It's A Cult.

Cult: a quasi-religious organization using devious psychological techniques (mind control) to gain and control adherents. A group with socially deviant or novel beliefs and practices. A highly manipulative group which exploits and sometimes physically and/or psychologically damages members and recruits.

Today's Democratic Party behaves more like a cult than a legitimate political organization. Their members live in fear of imaginary diseases, wear slave masks to protect them from viruses that have never been proven to exist, believe there are more than two genders, are obsessed with the 45th President, and strangely think that almost every problem can somehow be traced back to Russia. They also adore socialism despite its endless failures and think that next time, it'll work. And they promote social unrest and violence while deluding themselves into thinking that when cities burn it's somehow the fault of Donald Trump (part of their obsession with the 45th President). Nothing is ever their fault: they'll remind you constantly of that.

If you or someone you know is a victim of the Democratic Party cult, please seek help from a qualified psychologist or a Constitutional Sheriff before it's too late. Freedom and sanity can be yours!

How The Globalists Use The Mainstream Media To Manipulate Public Opinion.

If you look around with eyes wide open, you can see our society steadily, and quickly, moving in the direction the global elites have planned for it to go. Despite protests by activists, the march toward a locked-down totalitarian world appears to be unstoppable. People vote against their own self interests. Opinions change to match the narrative of the day even when the facts clearly show that narrative is wrong. What is causing intelligent people to drop critical thinking and adopt a hive mentality?


Propaganda is essentially mind control, and it's been around as long as people have been communicating. But today it's more sophisticated, more prevalent, and more dangerous.

Only a few years ago there were hundreds of media companies including newspaper & magazine publishers, television & radio stations, and internet content producers. But the elites have been buying up and consolidating the media industry and today, it's said that as few as five multinational corporations now control almost all the news and entertainment we see.

Traditional media outlets have been hijacked and now publish propaganda that gently nudges us in the direction a handful of people want us to go. This propaganda is mixed in with their normal content, making it hard to spot as the mind-controlling poison that it is. If the elites want us to support Ukraine, they'll publish emotional stories about Ukrainian war victims and paint Russia as a barbaric nation of murderous criminals. The facts of the situation will be whatever position the elites have chosen to be factual. And the stories will be spread everywhere, even where you'd least expect it. You might find a "Stand with Ukraine" message on the cover of a fashion magazine, for example. 

I checked out the websites of a few popular magazines to see which were involved in the spread of propaganda. Let's see what I found.

Wired magazine has traditionally been a tech oriented journal but recently they published a puff piece to bolster Bill Gates' reputation and help him sell his new book on pandemics. Gates isn't a scientist or a doctor, but he is a globalist who profits wildly from diseases and vaccines. Many people have called for Gates to be arrested for crimes against humanity, so Wired decided it better do a bit of public relations work for the beleaguered billionaire.

The article lacks substance but does paint Gates as a kindly old guy who just wants to save the world from the next pandemic and anyone who opposes his efforts must be crazy. Trust Mr Gates, no matter what he tells us to do. Ignore the part about him always being perfectly positioned to profit from whatever happens.

It's just good luck, don't you know.

Esquire used to be a respected men's style magazine that leaned toward the conservative side when it mentioned politics at all. It was the place young men went to learn how to tie a tie or match shoes to their new suit. Today it's a leftist rag that regularly pushes propaganda to young men instead of fashion tips.

A recent article by far-left extremist Charles P. Pierce tried to make the United States look like the "meth lab downstairs" from Canada, simply because we want to protect our Constitutional right to own guns. Gun ownership is what keeps tyrants like Canada's Justin Trudeau from stomping all over our rights and turning the US into a totalitarian prison. When it comes to freedom, Canada is now a lost cause, but Pierce has nothing to say about that. It doesn't suit his agenda or the agenda of the people who pay his bills: the globalists who want to disarm and control the world.

The most recent Esquire propaganda piece, also written by far-left extremist Charles P. Pierce, is a pile of trash that attempts to portray Donald Trump and Mike Pence as "authoritarian lunatics". When I saw the headline I thought for sure he was referring to Joe Biden, the most authoritarian President in my lifetime. But Biden's many sins aren't mentioned at all, because Pierce's article is meant to divert our attention away from the horrors we're currently enduring and make us feel thankful the orange man is no longer in power. It's the kind of propaganda that would make Joseph Goebbels proud. 

Woman's Day magazine is also getting into the act. The magazine that used to teach housewives how to bake cakes and sew clothes is now grooming its readers into accepting the gay and trans pride movement.

I include this here not because of any opinion I may have about the issue, but rather to show how even a happy homemaker's magazine is now being used to push an agenda. But that's how propaganda is the most effective: when you see it everywhere, your mind begins to accept what it's promoting as normal. 

