The Evolution Of The Liberal Mind.

I've always identified as a liberal libertarian, meaning I've worked for equality and for creating a social safety net for people who hit hard times, but I've insisted those goals be reached in a financially responsible way and with as little government involvement as possible. I'm unaffiliated with any political party, because I like to vote for candidates who seem to support my ideas and principles. None of the three largest political parties (Democratic, Republican, Libertarian) has consistently offered up candidates who I could feel comfortable with. As a result, I've campaigned for candidates from all three parties, including Barack Obama and Donald Trump. I've said all that because I expect someone will read this post questioning the liberal mind and immediately write me off as a "right-wing conservative", when in reality I've voted for many liberal candidates but can no longer do so.

Let me explain why.

Not so many years ago, the Democratic Party, and the liberals who occupied it, strongly believed in freedom, free speech, peace, and tolerance. When the GOP wanted to hand the internet over to big corporations, the Democrats demanded it remain open and free of corporate influence. Documentaries made by liberals exposed the power-grabs and corruption by Big Pharma, agricultural & chemical companies, and the military industrial complex. Wars were protested, especially Vietnam and Bush Jr's illegal invasion of Iraq. Liberals wanted everyone to live together in harmony, with mutual respect and dignity for all. All problems could be talked through. That's what intelligent adults do, right?

What happened?

Today, liberals are demanding censorship of the internet, books, movies, and even classic TV shows produced decades ago. Huge international companies are now being defended. I know people who used to attack Pfizer as an evil drug pusher who now label its critics as misinformation agents. The "live and let live" hippies of the 1970's now live in gated communities and have surveillance cameras watching every inch of their properties. The kind, gentle souls who thought Howard Dean could change America now practically froth at the mouth while yelling obscenities at anyone who dares to disagree with them. And war is now cool, or at least the horrors of it are completely justified as long as their chosen leader (falsely) claims the war is being fought for "democracy". But isn't that the same reason Bush gave for attacking Iraq? That reason wasn't good enough in 2003. 

It's hard to wrap my head around how liberals have changed so much. The anger and intolerance I see from the left is especially disturbing.  And the ignorance is overwhelming. Take a look at these Twitter posts:

How can Marmae believe such nonsense? Does this person have no knowledge of NATO's history? Is Marmae unaware that actual, real Nazi's are fighting for Ukraine? Is he/she ignorant of the fact that the United States and NATO nations start the vast majority of all wars? 

Apokryf is also supporting the war, saying it's a "fight for the shape of the world". What is he trying to say? It sounds like an endorsement of the wealthy elite's New World Order. How does that square up with traditional liberal values?

Francesca has deluded herself into thinking Biden's war has brought respect to America, when in reality we're not respected anywhere anymore. The fact that other nations happily take our money doesn't mean they respect us.

Baldé wants every single person who voted for Trump "thrown behind bars". He doesn't say why. He doesn't mention due process. He just wants them locked up, you know, like they do in all totalitarian fascist nations. 

The radical shift I've seen from Democrats and other liberals makes no sense. How can people be so easily manipulated into thinking war is peace, oppression is freedom, ignorance is strength, and corruption is okay as long as their selected leader is the one doing it? I voted for Obama once, but I backed off when I saw how fake he was. I voted for Trump, but I won't do it again unless he apologizes for the deadly vaccines he still brags about it to this day. I learn as I go along. But liberal America seems to have lost its critical thinking skills and now operates with a herd mentality, more like Star Trek's Borg than intelligent individuals. 

They've become a cult. And an ignorant, hateful cult at that. I want no part of it.

America Is A Captured Nation, And Mel K Is Naming Our Enemies.

Mel K and David Whited of The Flyover Conservatives have an in-depth discussion on the current state of America and how both Democrats and Republicans (the "uniparty") are conspiring to destroy us from within and turn one-world government into a reality. Mel tells us who our enemies are and how they're manipulating us to fight over petty issues as a distraction away from the real crimes.

Is there a way to fix this mess? Yes! The solution is simple, but you'll have to watch the video to find out how.

Stop Waiting For Heroes.

As a long-time observer of politics and human behavior, something I see over and over is hero worship. There's something about us, perhaps it's all the constant brainwashing, that makes us view the world like a spectator sport. Instead of taking action to solve our problems, we pick political heroes to do the work for us. We place our heroes up on pedestals and treat them almost as gods, clinging to their words, believing their promises, and waiting for miracles.

But nothing much changes. Our heroes aren't gods. Their words are nothing but opium. Their promises are rarely kept. The miracles never come. Often our heroes lead us deeper into despair than we were before we met them.

I don't really blame them. After all, they're just people like you and I. Perhaps a bit more charismatic, but they have flaws like everyone else. 

When each of our heroes fails to deliver in their turn, we abandon them and find someone new to pin our hopes to. 

Over and over. Again and again.

Relying on heroes causes us to sit idly by, doing nothing but complaining about how bad the world is.

We never stop to think that we are the heroes we're looking for. Each of us has the power to create change. Each of us has some unique skill that can make a positive difference. And when we come together, even for brief moments, we can get more done than any false hero ever could.

