Unable To Think. Unfit To Serve.

Joe Biden trance

“Child care, elder care, making sure that we continue to strengthen our health care system, making sure that we’re able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I’ve been able to do with the, uh, with the COVID. Excuse me, with dealing with everything we have to do with … look, if we finally beat Medicare.” -- Joe Biden, June 27 2024

James Woods tweet about Joe Biden

"There's no way whoever is in charge of this presidency didn't know this man was suffering from serious cognitive challenges. I loathe today's Democrats, but when they can manage to make me feel sorry for Joseph Biden, they are more than loathsome. They are beyond reproach." -- James Woods

Timo Malum Featured On The David Knight Show.

David Knight

On Friday's 'The David Knight Show', David read excerpts from two articles on TimoMalum.com. The articles focused on the 2024 presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. I was honored to be mentioned on the show. Thank you, David, for all you do!

The Democratic Party Sacrificed Joe Biden Tonight.

Joe Biden the idea meme

Like many Americans, I watched the first debate of the year for the presidential campaign. And also like many Americans, I was appalled by Joe Biden's performance. It was the cringe event of the century. Many people half-joked before the debate that Biden wouldn't be able to last the night unless he was jacked up on amphetamines and other stimulants. The second he began talking we knew it probably wasn't a joke after all. He rambled on and on at high speed, not even pausing between sentences and rarely blinking as he looked around in wide-eyed confusion. Many of his sentences trailed off into mumbling. What was he saying? Even Trump couldn't figure it out. And I lost count of how many times Biden began a sentence with "the idea", as in "The idea that you question me". He said it so often it became both comical and sad at the same time.

news media reaction to Biden's debate performance

After the debate, the news media talking heads all cried together with fake concern about Joe Biden's performance. They seemed to be in a genuine panic about what they'd just witnessed, and many began suggesting it was time for Biden to step aside and let someone new take on Donald Trump. But the reactions weren't natural and spontaneous. Although the debate was real, the after-debate chatter on all the news programs was planned in advance. I heard intel last week that Democratic Party insiders were planning to replace Biden after the debate. They let him go on, knowing it would be a train wreck. News media commentators knew what would happen, and their remarks were partially scripted. Biden was sacrificed tonight by a political party more concerned about power than in preserving any dignity left in an elderly man who has been their puppet for the past four years. Such is the morality of the Democratic Party.

This was probably Biden's last debate. We'll now be subjected to days of pre-planned televised interviews with party officials talking about how Joe needs to go, followed by discussions of who could possibly take his place. But we know it's a conversation that's already been privately held many times over the past few months, and there's little doubt that they've already picked someone new. 

For the power-mad elites running the Democratic Party, tonight's debate was just their way of clearing the stage of an old, frail, and pathetic man they no longer have a use for. It's a heartless way to treat a person, and if they'll do it to one of their own, what do you think they'll do the rest of us?

Bread & Circuses: The Presidential Debate Is A Distraction From Reality.

Donald Trump vs Joe Biden

The first presidential debate of 2024 happens tonight. If you're expecting to hear anything of importance from either candidate, you're going to be hugely disappointed. This spectacle of lies and empty promises is being held to make us think the democratic process is alive and well in America. But it's really a distraction designed to burn off some of your political anger as "your guy", whoever that is, throws insults at the other in an event that's more like a professional wrestling match than a scholarly discussion. None of the really important problems facing our country will be discussed with any degree of honesty. And when it's all over, you'll likely think of one of those important problems and say, "no one talked about (fill in the blank)". That's because neither Donald Trump nor Joe Biden are willing to actually do anything about the important problems...or at least, not in a way they want you to know about. 

Keep this list handy as you watch the debate and when it's over, see how many of these issues were discussed:

  1. Israel's influence over American politics, including AIPAC lobbying.
  2. Efforts to back away from a nuclear war with Russia and/or China.
  3. Honest talk about how NATO provoked Russia's conflict with Ukraine.
  4. An apology for supplying (or promising to supply) weapons to Israel for their genocide in Gaza.
  5. An honest discussion about the injuries and deaths related to the COVID vaccines.
  6. Any mention of the Grand Solar Minimum beginning in 2030 which could cause a mini ice age.
  7. Encouragement that we become more self-sufficient by growing gardens and collecting rainwater.
  8. A strategy to stop the advancement of Communism within the United States.
  9. Admission that the CIA, the DOJ, the FBI, the FDA, the CDC, and other agencies need to be reorganized or eliminated.
  10. A strategy to reduce the size of the government.
  11. CBDC's - Central Bank Digital Currencies
  12. Digital ID's as related to internet access and censorship.
  13. World Health Organization control over domestic public health policies.
  14. The Jeffrey Epstein client files.
  15. A solid, workable plan to fix the housing crisis which is putting millions of Americans at risk of homelessness.
  16. A ban on glyphosate and other "forever" chemicals that are creating chronic health problems.
  17. A fix for the southern border, plus a way to track down and vet the people who have already been let in to make sure no terrorists or foreign military agents are inside our borders.
  18. An assurance that our food supply won't be destroyed in misguided efforts to contain "bird flu" and other diseases.
  19. Geoengineering and chemtrails.
  20. The inevitable insolvency of social security.