Even Vanity Fair is now a propaganda outlet. Stories in the current issue include:

“Impeachable”: Fox News Pundits Hyperventilate Over Biden’s Gun-Reform Push.

GOP Rep. Spends House Hearing on Gun Violence Waving Around Guns Republicans Think Are More Important Than Children’s Lives.

Republican Congressman Blames Mass Shootings on Women Having Rights.

“He's A One Man Crime Wave”: Rep. Jamie Raskin Talks [about] Donald Trump.

There's not a single article on Vanity Fair's website that is critical of Joe Biden or any other Democrat. It's so bad, their page devoted to politics looks like it was written by the Democratic National Committee itself. But this is what passes as "journalism" today.

Remember when Rolling Stone magazine was about music? Not so much anymore. Now it's a Marxist mind control device, mixing stories about bands and concerts with radical leftist politics.

They publish nothing that is critical of the Biden regime but they twist every story they can find about conservatives to make us look like complete nutters. Anyone who reads this trash long enough is likely to have their political and social opinions gently steered to the left over time. And that's by design.

Inc. is a business magazine, or at least it used to be. Now it's yet another manipulator of public opinion, a bizarre blend of capitalist money-making tactics and leftist activism. Their current issue talks about the Uvalde TX school shooting and then tells readers, many of whom run large businesses, how they should respond to the tragedy.

"If you're in a state with a senator who is against gun control laws, ask individuals to call and ask that they support the Background Check Expansion Act."

"Your business can take a stand against gun violence, by checking what policies your clients have on selling firearms. Several financial institutions, such as Citibank, Bank of America, and BlackRock, all announced plans in 2018 to refuse to work with or fund gun manufacturers that sell military-style firearms for civilian use."

"Cut all ties to the NRA. While there are many reasons why a person may take the lives of others, easy access to guns certainly makes it easier--and the NRA is nothing if not in favor of improving that access."

They end the article by suggesting you donate money to a number of radical left-wing organizations that want to erode our Constitutional rights. This is the sort of anti-gun nonsense you'd expect to see in Mother Jones magazine, not a mainstream business magazine. 

I could go on and on with examples of how mainstream publications manipulate us into supporting authoritarian and Marxist agendas. The skillful blending of content we desire with propaganda is a very powerful tool being used against us. And the same tactic is being used by radio DJ's, television shows, local and national news programs, and in movies. Even product advertisers are pushing social and political messages in their ads for jeans, tacos, and soft drinks. We're bombarded by this garbage all day, every day, and almost all of it promotes a radical left or authoritarian agenda.

When a handful of super-wealthy globalists control the media and have the power to spread their propaganda, hidden in plain sight, around the world to billions of people, they have the frightening ability to twist our thinking and lead us to create a dystopian future that enriches them but turns us into modern-day slaves. 

So protect your mind. Turn off your TV. Ditch the mainstream media. 

And always question everything, even if Woman's Day tells you it's true.

WGHP Fox 8 News Hits New Low In Spreading Misinformation.

WGHP Fox 8, a part of the Nexstar media empire, is known for spreading propaganda and misleading the public with poorly researched news and disinformation procured from sketchy sources like CNN and the Associated Press. But an article on their website today hit a new low. 

With no attempt to be impartial or fair and balanced, the article leads with the headline "Election Conspiracy Theorists to Address Surry County Commissioners". That's certainly an attention getter. But it also lets you know the article is biased before you even read it. The reporter, Steve Doyle, has made a judgment, and the article goes on to try and influence you into thinking like he does. 

The alleged purpose of the article is to inform you about Mike Lindell's public meeting in Dobson NC to discuss voting integrity and possible fraud in the 2020 election. But right away the language betrays the reporter's true intent: to dismiss the idea that fraud occurred in 2020 as complete nonsense. No need to investigate. Just take his word for it.

Some of the wording used: 

"At least three proponents of baseless claims of a stolen presidential election have been invited to speak."

"My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell, one of the loudest voices of unfounded voter fraud" (is one of the speakers).

"All three (speakers) have supported the stolen election farce."

"...why commissioners found it proper to invite conspiracy theorists to a public meeting." 

He finishes out by leading the readers to think that people who question the outcome of the 2020 election are potentially violent: "Reuters said the incident was an example of what had become common since the 2020 election and had documented in a series of investigative reports more than 900 messages that were threatening or hostile and aimed at election officials."

At no point does Doyle mention any of the credible evidence that has been uncovered and presented over the past year and a half. Nor does he mention the rampant fraud Dinesh D'Souza discovered and reported on in his film "2000 Mules". Doyle couldn't talk about that because that would change his propaganda piece into real journalism, something not permitted at WGHP or Nexstar.

