The Pandemic Psy-Op Has Brainwashed People Into Believing The Unbelievable.

If you spend any time on conservative social media sites it's easy to get the impression that people are "waking up" to the covid pandemic nonsense and that victory over the globalist psychopaths is right around the corner. It's certainly true that greater numbers are aware of the scam today than in 2020. The so-called elites have overplayed their hand in many areas and their attempts to lock down the world in a disease-fearing digital prison have been exposed. But they're still winning, and that's a serious problem.

It seems the majority have completely bought in to the pandemic psy-op and all the tyrannical accessories that come with it.

During a recent trip to a grocery store, at least half the customers were wearing face masks, despite there being no mandates to do so. We're two and a half years into this madness and people still think they need masks? How much longer will they wear them? Forever? Aren't these people "vaccinated"? Don't they trust the vaccines to actually do something other than be a tool for virtue signaling?

I went out to dinner with a triple vaxxed friend. In the small restaurant where people were close together, my friend didn't wear a mask. But after dinner we both stopped at the same large grocery store to buy ice cream. On the way into the store he put on a high-filtration N-95 face mask. The grocery store had less people in it than the restaurant, making my friend's behavior totally illogical. I asked why he put on the mask to go to the grocery store and he wouldn't explain it. He probably couldn't explain it. Brainwashing has that effect on people.

I saw my neighbor holding a covid "quick test" that a drug store delivery driver had just brought. He said his brother had tested positive for covid so he was testing himself to be safe. I explained to him that viruses don't cause diseases. He replied, "Oh, I know that", yet he was still going to test himself to see if he'd been exposed to a virus that has never been isolated and proven to exist. Meanwhile another neighbor was standing on the sidewalk waiting for her Uber driver to arrive. She was wearing a mask.

I spoke to my mother and she said her church has cancelled all services this week because almost everyone in the church has covid. The church congregation is mostly older people who are most likely vaccinated. My mother didn't understand when I tried to explain that the congregation probably has vaccine side effects rather than covid. Or maybe they just have allergies or one of the many respiratory conditions that senior citizens are prone to get. But I guess simple things like that aren't allowed in the psy-op. Every illness has to be covid. There is nothing else.

My stepmother has been in the hospital for a couple of weeks. She's been unresponsive, unable to talk, walk, or eat. The doctors didn't know what was wrong with her but never suggested she was suffering from a vax reaction. She eventually got better but now they say she's tested positive for covid despite being triple jabbed. She has to stay in the hospital nine more days at a minimum unless the useless PCR test comes up positive once again and then she'll have to stay even longer. Strangely, my dad has been with her every day and his test came up negative. This is not the first time my triple jabbed stepmother has been told she had covid. She had flu symptoms a couple of times earlier but recovered as one does from the flu. My dad, fully on-board with the psy-op, repeated the words from the official cult script: "If she hadn't been vaccinated, it would have been worse."

I bet you could tell similar stories about your family and friends. The pandemic psy-op has been so successful that intelligent and educated people are willing to believe the unbelievable. The endless propaganda from compromised news media sources, government officials, and bribed medical professionals has switched off the public's ability to do any critical thinking. What began as fear-based obedience is now just blind obedience. Rather than questioning what they see they wait until an authority figure tells them what it is they're seeing. The obedience is so intense, if they've been told the sky is pink and you try to correct them by saying the sky is really blue, they'll argue you down, unable to accept what is right before them. That's the power of the psy-op.

If we don't learn how to break through it and free more minds, the world will soon become a very grim and joyless place to be, an open-air prison where the wealthiest psychopaths are the wardens.

Country Club Conservatives Won't Fight For Freedom.

Much of the world knows we're in a real war against wealthy globalists who want to control every aspect of our lives. Freedom is under attack from every direction. The supply chain and food production are being destroyed, international bankers are trying to introduce CBDC (central bank digital currency), surveillance is increasing with more than one billion CCTV cameras installed globally, censorship is on the rise, digital ID's are being rolled out around the world, and government-corporate partnerships are supporting an agenda of medical tyranny.

Left unchecked and unstopped, within just a few years all of humanity will be living in a digital prison that we've actually helped to build. We'll be tracked 24/7, fed a steady diet of government propaganda, injected with whatever chemicals the pharmaceutical industry insists we need, and not allowed to wander more than a mile or two from our homes. 

While these predictions are well known to anyone who's been paying attention for the past two years, the solutions are less obvious. Revolution is always an option, but it's also one that the globalists have planned for and may even encourage, as it would give them an excuse to retaliate with a harsh, bloody crackdown. At the present time I feel that education and unified non-compliance are the best approaches to the threats we face. While a violent uprising may be necessary eventually, we're not at that point yet.

