Everything You See On TV Is A Scripted Performance.
"Everything you see on TV is a scripted performance with the purpose of shaping your world view to benefit the powerful interests running the show."
Disrupting The Status Quo
"Everything you see on TV is a scripted performance with the purpose of shaping your world view to benefit the powerful interests running the show."
The Associated Press is one of the largest news agencies in the world, writing stories that are republished or recited by hundreds of newspapers, magazines, and television news programs. Much of the news coverage you read or watch every day was created by the AP. You may not even realize the story you're reading or watching came from the AP unless you happen to notice the letters "AP" at the top of the column, or you notice that TV news hosts on different stations are saying exactly the same thing on the same day. Since news outlets can't afford to keep large staffs of reporters on their payrolls anymore, they rely on the Associated Press to take up the slack. That shouldn't be a problem if the reporting is accurate and impartial.
Their website states "We were founded as an independent news cooperative, whose members are U.S. newspapers and broadcasters, steadfast in our mission to inform the world. To this day, AP remains independent, beholden only to the facts."
Does the AP meet that standard? Are they really independent and impartial? Do they accurately report the facts?
I took a look at the AP's website and saw news stories that definitely appeared to be pushing the political elite's agendas. There's an entire page filled with dozens of reports on climate change, but no stories from any of the thousands of scientists who dispute the official narrative that climate change is caused by human activity. If you get your news from the Associated Press, you probably have no idea that there isn't a consensus among scientists on climate change. No alternative viewpoints seem to be allowed. On their health page, there are several articles suggesting you get flu and COVID vaccines, but there's no mention of the potential risks of doing so. I saw no stories about vaccine injuries. There are no stories questioning the pseudoscience of virology. But there IS a story that defends ultraprocessed foods. And the AP's site has an entire section devoted to questionable "fact checking" on subjects including election fraud, Haitians eating pets, and FEMA's hurricane response in North Carolina. Granted, many of their articles seem to be well researched and impartial, but that's to be expected on a site that is essentially controlled opposition: sprinkle some truth onto a pile of propaganda and the public will believe it all.
So I don't buy their claim of being "beholden only to the facts". But who are they beholden to? Perhaps to their many financial supporters:
Let's take a look at some of them. The list is in alphabetical order with one glaring exception: the Gates Foundation is at the top of the list. In late 2023, the Gates Foundation gave the AP $1,829,815. It's probably safe to assume that Bill Gates has a lot of influence at the Associated Press. Gates is notorious for pushing vaccines, the COVID psyop, fake meat, digital ID's, the climate change agenda, and censorship. While the AP may say it is independent, the senior editors are almost certain to keep Gates' interests in mind when deciding which topics to cover and how they're reported. Even if there isn't an official policy to please Gates, it would be career suicide to piss him off.
Who else funds the Associated Press? For the sake of brevity, I'll only mention the funding sources that have a clear focus on an agenda that could influence the AP's work. Some, such as the Carnegie Corporation of New York, award hundreds of grants every year for a wide range of projects and most of them look reasonably harmless. Others have a much narrower range and thus are more likely to exert influence on the media for favorable coverage of those projects.
For example, the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation awards a significant number of grants to environmental issues, particularly climate change and renewable energy.
The Climate and Land Use Alliance "advances land use policies and finance that help countries achieve ambitious climate targets".
The Hearthland Foundation is focused on equity and justice, which are buzzwords of the radical left.
The Hollyhock Foundation has climate change as one of its priorities.
The KR Foundation's primary goal is "to address the root causes of climate change and environmental degradation". They fund projects that promote the elimination of fossil fuels, cars, and the consumption of meat.
The Nathan Cummings Foundation websites states "We believe the dual crises named in our mission (inequality and climate change) cannot be addressed without first addressing their root causes and oppressive manifestations. That’s why we are focused on the long-term and interconnected goal of advancing racial, economic, and environmental justice (REEJ)".
The Outrider Foundation "supports multimedia storytelling about nuclear threats and climate change". Its advisory board includes the infamous Michael E. Mann.
The Patrick J. McGovern Foundation pushes artificial intelligence and other digital technologies to solve "the world’s most pressing challenges, from the COVID-19 pandemic to climate change to health inequities".
Pivotal Philanthropies Foundation refers to Pivotal Ventures, a company founded by Melinda Gates that advances left-leaning ideologies, with diversity being their main focus.
Quadrivium has five main focus areas: democracy, technology & society, scientific understanding, climate change, and ocean health. How connected are they to the Associated Press? Their website brags, "We helped to stand up a climate desk at the Associated Press (AP). AP’s member cooperative business model helps the largest and smallest news organizations reach populations across a wide range of geographies and cultural and economic backgrounds with climate change stories that matter in their communities. Importantly, these stories improve public understanding of the existential threats we face as well as the many solutions available and underway." Quadrivium also helped set up an organization called 'SciLine', which among other things provides vaccine propaganda to news reporters. SciLine fails to mention any adverse reactions (such as death) from vaccines, choosing instead to repeat the standard "safe and effective" talking points of the medical industrial complex.
With the Associated Press accepting so much money from foundations with clear-cut agendas, especially climate change, its difficult to accept that the AP is impartial in its reporting. Reporters and editors are bound to self-censor even if there isn't a written policy to do so. News and research that runs counter to what the foundations pay for likely never sees the light of day.
Public ignorance is the inevitable result.
