America Is A Captured Nation, And Mel K Is Naming Our Enemies.

Mel K and David Whited of The Flyover Conservatives have an in-depth discussion on the current state of America and how both Democrats and Republicans (the "uniparty") are conspiring to destroy us from within and turn one-world government into a reality. Mel tells us who our enemies are and how they're manipulating us to fight over petty issues as a distraction away from the real crimes.

Is there a way to fix this mess? Yes! The solution is simple, but you'll have to watch the video to find out how.

A View Of The Global Power Structure.

We often hear about the global elite who rule over us as if they own us. But who are these people? This image breaks it down for us.

(I would add Dr Anthony Fauci to this image since he is heavily involved in medical tyranny on behalf of Bill Gates and others.)

Honest, hard-working people of the world have a difficult time accepting the idea that anyone could be as selfish and maniacal as the globalists are. But all their wealth and power has distorted their minds and souls. They see themselves as gods compared to you and I, and thus they think they have the right to change the world however they see fit. Your opinions don't matter to them, except when enough of us rise up and scare them back into hiding. But they don't stop when they're hiding...they just re-write the script for another day. Know your enemies. Know their tactics. Higher consciousness will defeat these evil parasites in the end.

The NWO Is A Conspiracy Fact.

Despite decades of disinformation trying to discredit the idea that the New World Order is a real threat, the words coming out of the mouths of these political elites tells a different story: The NWO is not a conspiracy theory; it's a conspiracy fact.

'Thrive' Documentary Predicted Global Totalitarianism And Genocide.

Way back in 2011 Foster Gamble produced a documentary called 'Thrive - What On Earth Will It Take?' that followed the money to reveal how the planet has been held hostage by wealthy globalists intent on enslaving all of us. The film was way ahead of its time in predicting the rise of a global totalitarian police state and even warned of the depopulation of humanity to make controlling us easier.

Now, in 2023, I have to wonder why we didn't heed the film's warnings? Despite it being viewed more than 94 million times, its message still didn't reach enough people who were willing to take action.

So, what on earth will it take? Is our fate already sealed? Or will more people gradually come out of their coma's and join the fight? I'm optimistic for the latter. To help make that possible, I encourage you to watch the documentary now and compare what they predicted to what is going on right now all around us. The accuracy is amazing, which reinforces the belief that the elite's really do have a plan to keep us divided and under their control. And once we know the plan, we can use it against them and restore sanity to our world.

Enjoy the film, and be sure to share it with someone you care about.

For further information and a ton of resources, visit

'15 Minute Cities' Are Prisons In Disguise.

The evil globalists at the World Economic Forum have a new scheme to control us: 15 minute cities. It's a new way to plan cities so that all your needs are met within 15 minutes of your home. In 15 minute cities, each neighborhood should fulfill six social functions: living, working, supplying, caring, learning and enjoying. In other words, everything you do will be in easy reach, allowing you to stay close to home and eliminating the need to own a car. This will allegedly make you happier while helping the climate change cult reach their insane goals. But as with most ideas that come from the WEF and other globalist organizations, this one has a sinister component that isn't being widely publicized: to make the plan work, you'll be locked in to your neighborhood. You won't be able to leave without special permission from the government. In fact in the city of Oxfordshire England, which plans to test this scheme in 2024, electronic gates will be installed to confine residents to their neighborhoods. Anyone escaping will have to pay a hefty fine. And everyone will be monitored and tracked using surveillance cameras and vehicle license plate readers. 

In 15 minute cities not only will you be locked inside your neighborhood, but you'll be totally dependent upon the government and their corporate partners (can you say "fascism"?) for everything. You won't have space to garden. You won't be able to raise chickens. You won't have your own water source such as a well or rainwater. You won't be allowed to own a car. Public transport or a bike will be your only options. And you'll be forced to get multiple vaccines every year to prevent outbreaks of scary diseases that the news media will talk about relentlessly.

Does this sound like a happy place to be, or does it sound like a prison?

If the 15 minute city trial-run is a success in England, meaning no one pushes back against it but rather weakly accepts it as "just the way things are", then you can expect to see the concept roll out in other cities worldwide. In fact, while researching for this article, I found a large number of articles from the usual propaganda sources talking about how great the 15 minute city idea is and how even government officials in the United States are already trying to steer their communities to this dystopian vision. Of course they use cheerful, encouraging language to sell their scheme rather than being truthful about what it will eventually lead to.

The video below from 'Redacted' gives a brief overview of what 15 minute cities will be like. It will only take 17 minutes of your time to watch, which is well worth it because if we don't stop the maniacal globalists we'll living in their digitally controlled prisons forever. Education keeps you free, especially if you're able to enlighten a few of your friends, neighbors, or relatives.

For a deeper dive check out this article at Spiked Online: The Madness Of The '15-Minute City'. Or using any uncensored search engine, type in "15 minute city" and explore the results. Most will be propaganda articles but even those are informative since they show how the general public will be tricked into accepting their own enslavement.

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