The Goal Is A Totalitarian Police State.

totalitarian police state

When you realize the goal is a totalitarian police state, everything we've been through makes sense:

A pandemic psy-op, cancel culture, censorship, travel restrictions, searches & seizures, frozen bank accounts, the climate change scam, constant propaganda, "hate" crime laws, arrests of whistleblowers, election fraud, the January 06 DC trap, forced injections of bio-weapons, vaccine passports, the encouragement of violence by the left, the breakdown of morality, the invasion of America's southern border, mass migration into European nations, digital ID, invasive airport security, infiltration & weakening of churches, mass consumption of prescription & illegal mind-altering drugs, governments compromised by the fascist World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization, the gradual elimination of cash, out-of-control inflation, the housing crisis, 9/11, endless contrived wars, The Patriot Act, surveillance cameras everywhere, militarized police forces, armed IRS agents, gun bans virtually worldwide, geoengineering (chemtrails), and the encouragement of people to spy on and report their friends, family, and neighbors to the authorities. And I probably missed several things.

Freedom is under attack around the world. We are heading toward a New World Order with the super-wealthy "elites" at the top, and a feudal or communist society for the rest of us, brutally enforced by government thugs and advanced technology. 

We stop it now, or we become slaves forever.

Hypnotized Into Ignorance.

phone zombies

[credit: artist unknown]

Zombies receiving their programming and a manufactured reality while surrounded by the real world. Will they wake up? Will they look up?

Bomb Back Better!

Joe Biden nuclear war

Of course it's satire. But I really do wonder how anyone could vote for Joe Biden in 2024 considering how the world has basically been on fire ever since he was "elected" in 2020. We're closer to World War III than we've ever been. Will Democrats come to their senses and turn their backs on Biden, perhaps saving the entire world? Or will the mind control continue, resulting in millions voting for their own annihilation? 

2024 is going to be an interesting year. Let's hope it's not our last.

How They Plan To Take Your House.

man looking at abandoned building

In this video, Bjørn Andreas Bull-Hansen tells how the global deep state plans to take away your house and turn you into a permanent renter. They tell us it's to combat climate change and save the planet, but in reality it's a step toward returning society to a feudal age, separated into the super wealthy and the super poor. 

Although this video has a European perspective, the same plans have been discussed for the UK, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United States. In fact, home ownership is threatened anywhere the globalists are able to spread their extreme, anti-human agenda. 

Share this video with your friends and family. Mass awareness is how we win.

This Is Psychological Warfare.

quote on psychological warfare

"You do realize...they are trying to mentally exhaust you and break you down. So when they attempt their next step in their plan... you just give up and fold and comply.

They think because you're tired and sick of arguing and just want shit to go back to normal you'll start giving up your freedoms.

I was not kidding when I said this is PSYCHOLOGICAL warfare.

It is NOT for the weak.

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