But when that time comes, there are two groups who won't be at our side: the first are country club conservatives. You know who they are: wealthy people who judge others by their economic status, play golf at an exclusive club, work at a business they likely inherited, live in huge homes in gated communities, and quite possibly drive their kids to a private school in their new Suburban. The other group are people who aspire to live in the same manner but haven't quite gotten there yet.

Both groups typically vote Republican but do so purely for selfish interests. They're driven by money rather than by principles of freedom. They want low taxes and they want less government regulation of businesses that affect their income, but all other regulations usually meet their approval. They don't mind sending poor kids overseas to fight senseless wars. Censorship and surveillance are okay in their minds, because if you don't have anything to hide, why should you worry? These are people who choose their own form of totalitarianism by living in neighborhoods tightly controlled by homeowner's associations. They don't want their neighbors to paint their house an unapproved color for fear it bring down property values. And they'll gladly turn in another homeowner who let's his grass grow a half inch too tall.

They really don't care about freedom. They care about money, and they'll give up their own rights and sabotage yours if it means their bank accounts stay fat.

So as the nation moves closer to becoming an open-air slave colony, these conservatives will go along to get along if they think it will help them hold on to their wealth just a little bit longer. They'll send money to Congress in the hope our selected officials will kick the can down the road a little bit further even while the rest of us struggle to buy food. They'll never pick up a gun and defend our Constitution. Instead they'll lock their driveway gates and cower in fear when the globalist's thugs come to torch their neighborhood.

But they won't fight.

Right up to the end they'll be compromising and trying to negotiate their way into keeping the keys to the Suburban.

Fascist Propaganda Media Is Using The Sandy Hook Trial To Destroy Alex Jones' Character.

Alex Jones is on trial in a defamation case launched by the parents of the children killed in the Sandy Hook shooting. Trials and other legal proceedings bore me so I won't go into details about the case. There's plenty of information available elsewhere if you want to learn about what is, in my opinion, a very biased and unfair trial against Jones. 

What I'm focused on today is the mind control disguised as journalism that is being forced upon the public. The Fascist propaganda news sites are using the trial as an excuse to churn out endless false statements about Alex Jones in an apparent effort to destroy his character and ultimately his InfoWars empire. Jones is certainly a polarizing character, but whether you love him or hate him, he still deserves to be written about impartially by people who claim to be journalists. Unfortunately that has not happened. 

A few examples: 

NewsNation, a part of the left-wing news conglomerate Nexstar Media, called Jones a "conspiracy theorist". 

CNET described Jones as a "radio host and accused conspiracy-theory peddler" and that he was making "baseless claims" about the Sandy Hook shooting. By now we know that when the media trots out the phrase "baseless claims" what they really mean is they've done no research and they don't want you to do any, either.

Globalist-owned Reuters called Jones "the U.S. conspiracy theorist".

CNN called Jones a "right-wing conspiracy theorist". That's not surprising. Anyone to the right of Chairman Mao is a right-wing conspiracy theorist to the radicals at CNN.

The left-wing extremists at MSNBC said Jones is a "conspiracy theorist and right-wing grifter". I have to give them a little credit: if anyone knows what a conspiracy theorist is, it would be MSNBC. They've had several on their payroll for many years. Rachel Maddow, are you listening?

Breitbart, which pretends to be a conservative news media site, took the easy way out and regurgitated a story from the Associated Press which unsurprisingly labeled Jones as a "conspiracy theorist". 

NBC News also ran the Associated Press story rather than do any real reporting. CBS News did the same thing.

The SF Gate, owned by the globalists at Hearst, described Jones as "one of America’s most influential and destructive conspiracy theorists".

Finally, the Marxist rag The Huffington Post called Jones "a notorious conspiracy theorist". The Huffington Post is owned by the notoriously biased left-wing media company BuzzFeed.

(Fox News and Newsmax are ignoring the trial.)

I could keep going but I think you get the idea. All of the mainstream media outlets covering the trial have described Jones as a conspiracy theorist. They want to create the image that everything he says is crazy and should be ignored. But keep in mind that the term "conspiracy theorist' was first used by the CIA to psychologically manipulate the public into not believing things that eventually turned out to be true. And as any long-term or even occasional viewer of InfoWars can tell you, most of what is reported by Jones and his crew is later found out to be completely factual, no matter how extreme it seems at first.

But the globalists and their fake news puppets don't want you know that. Don't look behind the curtain. Just believe the official narratives and feel safe in the delusions they've created for us, delusions interrupted by bursts of fear when they want us to give up our money or our freedom.

Don't Feed The Beast.

Google, Facebook (Meta), Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter are all part of the technocratic beast system that is working day and night to build a global digital prison that you'll never be able to escape from. There are other monsters in this hellish slave world: the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, the United Nations, international  bankers, and puppet governments all over the globe. All of them need to be fought and brought down.