The Justice Department is alleging that Farhad Shakeri of Iran conspired to kill Donald Trump prior to the election. The DOJ says "Shakeri – who participated in recorded conversations with law enforcement – was originally tasked by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps to carrying out other assassinations against US and Israeli citizens inside the US. But IRGC officials told Shakeri on October 7 to focus only on Trump, court documents say, and that he had seven days to formulate an assassination plan." [source: CNN] But was this a real plot, or was Shakeri part of a set up, something the DOJ is reputed to frequently do?
Iran is the primary resistance against Israel's attempts to expand its territory across nearly the entire Middle East. With Iran out of the way, Israel is essentially free to do as it pleases, and for that reason, Iran has been a target of American neocon warmongers for decades. Senator Lindsey Graham practically foams at the mouth at the mere mention of bombing Iran. His desire to please his Zionist masters overrides any concerns about the horrors of war. Knowing the United States would like to wipe it off the map, one could almost expect Iran to take some sort of action against us, yet in the current Middle East conflicts, they've shown a remarkable level of restraint. By no means have they acted like the insane terrorists that the U.S. State Department portrays them as. But if they did do something, why would it involve Trump? One reason is that he ordered the successful assassination of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani in 2020. Another is Trump's endless promises to defend Israel and allow them to continue the genocide in Gaza. Iranian officials know that when Gaza has been bulldozed, Israel will move on to new targets such as Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, and Iran. They expect Trump to support Israel in whatever it does. Despite this, I doubt the alleged plot by Farhad Shakeri has much validity. Just like we were lied to about weapons of mass destruction prior to the invasion of Iraq, the public must be angered to get it to support a war with Iran. An assassination attempt, even one conducted by operatives within our own government, would certainly create that anger. The truth will just have to wait a while.
Rep. Nancy Pelosi has won another term in office. At 84 years old, a normal person would want to slow down and enjoy her final years alive. But Pelosi can't let go of the power and fame. She thinks she's doing a job that no one else can do. "The world needs me", she probably mutters each morning as she brushes her fangs. I was certain there had to be a psychological condition that fits her behavior, and here it is: megalomania.
"Megalomania is an unrealistic belief in one's superiority, grandiose abilities, and even omnipotence. It is characterized by a need for total power and control over others, and is marked by a lack of empathy for anything that is perceived as not feeding the self."
It also makes you run for public office when you're 84 years old.
Stay home, Nancy. You've done enough damage. We'll be fine without you.
The mind-control news media is claiming "disinformation from adversaries and Americans swamped 2024 election". Left-leaning rag 'The Hill' claims "Russia, Iran, and China continued to promote content that sows division among Americans". I don't doubt that some of that took place, just like the United States government sends disinformation into Russia, Iran, and China. Turnabout is fair play, after all. But as usual, the news media lacks all self-awareness and can't see that much of the disinformation and misinformation about this year's political campaigns came from the news media itself. They made it their mission to lie about not just Donald Trump but all conservatives while hiding the truth about Democratic Party candidates from the public. Much of the news media, especially MSNBC, are little more than propaganda pushers for Democrats and other elements of the radical left. Anyone with a bit of time on their hands can debunk at least 25% of what we're told is news. And important stories never get covered while space is created for the latest Taylor Swift update.
More Americans than ever before now realize that the media (news, music, TV, and films) is not on our side and is actually doing real harm to our society. We don't have to worry about what foreign adversaries might do: our real enemies are right here in America, sending their garbage into our homes 24 hours a day.
Finally for today, we see that the CDC is still trying to create a bird flu pandemic, at least in our minds. Despite repeated attempts to convince us that a few cases of pink eye came from chickens, so far the public hasn't been fooled. Many people now know that the PCR tests used to detect the alleged virus (H5N1) are not designed to diagnose diseases and at best, they find fragments of material that health officials claim is proof of a virus. What the officials never admit is that viruses have never been proven to cause transmissible illnesses. Many researchers say viruses don't exist at all, and if that's the case, there's nothing to test for, at least not with our current level of knowledge and technology. But claiming a virus is spreading and could potentially make us sick is a great way to control people. We're more obedient when we're afraid. We follow orders when we think those orders will keep us and our loved ones well. We voluntarily submit to vaccines that contain harmful ingredients and can create chronic health conditions that impair us for life. And we kill millions of animals destined for our food supply in a misguided attempt to prevent the spread of something that probably doesn't exist.
To add to this madness, the CDC now claims that you can have bird flu without feeling sick. Yes, that old myth of "asymptomatic illness" that was used so effectively during COVID is being tried again. The CDC has provided no proof of anything they claim, but science isn't their specialty. What they're really good at are propaganda campaigns and behavior modification.
After four years of COVID mania, I hope the majority of us have learned to be extremely skeptical of health officials and anyone else who uses health issues to control us or profit from us.
The deceptive art of directing public attention to one thing by focusing on an illusion.
Yet another AGENDA goes unnoticed. It is a deliberate strategy used to influence, manipulate and control public perception and behavior.
These operations create narratives that shape our understanding of reality, often obscuring the truth for other hidden agendas.
Truth becomes a victim of this war of perception, leaving the masses in a state of confusion and manipulation.
It is part of a “classic technique”, it is a reminder to question everything and look for the truth beneath the layers of deception.
In times of universal deception, the best weapon is to arm yourself with knowledge, question the narratives and dress your conscience with pride.
Stay alert, stay informed and never stop asking!
[content contributor: Revellati Online]
"The mainstream media is the enemy of the people." [art credit: unknown]
"The entire design of the system is to make you so poisoned, so brain damaged, so mind controlled and so indoctrinated...that you don't notice the design of the system." -- Jason Christoff