Unfortunately spreading disinformation and misinformation is typical operating procedure for corporate owned media outlets. They don't exist to educate and inform. They're here to present a narrative that pleases the people who fund their operations.

Sadly, we all pay the price for the malfeasance of today's so-called journalists.

Here's Why Donald Trump Is Still Pushing The Deadly COVID Vaccines.

Many people, including media hosts Stew Peters and Alex Jones, have been calling for Donald Trump to denounce the COVID jabs now that we know how dangerous they are. But even as the death toll rises, Trump is still cheerleading for the vaccines. Many can't understand why he won't step away from these controversial and unapproved experimental injections and warn people who are being bombarded by propaganda 24/7. He still has enough influence to make a difference before this becomes a genocide. 

And yet he doesn't. Is it pride? Is he unable to admit "Operation Warp Speed" was a failure? Is he unable to face up to the fact that the products created by his vaccine initiative have killed and injured tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of people? Maybe he's clueless, totally uninformed about the lives the Pfizer and Moderna mystery potions have ruined.

But what if he does know? And what if he's okay with it?

How are the jabs and MAGA both acceptable in Trump's mind? Here is one possibility: He truly does love America and wants our nation to be great again. But he's been convinced by someone he trusts that population growth is a real danger to all of humanity and that depopulation is the only way forward. He may think that if something isn't done now, the horrors we will face later as a result of the Fourth Revolution will be much worse. Researchers are already predicting that artificial intelligence and robots will soon displace millions of human workers all over the world. And they're not saying this will happen in 100 years. It's more likely to happen within the next decade. Imagine millions of people suddenly without work, without income, without food and shelter. Picture the social unrest, then rioting and chaos, followed by starvation, mass deaths, and cruel and brutal police action to try and restore order. If it happens it will be the most horrific event mankind has ever seen. And based on technological developments and the current state of human consciousness, there's nothing that can stop it from happening. 

Except depopulation. Cull the herd so that less people are fighting to survive and less people are competing for the few jobs available that AI and robots can't do. Depopulation is an unthinkable idea for most, but to others it may appear to be the most humane and orderly way to face a coming situation that they can see no other way to deal with. Trump may have decided that having us exit this world quietly with the aid of an injection would be more compassionate than leaving us to die during a complete collapse of society. 

I can't say for sure that this is the motivation for Trump. No one but he can know what his reason is. But at least this explanation suggests empathy from our former President, misdirected though it may be. The other likely reasons show him as either ignorant or too concerned with his pride to care if his actions are killing us. 

For another perspective on Donald Trump, the vaccines, and Trump's stand on vaccine passports, check out this video from "An0maly". He thinks Trump's motives are more sinister than I do, but take a look and then decide for yourself what's really going on in Trump's brain.

The Mainstream News Media Is A Threat To Humanity.

We're constantly told there are "existential threats" to humanity: coronavirus and climate change are the top two dangers, with racism, white supremacists, and domestic terrorism rising fast. But let's not forget about good ol' Islamic terrorism, which no one seems to care about anymore.

Meanwhile we have a senile President in the United States who seems to be doing nothing but acting as a puppet for whoever is really in charge of the nation. In less than two months, Joe Biden has signed dozens of executive orders that do little if anything for the American people but instead seem to have been created to please the global elite and radical Marxists. We have a crisis on our southern border, public schools are still closed in many states, lockdowns continue in blue states, and the White House continues to push Covid fear upon the public, despite rapidly falling hospitalizations and deaths. Now Biden is talking about imposing huge taxes on firearms and ammunition, a fake Covid relief bill has been passed that puts the nation into incomprehensible debt but does virtually nothing to help Americans who are financially suffering from the government's pandemic response, and Democrats are now trying to get the HR1 "For The People" act passed which will make fraudulent elections the norm and help to keep the Dems in power forever. 

Anyone who knows the facts about what is going on is probably going to be upset about it. But people don't know what is going on. 

In 21st century America (and worldwide, to be fair) the news media has largely become a disgrace. Outlets like CNN, MSNBC, CBS, the BBC, the Washington Post, the New York Times, and the Associated Press, have become propaganda machines financed by globalists and doing the bidding of their wealthy power-mad owners rather than what is good for society. Public opinion is being shaped to suit the needs of the elite and to steer us where they want us to go.  That's why we had 4 years of anti-Trump misinformation shoved down our throats while offenses by leftists weren't mentioned. It's why all dissenting scientific information on Covid was suppressed or dismissed as fake news. It's why transgender people have been celebrated and Dr Seuss has become a villain. 