So stop waiting for heroes to save us. You and I are all we need. 

How The Predator Class Is Creating A New Class Of Slaves.

"Journalist Whitney Webb has worked to uncover some of the most dangerous stories of our lifetime, and she joins Glenn to reveal just how eye-opening it’s been. Her new two-volume book, “One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime that Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein,” examines Epstein’s elaborate network of corruption and power, from Bill Clinton to Ghislaine Maxwell and many more. Her research into transhumanism has given her a terrifying perspective on the World Economic Forum and tech elites, including Elon Musk. And she tells Glenn the dark truth about Biden’s push for electric vehicles that she noticed while living in Chile." -- source: The Glenn Beck Podcast

Radical Marxist Propagandists Spew Out The Same Lies.

Like the Borg drones on Star Trek, Marxist propagandists speak as if their thoughts come from a central hive mind. Once a false narrative is created it gets spread all over the news by a variety of characters all saying the exact same thing. It's an effective form of social manipulation that conservatives have been thankfully slow to exploit. Maybe that's because our side possesses better critical thinking skills than the left and would see through the fake messages of unity.

But Marxist minds are weak and easily molded, a deficiency the political elites understand and use to their advantage, as the graphic above demonstrates.

The Emperor Has No Clothes.

I didn't vote for Donald Trump in 2016 because I had an odd feeling that he would turn out to be a fraud. Even though I'd followed his career for years and had read a few of his books (which seemed to be mostly ghost written), there was something about him I couldn't put all my trust in. I felt like we were all being set up for a fall. After he was elected I began to feel better about him as I saw him trying his best while being relentlessly attacked by the Democratic Party and the Communists who were beginning to step out of the shadows after decades of pretending to be "progressives". So in 2020 I confidently voted for Trump, only to see the election stolen by the globalists and their deep state operatives. I supported and defended Trump as he challenged the election results, and hoped there was a path that would send him back to the White House. But his actions since leaving office have caused me to stop supporting him completely. 

The first thing that bothered me was his complete lack of support for the January 6 political prisoners held by the Biden regime in a grimy DC torture facility. Over a year has passed since the so-called "insurrection" occurred at a rally organized and promoted by Trump and many of the accused have still not had their day in court. The jailed complain about inhumane living conditions, abuse by the guards, and an inability to communicate with their families or attorneys. These are loyal Trump fans who sacrificed everything to support their President. In return, Trump has been silent and has done nothing to help free the prisoners or get them better treatment. It seems he has forgotten them, or else sees them as a liability to his future political and business ambitions.

Then in an interview on, researcher and author Susan Bradford revealed that Donald Trump is actually a Trojan horse for the globalists. According to Bradford, "Trump had been groomed for the Presidency decades ago to serve as a populist candidate indebted, and ultimately controlled, by the Rothschilds, the dynasty bankrolling and driving a New World Order. Trump ceased being his own man in 1987 when he acquired a 93 percent stake in Resorts International, a casino whose principal investors were Tibor Rosenbaum, David Rockefeller, and Baron Edmond de Rothschild. Once indebted to the international criminal elite, he was essentially owned by them." Bradford also theorizes that Trump's "Save America" rallies are nothing but money making events designed to save the Trump brand and that he has no interest in another term as President. 

As bad as those things are, Trump's worst sin is his ongoing promotion of the dangerous and deadly covid vaccines. When the jabs first became available, Trump was understandably proud of his "Operation Warp Speed" achievement. But when the injury and death reports began coming in, he ignored them. He kept on pushing his vaccines (which technically aren't really vaccines by any traditional definition) while the body count climbed. Even after tens of thousands of people had died from the covid jabs and hundreds of thousands had been seriously injured, Trump continued to promote the vaccines during televised interviews and at his rallies. He allowed himself to become one of Pfizer's and Moderna's best spokesmen. After more than 30,000 people had died, many conservative podcasters and political commentators began appealing to Trump, asking him to please stop promoting the jabs and warn people of the potential dangers. He refused to do so. In fact, when Alex Jones asked Trump to cease and desist, Trump reportedly replied "I don't want to hear about this again from anybody. I think it's good, and that's it." 

I'll say what others are afraid to say: We're in the worst genocide in human history. The pandemic psy-op was created to frighten people into taking the so-called vaccines, which are in reality bio-weapons designed to depopulate the planet. By pushing this poison upon the public and refusing to warn us about its dangers, Donald Trump is complicit in the genocide. Whether that's out of ignorance or malice doesn't matter to the victims and their families. People have died needlessly, fulfilling goals the globalists have been writing and talking about for decades

It's beginning to look like the entire MAGA movement was created by Trump to distract us while the globalists advanced their agenda of creating a global open-air slave colony that is basically a high tech version of old fashioned feudalism. We'll own nothing, and the wealthy elites think we'll be happy with that.

It's not too late for Trump to prove he's really on our side. He can speak up about the January 6 political prisoners. He can stop pushing toxic jabs upon his trusting followers. And he can publicly denounce the globalists and the World Economic Forum, The Great Reset, and Agenda 2030. And for extra points he can tell us what he knows about Jeffrey Epstein's child trafficking empire.

The world is waiting.

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