But start where you are with what you can easily do: stop using all products and services made by the Fascist tech companies. There are alternatives. Use them.

Don't feed the beast. It isn't your friend. It's the enemy of humanity, morality, and freedom.

We Could Lose The War Against The Globalists. Here's Why.

It's not over till it's over, but I'm seeing storm clouds ahead that aren't forming in our favor, and we need to be concerned. If we don't change our tactics, the globalists are going to defeat us. What am I talking about?

We're in a war. There are powerful, intelligent people, the so-called global elites, who want us either dead or enslaved. They want the riches of the world for themselves and their robotic servants. They only need enough of us around to keep the robots running, until the day comes the robots can repair themselves, and then they won't need us at all. We'll truly become useless eaters, at least in the opinion of the elites, and we'll be quickly disposed of.

Of course it doesn't have to end that way. We are the majority and we can easily stop their evil plans if we come together and fight them, united as brothers & sisters determined to live in freedom instead of slavery.

But that's where the storm clouds begin to form.

The globalists, generally thought to be led by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, are playing a long game with several different strategies, but the main one being used right now is "divide and conquer": Win by getting one's opponents to fight among themselves. It's a simple strategy that's been used in war for centuries. Rather than confront one large enemy, divide it by race, sex, age, nationality, religion, or any other trait we self-identify as, then attack each small group one by one until no one is left to fight.

I'm seeing quite a bit of this going on now. Social media sites and podcasters have been hot spots for divide and conquer. Some examples: 

Mike Adams of Health Ranger, Natural News, and Brighteon posted the statement above accusing gay men of spreading monkeypox despite there being no credible evidence to back his claim. Adams posted a link to The Hill, a far left propaganda site, to support his assertion. Why would he do that? On any other subject I doubt he'd reference that source, but because it props up his prejudices, it suddenly became a credible news site. If that isn't bad enough, The Hill uses claims from the World Health Organization as support for its article. Adams has been a very loud critic of the WHO and generally dismisses everything they say, but not when they say something that stigmatizes a group of people Adams seems to hate. He actually wrote that gay people have "filthy, disease-spreading lifestyles". That's the sort of language the Nazi's used to justify killing Jews. Maybe he's just not very bright since he implied that monkeypox could be controlled if gay people stopped having anal sex. Ignore all the other, more common, ways monkeypox can be spread so that the hate can flow. And actually, it's never been proven that monkeypox or any other disease is caused by viruses. Adams knows that, I'm sure. He should also know that skin blisters are a known side effect of the covid vax, meaning reported cases of monkeypox are very likely to be ADE (antibody dependent enhancement) or VAIDS (vaccine-induced acquired immune deficiency syndrome). So who's side is Mike Adams on? We, the people, defending ourselves against the globalists? Or is he helping the globalists by creating divisions that make us weaker? 

Next we have this post found on GAB. Best I can figure, it's a Christian going after the "alt-right". It's a minor skirmish, but it's another example of the resistance fighting among itself instead of focusing on the real enemy.

Here's another dose of divisive hate, again found on GAB:

The division and hate seem to have no limits. Jews, Catholics, atheists, Mexicans, Asians, Russians, Democrats, Libertarians, gays, lesbians, doctors, teachers, and almost anyone else you can think of have been attacked while the global elites sit back and laugh at our ignorance. We're going at each other like little kids on the playground and everything is being taken from us while we fight. 

We're being manipulated by the elites to do this. They plant the seeds of hatred all over the place and wait for them to grow. The transgender movement is an example of this. It's a very divisive issue and the elites know it. That's why they made sure it became a part of the gay and lesbian rights movement, even though many gays and lesbians wanted no part of it. Drop in "Drag Queen Storytime" and hints that gay men want to rape children and instantly you've turned millions of people against each other. These same elites are using the Black Lives Matter movement to divide white against black, and they're behind the current unrest surrounding the abortion issue. In fact, on just about any issue that separates us, the elites are creating the separation for their own selfish benefit.

Why can't people see what is being done to us? Why are people falling into the globalist's traps? Is it ignorance, or do they know they're helping the enemy and simply don't care?

Whatever the reason, it has to stop. Freedom fighters of all types are going to have to unite and work together to stop the depopulation effort and the totalitarian prison society that is being built all around us. And that means reaching out and finding common ground with people we've been told are our enemies.

I'll leave you with this famous statement by Patrick Henry:

"Let us trust God, and our better judgment to set us right hereafter. United we stand, divided we fall. Let us not split into factions which must destroy that union upon which our existence hangs."

The Problems Of The World Are Caused By Your Obedience.

It's easy to blame the psychopaths for all the oppression and chaos we're seeing today. But the problems of the world aren't caused by insane politicians. They're caused by our obedience to them.

Fascism and tyranny cannot exist without our compliance.

Mass non-compliance will set us free.

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