Is This What China's Zero COVID Policy Really About?

A protester holds a sign that reads "Zero COVID is a domestic rehearsal for the state of war to invade Taiwan".

For months the CCP has subjected millions of people to daily invasive testing, in-home imprisonment, and extended stays in covid camps. Some have suggested that this nothing but a cover for a military build-up for a war with Taiwan or the United States. Those covid camps we've seen in videos smuggled out of the country could actually be prisoner of war camps. Given the current state of China's economy and the civil unrest there we're now seeing, I doubt they're in any condition to start a land invasion of the US, but Taiwan could definitely be in their crosshairs. Is it a coincidence that a massive 90,000 unit covid camp is being built in the port city of Guangzhou? That location makes it very strategic as a prisoner of war camp should China invade Taiwan.

Another theory about the lockdowns and testing programs is that it isn't covid at all but rather a fear that some other biological or chemical attack is being used against the Chinese, most likely by western nations such as the US, the UK, France, and Germany. They might not want to admit they're under attack and would therefore keep the covid myth alive.

Given the closed nature of the Chinese society imposed by the CCP, it's unlikely we'll know the truth until it's impossible for it to remain hidden any longer. But if the protester above is correct, bombs could be dropping on Taiwan any day now.

Add that conflict to the war in Ukraine, and we could see world war 3 in 2023.

The international bankers will fund both sides of it, as they have every major conflict for centuries. 

The madness stops when we stop participating in it.

Keep Talking.

The one thing the fascist globalists fear the most is freedom of speech. They can't defeat us until they can silence us.

So keep talking.

"Died Suddenly" Is The Must-See Documentary Of The Year.

I've been too busy to watch the new documentary "Died Suddenly" from the Stew Peters Network. I've heard a lot of comments about it, mostly positive but some negative. Tonight I finally had the time to watch it, and I must admit it was informative and well done. I'm no fan of Stew Peters. Some of the comments he's made on his podcast have been ignorant and bigoted, and I stopped listening to him several months ago. But his presence in the documentary is very limited, which was a good decision by either Peters or the film's directors. It allowed the film to focus on the scientists, the funeral professionals, and the vaccine's victims rather than being a showcase for Peter's huge ego. 

In only one hour it tries to paint the picture of what is really going on with not only the vaccines, but also with the covid pandemic. while gently tying in the past lies told and the verified conspiracies committed on the public by the government. It's a lot to pull together without overwhelming the viewers, but I think the directors did a commendable job.

"Died Suddenly" contains some graphic and disturbing images, but they weren't included for shock value. I really felt like the images, while uncomfortable to watch, needed to be seen. It's one thing to think of a vaccine as a "clot shot", but it's something else entirely when you see an embalmer pulling rubbery ropes out of a dead person's leg. It really drives home the point that something is seriously wrong with the covid vaccines despite all the propaganda telling us they're "safe and effective". We've known from the beginning that they're neither safe nor effective, and "Died Suddenly" proves we were right. 

This is a documentary everyone needs to see. But will they? I fear it will eventually fade away just like all the other excellent covid films that have been made, viewed only by people who have already woken up to the horrors of the genocide created by predatory globalists, and ignored by the people who really need to see it. 

But make the effort anyway to share it far and wide. Maybe this will be the one that breaks through the hypnotic spell that has too many people under its control.

And 'thank you' to Stew Peters and company for making it happen.

UPDATE November 29, 2022: The documentary has come under fire for including video clips of people collapsing who didn't actually die. It also shows an athlete collapsing but the incident happened before the covid vaccines were available. So I have to ask, was this sloppy research on the part of the producers, or did they intentionally include it knowing it would be discovered and cause the health freedom movement to look crazy and ignorant? Some speculate that Stew Peters is controlled opposition, and including easily debunked sudden deaths in his film doesn't help his reputation. I'm hoping this is the result of rushing the film to market and there are no nefarious motives. But either way, it gives our opponents new ammunition to attack us with. I still think "Died Suddenly" is important and the overall message is true, but if we're going to defeat the globalists and their friends in Big Pharma, we have to be 100% honest and factual in everything we do.

Watch it below or directly on Rumble.

Know The Real Terrorists.

Our corrupt government is always warning about terrorists, but they never admit that THEY are the real terrorists. The US government, often working with the governments of the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Israel, create and fund the vast majority of terrorism in the world. Terrorism is big business for governments, tech companies, and defense contractors, and it's often used as an excuse to take away human freedoms. 

I'm not saying there aren't some bad people out there who want to hurt us, but it's delusional to think they "hate us for our freedoms" as George W Bush used to say. Actually they hate us because we overthrow their governments, exploit their natural resources, and keep them in poverty so that bankers and industrialists can enjoy massive profits and wealth.

