No Authority.

None Of These People Have Any Real Authority Over You...Unless You Give It To Them.

You Are Not A Slave.

Man-Made Horrors Beyond Your Comprehension.

It's been a tough couple of years, and while I'd like to tell you the worst is behind us and life will now slowly begin to return to normal, telling you that would be dishonest. For the worst isn't behind us, it is in front of us.

The world is currently being controlled and manipulated by mad-men. Psychopaths and the fools who follow them are pushing humanity down a path that is both extreme and reckless. We have billionaires playing God, manipulating weather systems they do not understand. We have politicians playing God, manipulating global tensions and threatening enemies with nuclear weapons. We have scientists playing God, manipulating diseases and even DNA itself as if all they have to do is hit an "Undo" button to fix any of their experiments that go horribly wrong. And we have an arrogant news media playing God, deciding for the rest of us what is to believed even when the facts suggest different truths.

These are the people who brought us the AIDS epidemic. These are the people who unleashed covid upon the world. These are the people who destroyed the supply chain which brought the economy down. These are the people who vaccinated the world by force and deny to this day that the jabs have injured or killed anyone. And these are the people who have hijacked elections all over the world so that brainwashed trainees of the World Economic Forum now run powerful nations. 

And soon, they'll be forcing digital ID's upon us and replacing cash with central bank digital currency (CBDC). Those will be the final two steps in the complete and permanent enslavement of humanity. Every place you go will be monitored and controlled. Every dollar you receive or spend will be tracked and automatically taxed. Our new masters will even be able to decide minute my minute what you're allowed to buy and where you're allowed to buy it. If you misbehave your digital money will be cut off, and the doors to your home may be sealed shut, locking you in like a caged animal. They'll be no escape.

The mad-men who want to control us are ruthless and determined. They'll go to any lengths to put their digital prison in place and force our compliance. How far will they go? 

“You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension.” -- Nikola Tesla, 1898

Already they've created a fake, engineered shortage of baby formula in the United States. They've put us at risk of World War 3 to hide their money laundering, human trafficking operations, and bio-weapons labs in Ukraine. They're working to make the World Health Organization a central authority over sovereign nations. They're passing legislation to silence us and prevent all dissent. They're even willing to starve us into submission. 

This week the United Nations Security Council announced the world only has a 10-week supply of wheat. The impact of this will be devastating, especially to people in poor and developing nations. 

"This isn’t cyclical. This is seismic," said Sara Menker, CEO of Gro Intelligence, a global company that uses artificial intelligence and public and private data to predict food supply trends. "Without aggressive global actions, we stand the risk of an extraordinary amount of human suffering and economic damage," Menker said.

U.N. food chief David Beasley warned the Security Council that rising food prices are already causing protests, and 323 million people would soon be "marching to starvation".

While the global elite's pretend to care about famine, in reality it is their greed and lust for power that creates the problem in the first place. They have no desire to end world hunger because it gives them leverage to impose their will upon the entire planet. They're perfectly willing to let children's stomachs become bloated from hunger if it helps them consolidate their control over the rest of us.

The elites are also proud eugenicists who think the human population is way too high and it's their duty to cull a few billion of us. Starvation becomes a noble means to an end when you're in a depopulation cult. 

We're dealing with people who are deluded at best and demonically possessed at worst. They cannot be reasoned with. They have a twisted vision of how the world should be, and they have the money and the power to make it happen. And like all good psychopaths, they feel no emotions when millions of us starve or when covid victims are welded into their homes, unable to escape. It's just a means to an end, a bit of unpleasantness on the way to creating their brave new world.

As determined as they are to succeed, we must be determined to defeat them. Sane people do not create famines, threaten nuclear annihilation, unleash bio-weapons upon innocent populations, and fantasize about locking down humanity in a digital prison. But the global elites do think about such things as casually as we decide what to have for breakfast. 

They are capable of man-made horrors beyond your comprehension. 

And those horrors are about to be launched.

COVID Vax Injuries & Deaths Continue To Climb.

vaccine injuries data

While the fake news media tries to distract you with scary stories on monkeypox, COVID vaccine injuries and deaths continue to climb with no apparent end in sight. The latest VAERS data available shows 28,141 deaths in the United States as of May 13, 2022. Worse, it's widely thought that VAERS only captures between 1% and 10% of the actual totals due to underreporting by healthcare professionals. And OpenVAERS has indicated there's a backlog of over 100,000 reports missing or yet to be processed. 

The totals:

28,141 deaths. 157,125 hospitalizations. 129,059 urgent care visits. 192,535 doctor's office visits. 9,652 reports of anaphylaxis. 15,497 reports of Bell's Palsy. 4,642 miscarriages. 14,431 heart attacks. 40,553 cases of myocarditis / pericarditis. 52,299 permanently disabled. 6,643 reports of thrombocytopenia / low platelet. 41,584 severe allergic reactions. 13,783 outbreaks of shingles. 31,438 miscellaneous life threatening situations. 

And as the graph below shows, vaccine deaths skyrocketed beginning in 2020, the same year the COVID jabs were forced upon the public. 

vaccine deaths by year

The next time you hear a politician, news media reporter, or Big Pharma propagandist say that vaccines are safe and effective, refer them to this data and let them try to explain it. They'll no doubt try to dismiss it as misinformation even though the data comes from the CDC. But nothing they can say will bring back all the innocent lives snuffed out by a greedy and immoral pharmaceutical industry.

[data and graphs provided by the OpenVaers project]

Evil Has A Face.

It would be difficult to think of anyone more evil, more corrupt, more dishonest, more manipulative, or more traitorous than Nancy Pelosi. Every time I think she's reached the ultimate low, she gets out her shovel and starts digging in her disgusting lair to bring her closer to the pits of hell. 

May God have mercy on her soul and free her of the demons that possess her.

Don't Make A Fatal Mistake.

vaccine addict meme

Your next COVID booster is like an addict's next fix. It might kill you while the needle is still in your arm. Don't make a fatal mistake. Get the facts.

The subdomain now goes directly to the OpenVAERS website so you can quickly and easily view up to date data on vaccine injuries and deaths.

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