I bet you can think of even more than I have. And I further bet that nothing on my list will be touched by either candidate, because all the things I listed are in some way related to the agendas of the deep state and the globalists. Instead, Trump will fall back on his "Make America Great Again" slogan while offering vague plans for things he promises to do, but never really will, and Biden will spend most of his time lying about how much he's accomplished and how he promises to do more of the same. 

And when the lights dim and the candidates walk off the stage, most people in America will be unchanged in who they intend to vote for, comforted by the delusion that "their guy" will lead us to greatness. They'll never even think about how none of the important problems were discussed. 

But you will. You've got the list.

Notes From Clown World: June 23, 2024.

bill nye

Bill Nye, not a science guy, was on ABC’s “This Week” to discuss the recent hot weather, also known as "summer". Nye told the (hopefully small) audience: 

“It’s the beginning of the new normal, with respect. So the latest — the latest research is that there’s not a turning point or a tipping point or a knee in the curve. It’s just going to get hotter and hotter and worse and worse and more and more extreme. So this is a taste of the normal of the future unless we, humankind, get to work and address it."

How should we address it, Bill? Will massive carbon taxes that benefit the super-wealthy do the trick? Will locking people inside 15-minute cities and restricting access to travel, food, water, electricity, and fuel solve our problems? Or should we just go back in time and enjoy the austere lifestyle of the pre-industrial era? Maybe what we should be doing is questioning if there is a real problem at all. Despite the climate-change cult's claims about the weather, the truth is that reasonably accurate temperature records only go back just over 100 years. That's not long enough for anyone to make definitive claims about what is happening now or what will happen next. And even if temperatures are rising, many (honest) climate scientists say human activity can't affect it in any significant way. If humans ARE responsible for climate change, I'd suspect government experiments like H.A.A.R.P. and flight-based geoengineering are doing far more harm than your neighbor's old Dodge Dart that he refuses to get rid of. Elon Musk's rockets and the Pentagon's endless wars probably aren't very healthy, either.

And why isn't Nye talking about the Grand Solar Minimum that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is predicting will begin in 2030? This will be a decade of no sunspots, an event has not occurred in as long as humanity has been counting sunspots. The few scientists who are willing to talk about it say we'll be experiencing extreme global cooling which could even be a mini ice age. Crops won't grow, people will die of famine, and governments will collapse. That certainly sounds like a greater threat to humanity than anything the climate-change cult is screaming about.

Bill Nye is free to say what he wants. But I'm free to tell you he's not a meteorologist and therefore shouldn't be trusted as a reliable source on a subject as 'heated' as climate change. His training is as a mechanical engineer but he's spent most of his life as a comedian and a television presenter. Nye is a lifetime left-leaning Democrat and he limits his carbon footprint by only owning two homes. [source: Wikipedia]

news coverage about bird flu

The global deep state continues to pump out fear-porn about "bird flu". Now they're claiming the mythical virus has jumped to cats, and the occasional dog. The first question anyone should ask is, "why are they testing cats for bird flu?". The answer is that the more tests they give, using the same discredited PCR tests that artificially fueled the COVID pandemic psyop, the more "cases" they can claim to have found. Then the mind-control news media can talk about the cases and transmit fear and anxiety to an audience that should know by now that the media can't be trusted. Once the public is sufficiently frightened, politicians and health officials with control issues will begin issuing mandates that will strip us of our freedom while doing nothing for our health. And we can't ignore that these same madmen are already murdering millions of animals based on that same PCR test, so expect meat prices to soon rise dramatically, before food disappears completely from your grocer's shelves. We're facing hard times, unless we stop sitting on our hands and actually do something to save ourselves. Maybe it's time to form militia's that are willing to stand up to the armed government thugs who are destroying our food. If not now, when?

2024 presidential debate

And my last story of the day: the first presidential debate of 2024 is coming up. Unfortunately, the uniparty is blocking independent candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr from participating. Debate host CNN, working in collusion with both the Biden and the Trump campaigns, created artificially strict qualifications that had to be met before a candidate could be on the stage, qualifications that Biden and Trump automatically met but no one else could. Once assured of his exclusion, the misinformation media loudly announced that RFK Jr failed to qualify, without explaining how corrupt the process had been or making any mention of how keeping him out of the debate harms our democratic process. Neither Biden nor Trump spoke up in defense of Kennedy, probably because they know he's the smartest of the three and would make the uniparty candidates look like the establishment fools that they are.

This pathetic attempt to silence RFK Jr only serves to prove how corrupt our political system has become. Although I haven't endorsed any candidate yet, here's the link to Kennedy's campaign site. Unlike CNN and the uniparty, I think everyone should have the chance to hear from other candidates so you can at least make an informed decision. 

Kennedy24 website

New Documentary Exposes The Frightening Agenda Of Klaus Schwab.

Filmmaker Richard Jeffs has put together a great documentary that exposes Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum, and the global plans for a "great reset". Although similar films have been made before, this one brings together all the seemingly unrelated elements of Schwab's plan and shows us how they all lead to one place: communism. Or I should say, communism engineered by sociopaths and enforced by constant surveillance and artificial intelligence. A hellish world where the top 1/2 of one percent own everything, and the rest of us get crumbs, but only if we behave and obey the elites.

I highly recommend you watch 'Stakeholder Communism' and let it connect the dots about the frightening future heading our way, unless we rise up and stop it now.

You can watch it here, but if you prefer to see it on the Rumble site, here's the link: Stakeholder Communism

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