The Emperor Has No Clothes.

I didn't vote for Donald Trump in 2016 because I had an odd feeling that he would turn out to be a fraud. Even though I'd followed his career for years and had read a few of his books (which seemed to be mostly ghost written), there was something about him I couldn't put all my trust in. I felt like we were all being set up for a fall. After he was elected I began to feel better about him as I saw him trying his best while being relentlessly attacked by the Democratic Party and the Communists who were beginning to step out of the shadows after decades of pretending to be "progressives". So in 2020 I confidently voted for Trump, only to see the election stolen by the globalists and their deep state operatives. I supported and defended Trump as he challenged the election results, and hoped there was a path that would send him back to the White House. But his actions since leaving office have caused me to stop supporting him completely. 

The first thing that bothered me was his complete lack of support for the January 6 political prisoners held by the Biden regime in a grimy DC torture facility. Over a year has passed since the so-called "insurrection" occurred at a rally organized and promoted by Trump and many of the accused have still not had their day in court. The jailed complain about inhumane living conditions, abuse by the guards, and an inability to communicate with their families or attorneys. These are loyal Trump fans who sacrificed everything to support their President. In return, Trump has been silent and has done nothing to help free the prisoners or get them better treatment. It seems he has forgotten them, or else sees them as a liability to his future political and business ambitions.

Then in an interview on, researcher and author Susan Bradford revealed that Donald Trump is actually a Trojan horse for the globalists. According to Bradford, "Trump had been groomed for the Presidency decades ago to serve as a populist candidate indebted, and ultimately controlled, by the Rothschilds, the dynasty bankrolling and driving a New World Order. Trump ceased being his own man in 1987 when he acquired a 93 percent stake in Resorts International, a casino whose principal investors were Tibor Rosenbaum, David Rockefeller, and Baron Edmond de Rothschild. Once indebted to the international criminal elite, he was essentially owned by them." Bradford also theorizes that Trump's "Save America" rallies are nothing but money making events designed to save the Trump brand and that he has no interest in another term as President. 

As bad as those things are, Trump's worst sin is his ongoing promotion of the dangerous and deadly covid vaccines. When the jabs first became available, Trump was understandably proud of his "Operation Warp Speed" achievement. But when the injury and death reports began coming in, he ignored them. He kept on pushing his vaccines (which technically aren't really vaccines by any traditional definition) while the body count climbed. Even after tens of thousands of people had died from the covid jabs and hundreds of thousands had been seriously injured, Trump continued to promote the vaccines during televised interviews and at his rallies. He allowed himself to become one of Pfizer's and Moderna's best spokesmen. After more than 30,000 people had died, many conservative podcasters and political commentators began appealing to Trump, asking him to please stop promoting the jabs and warn people of the potential dangers. He refused to do so. In fact, when Alex Jones asked Trump to cease and desist, Trump reportedly replied "I don't want to hear about this again from anybody. I think it's good, and that's it." 

I'll say what others are afraid to say: We're in the worst genocide in human history. The pandemic psy-op was created to frighten people into taking the so-called vaccines, which are in reality bio-weapons designed to depopulate the planet. By pushing this poison upon the public and refusing to warn us about its dangers, Donald Trump is complicit in the genocide. Whether that's out of ignorance or malice doesn't matter to the victims and their families. People have died needlessly, fulfilling goals the globalists have been writing and talking about for decades

It's beginning to look like the entire MAGA movement was created by Trump to distract us while the globalists advanced their agenda of creating a global open-air slave colony that is basically a high tech version of old fashioned feudalism. We'll own nothing, and the wealthy elites think we'll be happy with that.

It's not too late for Trump to prove he's really on our side. He can speak up about the January 6 political prisoners. He can stop pushing toxic jabs upon his trusting followers. And he can publicly denounce the globalists and the World Economic Forum, The Great Reset, and Agenda 2030. And for extra points he can tell us what he knows about Jeffrey Epstein's child trafficking empire.

The world is waiting.

Globalists Don't Believe Their Own Climate Change Propaganda.

Scientists and news media sites, both of which are often controlled by wealthy globalists, tell us every day that CO2 levels are too high, resulting in rising temperatures that threaten life on Earth. But many of us think the entire climate change narrative is nothing more than a scam, part of the UN's 'Agenda 2030' and the World Economic Forum's 'Great Reset'. Although both claim to be working for the good of the planet and humanity, in reality they plan to radically change human society by reducing the population and severely restricting our ability to live as free people. To be more blunt, they're creating the bio-security state, a global digital prison from which they will be no escape. The climate change narrative is designed to frighten us into voluntarily giving up our property and our rights. We are being tricked into believing if we live in pods, eat bugs, and endure cold winters without heat, that our sacrifices will save the planet and all of mankind. 