The mainstream news media purposely failed to report on the Hunter Biden scandal. It has protected Joe Biden by hiding his history of lies, plagiarism, and corruption. It has avoided all mention of Nancy Pelosi's never ending dishonesty. It hasn't told us how Kamala Harris' ancestors were slave owners. The media inaccurately reported on the January 06 DC riots, painting it as a white supremacist "insurrection" rather than it being a protest by rightfully angry average Americans that sadly got way out of control. 

We end up in a situation where lies are spread by the media or critical information is suppressed, leaving the public uninformed or misinformed. Then the same elitists who own the media conduct public opinion polls that are then used to show the majority approve of policies they really know nothing about. It's a great scam, and it's working.

People are divided and horribly uninformed, which is a tragedy considering how easy it is to access truthful information now. But the truth has to be sought out. And that takes a bit of time and effort. In today's fast paced, overly complicated world, many people don't have the time or the energy to research what is going on all around them.

The elitists and their news media co-conspirators know this, and they use it to their advantage to feed us poison.

And that is by far the biggest threat humanity faces.

Congress Incited The Capital Riot.

What caused the Capital riot?

Politicians, political commentators, and analysts have been discussing this for weeks, scratching their heads and trying to assign blame. Donald Trump has been accused of inciting an insurrection. Supporters of Q-Anon have been ridiculed as radicalized kooks. Trump voters and other conservatives and libertarians have been labeled as potential domestic terrorists. Fingers are pointing in every direction except where they should: at Congress itself.

Has there ever been a more blind, deaf, and dumb group of people in the world than the current U.S. Congress? It is an assembly of arrogant corrupt narcissists more interested in preening in front of television cameras than working for their constituents. Rather than doing anything useful, they spend their days locked in their offices writing useless legislation and finding ways to leverage their power to create more wealth for themselves. They spend our money with reckless abandon, most of it benefiting overseas political regimes or local special interests. Meanwhile, millions of people right here at home are living in poverty. Have you seen how people live in the Appalachia region of West Virginia and Tennessee? It’s a human tragedy, but you never hear anyone talking about it. But we do see Nancy Pelosi eating gourmet ice cream in the kitchen of her California mansion. We do see other elected officials, technically our employees, strutting around like celebrities wearing clothes most Americans can’t even afford for themselves. And when we write to our representatives, if we’re lucky we’ll get a form letter as a reply. The letter will not directly address our concerns. It will just be something churned out by a Congressional staffer to make us feel like we’re being listened to.

But we’re not being listened to. And that makes us angry.

Taxation without representation now applies to the entire nation. We’re ruled by a corrupt system that rewards not only America’s wealthy elite, but also the entire world’s wealthy elite. We’re fed crumbs and propaganda to keep us quiet and sedated. But the crumbs aren’t enough anymore. The propaganda isn’t being accepted anymore.

When the 2020 election results came in and people could see with their own eyes, without anyone manipulating us, that something wasn’t right, we demanded answers. But the Washington elite and their tools in the news media and social media ridiculed us and called millions of Americans “conspiracy theorists”. They told us to accept the election results and shut up about it. That created more anger.

So when President Trump invited people to a legal and peaceful protest at the Capital, naturally people came. Honest, hardworking, but marginalized citizens saw an opportunity to finally be heard. Unfortunately, a small percentage of the protesters came with bad intentions. A few were Leftists who helped to work up emotions and incite the storming of the Capital building. But most were regular everyday people who let their emotions take over, and they will suffer the consequences for their actions in the weeks and months to come.

All of the damage, injuries, and deaths could have been avoided, not by Trump, but by the U.S. Congress itself. Every member of Congress needs to look in a mirror and assign the blame to themselves. Senators and Representatives are not royalty. They aren’t elected so that they can become media darlings. They’re elected to listen to the people who voted for them and to do what those people want them to do. But they’re failing at that simple job and they’re too delusional to even realize it.

But we realize it. And we’re angry. We’re not violent. But we won’t sit quiet anymore, eating the elite’s crumbs. Those days are over.

January 6 should have been a wake up call for our government. But instead what did our leaders do? They sent tens of thousands of National Guard troops into DC to protect themselves. They labeled protesters as “domestic terrorists”. And they began impeachment proceedings against Trump.

Not one of them has taken any responsibility for the riot.

They’re still not listening. They’re simply doing even more to lock down and secure their power and prestige.

Congress can and should examine itself, heal itself, and then reach out with humility to we, the people. This would calm the anger and move the nation toward unity.

But I see no indications that anyone in DC is willing to do it.

I can’t see where this is going to end well for any of us.

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