As the lady's sign says, "The real terrorists are in the White House, Congress, and Wall Street". 

But for some reason the talking heads in the news media never seem to mention this.

Notes On Clown World: November 23, 2022.

Biden Goes Full Racist:

In what has to be one of the most racist acts ever, the Biden administration has bullied the World Health Organization into renaming monkeypox as "MPOX" because the name "monkeypox" carries an unnecessary stigma for people of color. What is Biden saying about brown people? Is he suggesting they look like monkeys? Is this what Biden really thinks about non-white races? It's truly horrible and yet no one seems outraged by it. Why hasn't Al Sharpton condemned it? Why is BLM quiet? Why isn't Whoopi Goldberg bitch-slapping pedo Joe all the way back to Epstein island?

And I wonder what would have happened if any white conservative had suggested this? The fascists who dress up like ANTIFA would probably set some cities on fire. 

News Media Is Suppressing Information & Creating Division After Recent Shootings:

Immediately after the horrible shooting in Colorado Springs, Colorado, the agenda-driven news media almost tripped over itself trying to create the false narrative that the murders were "hate crimes" committed by a conservative who had been radicalized by Republican Party rhetoric. Although they desperately tried to tie the shooting to every shooting done by a white person in the past 30 years, they never presented any real evidence to support their claims. LGBTQ+ groups chimed in as well, saying things such as “You spreading tropes and insults contributed to the hatred for us. There's blood on your hands.” Even though the accused killer, Anderson Lee Aldrich, has since self-identified as "binary" and uses the pronouns "they/them", LGBTQ+ and other leftist extremists continue to make the false claim that Aldrich was a hate-filled conservative so heavily influenced by the comments of others that he couldn't control his own actions.  

We don't know why Aldrich did what he did. Maybe "they/them" were rejected by patrons of Club Q and that pushed him to violence. Maybe he had an ex-lover who was in the club dancing with another man? Maybe he was just pissed off at life itself and went looking for easy targets. We don't know. But for the news media to create a narrative that pleases the fascist globalists who control them is divisive, dishonest, and unethical. In other words, it's just another day in the news room.

News Media Has Little To Say About The Chesapeake VA Shooting:

Although the news media has been talking about the Colorado shooting around the clock, another more recent shooting has gotten very little attention by comparison. While the Colorado shooting involved gay victims killed by a white man, the Virginia shooting was committed by a person of color. He appears to be a black male although he could be Hispanic. The only photograph I could find is not very clear. Walmart employee Andre Bing allegedly shot and killed six of his co-workers before killing himself. His motives are not known but some have suggested he was upset with the way he was treated by his fellow employees. 

But notice how the news media is giving this story very little coverage, his race isn't being mentioned, and his political beliefs aren't being exposed. This seems to be part of a trend in which crimes committed by blacks and Asians are ignored but crimes committed by whites are talked about for days and are typically labeled as hate crimes even when no evidence supports the claim. 

It seems the news media has become a suppressor of facts and a spreader of misinformation, which is exactly what their job is according to some former news reporters who have left the industry. Kari Lake is one of those people. She got out of the news business when her conscious wouldn't allow her to continue any longer.

Are The Vax Jabs Creating Zombie Drivers?

Bad driving has always been a thing. But in the past year I've noticed a dramatic increase in strange behavior on the roads. There seem to be more people exhibiting reckless and aggressive driving than ever before. People are speeding 20, 30, even 40 mph above posted speed limits. They're weaving in and out of traffic, cutting people off and not using turn signals. Red lights have become mere suggestions to some. I routinely see people crossing three lanes of traffic so they can hit an exit ramp at the last second which they would have seen had they been paying attention. Many are driving at night with no headlights on, or driving in heavy traffic with their high beams on, with no realization they're blinding everyone else around them. And then there are the ones who seem to be lobotomized yet are still able to operate a vehicle, somewhat. They drive 10 mph below the speed limit in the passing lane oblivious to everyone behind them. And let's not leave out the zombies who stare at their phones instead of realizing they're driving a two ton metal object on a busy street. What are they doing that is so important they're willing to risk their lives and the lives of other travelers? Are they getting their brain implants programmed by the mothership? I don't know, but I've had two of these distracted idiots hit me just this year alone.

What has changed that could create such dangerous driving? I'm suggesting it may be the covid vax jabs, which have been proven to contain all kinds of bizarre ingredients including graphene oxide and various conductive metals. People who have been injected and boosted don't act the same as they used to. They seem a bit off, as if something has affected their mental capacities. But regardless of the cause, be extra careful when you're on the road unless you want to be the next victim of a zombie driver. They seem to be missing their brains.

The World Is Directed By Evil.

"This world is being directed by a level of evil that is almost impossible to comprehend." -- David Icke

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