Don't believe their scam. It's a psy-op, just like the covid pandemic, but even more dangerous. The globalists who want to impose "climate lockdowns", end the use of fossil fuels, and send civilization back to the era of feudalism don't drink the Kool-Aid they're serving to the rest of us. Even while the corrupt news media is telling us that sea levels will rise by ten feet in the next few years, billionaires are buying oceanfront mansions and developers are building multi-million dollar resorts right at the sea. Banks are financing much of it and insurance companies are writing policies to protect these properties which, according to the psy-op, will soon be destroyed by flooding. That hardly sounds like a wise business decision, does it?

Even worse, we're being told that CO2 is our enemy, a toxic gas that is destroying the planet. But is it? Did anyone ask the plants, which depend on CO2 for survival? Without CO2 there is no life, including human life. Many scientists not employed by the climate change death cult have said we actually need more CO2 than we have now. But instead of working to increase our global levels, the cult is building insane machines that allegedly suck the gas out of the air to be stored in underground caverns. I don't think these machines are real but instead are elements of the psy-op to add a layer of seriousness and fear to the public consciousness.

Want proof that all of this is just another rich man's trick? Just look at the massive construction projects that seem to be everywhere. Even though trees convert CO2 into oxygen, when the globalists see a chance to make money they'll cut down thousands of acres of trees and replace them with asphalt parking lots and concrete factories and distribution centers. There are abandoned buildings in every city that could be torn down to make room for new developments, but that rarely happens. They'd rather kill life-giving trees than recycle a blighted part of town because it's cheaper that way. They're not worried about climate change. They're worried about their money. 

Here are a few examples:

Factory megasite in China.

Unknown development in Albemarle NC.

Office building development in Raleigh NC.

Commercial site in New South Wales, Australia.

Toyota electric vehicle battery factory, Liberty NC. (1,825 acres)

Toyota electric vehicle battery factory, Liberty NC, alternate view. (1,825 acres)

These sites alone represent thousands of acres of trees that have been destroyed to make room for developments owned by the globalists. If climate change is truly an existential threat to the planet, why are they cutting down so many trees? Why are governments allowing this to happen? Why aren't the radical Marxists of Extinction Rebellion chaining themselves to trees to keep these mega-factories from being built?

Because climate change is a scam, and they all know it.

The News Media Keeps Us Ignorant About Reality.

Humanity is literally in a war, fighting to remain free while wealthy globalists and their puppets in the government (federal, state, and local) work around the clock to turn the world into a giant, digitally controlled slave colony. We've never faced a threat as dangerous as this in recorded human history. Millions of people have united to defeat this threat, yet millions more have no idea we're in a war at all. How can this be? I decided to find out. Below is a chart showing several of the most important topics related to this war, along with columns showing eight of the most popular news sites online. There are four columns from liberal media sites and four columns from conservative media sites. I visited all of their websites on August 27, 2022 and counted how many articles each had on those important topics. The totals are from the main (first) pages only and don't include deep links. I wanted to view each site exactly as a typical reader might, and most readers don't go past the main page except to read specific articles found on the main page. And you might think that reviewing only a single date doesn't provide an accurate picture, but I feel that it does. I made the chart after reading weeks of news on all of these sites and realizing few of them ever report on these topics. 

Let's look at the results:

While I expected to see a considerable amount of bias depending on which way a site leaned politically, in reality there wasn't much of that on the topics I reviewed. There was bias but it was focused on petty left/right differences and stories about Joe Biden's policies or anything and everything to do with Donald Trump. On the topics related to the imminent threats to our freedom, most of the sites had nothing to say at all. 

If you've talked to friends about the evil deeds of the global elites and the World Economic Forum and gotten no response but a blank stare, my chart shows why: there were no articles about them from any of the eight news sites I reviewed. Your friends look at you like you're crazy because the mainstream media never talks about the globalists or the WEF unless it's time for the annual G7 or Davos meetings, and even then the coverage is spun to make the meetings look like gatherings of compassionate leaders trying to make the world a better place. But nothing could further from the truth.

Your friends are also likely ignorant about the large number of scientists who don't support the theory of man-made climate change. They've probably never seen the proof that chemtrails contain harmful chemicals that not only affect our weather but also damage our health. They probably accept the increasingly discredited theory that viruses cause diseases. The evidence is almost overwhelming that virology is a quack science, but you'd never learn that from a news industry largely financed by Pfizer and other pharmaceutical giants.

