomplice have been arrested for a string of heists in the Chicago area. The robbers have a striking resemblance to Joe Biden and son Hunter. I'm sure it's just a coincidence. Or was Joe in town trying to round up money to send to Ukraine?

Is The Wall Being Built To Keep Others Out, Or To Keep Us In?

southern border wall

Aaron and Melissa Dykes, the amazing team over at Truthstream Media, have made this thought-provoking video about the wall being built between Mexico and the United States. Despite his promise to never add another inch to the wall, Joe Biden has authorized additional construction of the barrier originally ordered by President Trump. This prompted the question, is the wall really being built to keep illegal immigrants out, or is it being built to keep Americans trapped in this free-range tax farm? When you combine government surveillance, militarized police forces, armed IRS agents, digital currency, medical tyranny, 15-minute cities, and the predicted collapse of the U.S. economy, it starts to make sense that maybe the deep state establishment doesn't want any of us escaping. After all, they see us as their property, not as sovereign people who can do as we please.  Take thirty minutes out of your day to watch this video. It'll make you see the wall from a new perspective.

Notes From Clown World: December 7, 2023

America's worst President in modern history, Joe Biden, seems to have a very high opinion of himself. Recently he said "We’ve got to get it done, not because of me. ... If Trump wasn’t running I’m not sure I’d be running. We cannot let him win.” His statement suggests he thinks that he's the only candidate who can defeat Donald Trump in 2024, despite Biden's incredibly low popularity. Few people like him, other than the most hardcore party loyalists and a handful of ignorant and indoctrinated liberals. Surely any functioning, breathing body the Democratic Party could list on the ballot would do as well or better than Biden. Yet it's possible he'll be the party's choice once again, because he serves a very valuable purpose: sleepy Joe is the manipulable face of the people who hide in the shadows and actually direct the show. These deep state sociopaths need a witless, immoral puppet to dance for them in the White House, and Biden happily plays along, probably because his mind is so far gone he doesn't realize what he's become. He thinks he's a hero. His handlers told him so. It will be up to the voters to prove him wrong and send him home.

[photo screenshot from WFMY 2]

The cancer centers of Cone Health in Greensboro NC have announced that beginning Thursday, face masks will be required to be worn by all patients and visitors due to a spike in respiratory "viruses". When I read about it on a local news station's website, my first thought wasn't that the hospital is being cautious. Instead I thought, "despite all the studies proving masks don't stop the spread of disease, why are they still mandating this nonsense?" And thinking further, it made me question the competence of a medical system that continues to embrace the discredited theory that viruses cause diseases, and that toxic injections called "vaccines" can protect us from viral infections. Should a hospital that still, to this day, promotes covid shots that have killed or injured millions of people worldwide, push masks upon us as if they care about our health? And what about the cancer treatments that the medical industrial complex insists we submit to? Surgery, radiation, and chemo medicines that originated from deadly mustard gas are the only things they offer. Natural treatments like B-17 and the Gerson therapy are discredited or hidden from us by a system that would rather drain our bank accounts than actually heal us.

If you're in a car accident, modern hospitals with their trauma centers can probably save your life. They're really good at putting people back together. But we need to take responsibility for our overall wellness and protect our health so that we never have to entrust our lives to people who believe in outdated science and dangerous drugs. 

The government has found a new way to spend your money: the Brightline electric high-speed rail line will connect Los Angeles to Las Vegas, but it will cost taxpayers an unknown figure way beyond its current funding of $3 billion by the time it's finished. Ongoing operating expenses will not likely be covered by rider fares, so this well-intentioned transportation project will suck up tax dollars for decades until common-sense prevails and the whole thing is shut down and left to rust. And why do we need high-speed rail to Vegas? If this is about sustainability, building an expensive rail line to a city in the desert that is itself unsustainable seems ill-advised, at best. Las Vegas already has issues with its water supply. (Building a mega-resort in a patch of hot sand probably wasn't a good idea.) And now that everyone is focused on the responsible use of resources and reducing CO2 emissions, Vegas' continued existence could soon be considered an extravagance that humanity can't afford. But for now no one seems worried about that. Could it be because the city is a huge profit center for the organized crime cartels that control the casinos and hotels? How much of those profits go to bribe politicians so they'll support senseless projects like this, projects struggling Americans neither want nor need?

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