But notice the one category that almost every news site focuses on: Distractions/Celebrity News/Fluff. These are the endless stories about Hollywood, athletes, musicians, tech gadgets, sex scandals, and other unimportant diversions that waste our time and take attention away from things that actually matter. CNN, CBS, and Fox News were all exceptionally heavy with such nonsense. Breitbart typically fills up their page with stories about unhinged liberal celebrities as well, Joy Behar being one of their favorite people, but on this particular day they showed some restraint. But still they had 14 useless articles and nothing at all about vaccine injuries and deaths, the global genocide, or the coming threat of CBDC/central bank digital currency. 

On topic after topic that directly affects our ability to remain free from fascist totalitarian control, the news media is silent. It appears that they are intentionally suppressing information the public needs to make informed decisions. 

The result is that the distracted and overwhelmed masses remain largely ignorant about what is going on all around them. Most don't have the time or energy to dig through research papers or to discover trustworthy alternative news sites. They consume and believe the most convenient sources of information presented to them, a habit that takes them down a path of misinformation and propaganda, or, as the chart shows, they're led down a path that shows them nothing at all.

Wealthy Parasites Live By Different Rules Than The Rest Of Us.

Those who say you don't need a gun to protect yourself...have armed guards.

Those who tell you to reduce your carbon footprint...own private jets.

Those who are warning you about rising sea levels...bought beach homes.

Those who told you to stay home to stop covid-19...went to dinner parties.

[graphic by The Free Thought Project -]

HIV & The Virus Deception: Scientist Blows Whistle On Entrenched Fraud.

The "science" on viruses is being increasingly debunked as brave researchers step forward and reveal the truth about the world of virology. Lives are being destroyed thanks to the money-driven deceptions being advanced by government agencies, NGO's, and research labs. This fascinating interview exposes it all and will shake your beliefs about what really causes diseases.

Here is the introduction to the interview ripped straight from Brendan D. Murphy's website:

"Ex-pharma senior scientist and medical whistleblower Mike Donio joins me for an insightful and disturbing show centered around the highly dubious “science” underpinning the HIV-AIDS myth. He details how he came through the education system and into the pharmaceutical industry with the best of intentions, hoping to do good science to make the world a better place. However he soon began finding reasons to question what he had been told about “viruses”, how they were supposedly worked with, “proved,” and how they were identified as so-called disease-causing agents. It turned out that nothing about HIV was as it initially seemed. Eventually, Mike realised the realm of corporately controlled Science wasn’t going to let him make a positive difference in the world, and was ultimately terminated from his job for refusing to take the experimental DNA-altering covax."

Watch the video here:

Or listen to the audio here:

Are You A Free Person Or Are You A Slave?

Are you really free or are your actions controlled by others? This short quiz will help you determine what's really going on with your life.

Does your government require you to wear a face mask even though scientific studies have proven masks don't protect you or others from diseases, and in fact may create health risks of their own?

Are you required to display a digital ID or vaccine passport before entering government buildings or public transit facilities? Are you barred from entering private businesses unless you have a digital ID or vaccine passport because the businesses are forced to comply with government mandates to avoid massive fines? Has any government agency demanded that you submit to a biometric scan in order to receive services or benefits? 

Are you under constant surveillance by government-owned security cameras whenever you leave your home? Do your neighbors have internet connected cameras that the police have access to whenever they request it, even without a warrant? Are any of these cameras connected to artificial intelligence facial recognition software?

Are you required to get a license or permit before you go fishing or hunting for food? 

Are you charged sales tax on food?

Do you have to get a government agency's permission before buying certain products, such as handguns and ammunition? Are you barred from buying or possessing certain items because a few politicians have decided they don't think you should have those items? Have those same politicians outlawed the manufacturing of certain items such as alcohol and marijuana because they can't tax them?

Are you paying property taxes despite the fact that such taxes are unconstitutional?

Can your property be seized by the government for not paying unconstitutional property taxes or other government fines, fees, and taxes?

Can the IRS use deadly force to enter your home or business to seize your documents or property for the purpose of collecting unconstitutional income taxes?

Are you forbidden to do whatever you wish to do with your own land (other than activities that are a critical risk to the lives of your neighbors)? Are you required to comply with zoning laws, get construction permits, and build what the government demands rather than what you want to build?

Can the government require you to take any medications, including vaccines, without your permission? Is that permission obtained by threats of force or threats to your freedom?

If you answered "yes" to any question above, you're not as free as you might think you are. If you answered "yes" to several questions, it's time to accept that you're a slave and have no control over your own existence. You're a source of revenue for a corrupt government controlled by international bankers and other wealthy elites.

If you're not happy with that, change how you think and change what you do. Freedom has to demanded. You're not going to get it any other way.

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