Is Another Pandemic Being Planned?

chicken with imaginary bird flu virus

From Children's Health Defense: "New York City officials are planning a tabletop simulation later this month to prepare for a hypothetical bird flu outbreak, a city health official revealed at the International Bird Flu Summit, taking place this week in Fairfax, Virginia."

First of all, it's disturbing enough that an "International Bird Flu Summit" is being held. Here we have a gathering of public health officials and representatives of the medical industrial complex coming together to reinforce their baseless claims that bird flu is a serious threat. These are people who have never proven viruses cause diseases, yet they profit from all kinds of tests and treatments used to locate and control these non-existent pathogens. But we know massive profits and societal control are what drive the madness of virology, and bird flu is no exception. Just like COVID, bird flu is a tool of fear that allows the establishment to restrict our lives and force medical experiments upon us for, they say, the greater good of society. It also gives them an excuse to destroy much of our food supply, making us more dependent on the government and their wealthy business partners. 

And by planning a tabletop simulation, they're essentially "wargaming" the next pandemic. A similar simulation was done just before the COVID psyop was launched, and virtually every detail of the simulation played out in real life. That's because these simulations aren't done to explore what might happen, but rather, they're done to plan out what WILL happen thanks to the coordinated efforts of Big Pharma, government officials, and the mind-control news media.

They've been planting the seeds of fear for several months already, claiming farm workers with pink eye are testing positive for bird flu. But pink eye is not the flu. And they're using the same flawed PCR technology to detect bird flu that was inappropriately used to create the COVID panic in 2020. It's the same playbook. Only the name of the virus has changed.

Will we fall for it again?

Revelations: September 20, 2024.

news anchors are paid actors

"Never forget: these are paid actors reading a script crafted to manipulate your perception of reality."

We live in a fake world. It's a world of many layers, each one made of propaganda, misinformation, fear porn, and outright lies. These layers were created by manipulative people who want to control your life and steal your money. The fake world keeps us busy chasing things of no real value while struggling to survive. It distracts us with television, sports, fake news, and soul-killing jobs. It numbs us with alcohol, drugs, and sex. Reality exists, but it's not what we're told it is. Reality, as near as it gets in the physical realm, is simple, spiritual, and directly connected to the divine. But the demons who currently run this world want you disconnected from your true nature and instead consumed by confusion, anxiety, false ideas, and fear.

It's the job of the news media to keep you disconnected. They pretend to be informing you while hiding the truth and reading carefully crafted scripts to keep you in the grip of illusions, a victim of the fake world. 

Believe nothing they say. Assume they are lying. Know that they'll never tell you what you really need to know.

They are agents of the devil, complicit in chaos and death.

headlines about injuries at Trump rallies

Just when you thought politics couldn't get any worse, we're now getting reports that attendees of a recent Trump rally are complaining of painful physical symptoms, mostly involving their eyes. While some speculate that a chemical weapon may have been used, others have suggested that a directed energy weapon may have been deployed. Similar weapons were used in Australia in 2020 and 2021 when the government was trying to disperse anti-COVID lockdown rallies. As far as we know, directed energy weapons have never before been used against U.S. citizens, but we now have a leftist authoritarian regime doing the bidding of the maniacs in the deep state, so anything is possible. We've already seen two attempted assassinations against Donald Trump that appear to be linked to either the FBI or the CIA. These are rogue, anti-American agencies that only care about un-Constitutional power. No one should be surprised if they begin physically targeting U.S. citizens who are deemed to be threats to that power.

Wuhan virus psyop

It's the lie that never ends. Even though there is no proof that SARS-CoV-2 exists anywhere in the world, and even though researchers have proven there was no pandemic in 2020, the deep state and the devils in the news media continue to push the lie that a virus escaped from Wuhan, China. The first thing they need to do is prove that viruses are real and can actually cause diseases. They've never done it because they know they can't. Virology has been totally debunked by a number of doctors and researchers around the world, and in my opinion it's a dead theory we should be moving on from. But the theory of viruses is good for controlling the masses and keeping us in fear. Fearful people are obedient people. And in the case of China, by trying to pin "COVID" on a Wuhan lab, the deep state creates an evil nemesis we can all rally against when American psychopaths decide to start their next war in Asia. That's why the Wuhan virus story is so important to them and won't go away. They love their wars, and they'll tell any lie as an excuse to start dropping bombs.

xec covid variant

Still on the subject of viruses, in the fake news today they're warning about 'XEC', an alleged new variant of COVID-19. Rest assured that this is nothing but more fear porn from the mind-control media. How they can identify a new variant of a virus that has never been isolated, replicated, and proven to exist? They might as well tell us they've found a new kind of unicorn. And notice in the headline above, they tell us "vaccines should provide some protection from it". How? Protection from something that doesn't exist? And they're still not mentioning the millions of injuries and the hundreds of thousands (some say millions) of deaths attributed to the COVID vaccines. Hiding this information is a crime against humanity.

no children in Gaza

Finally today, I give you this heart-wrenching photo of children mourning the death of another child, a victim of the terrorist nation of Israel. One observer noted, "There are no children in Gaza. They are either killed by Israel, or forced to grow up fast."

Stop the killing. Stop the #GazaGenocide.

death count in Gaza day 348

Are You A Conspiracy Theorist?

Lee Harvey Oswald

Do you believe a lone gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald, shot and killed President John F. Kennedy? Are you ignoring the evidence that the CIA and other other U.S. government operatives were involved in the assassination and that Oswald was likely set up to take the blame?

You might be a conspiracy theorist.

apollo moon lander

Do you believe the United States sent men to the moon way back in 1969 using technology less sophisticated than your cell phone, in a moon lander made of spindly rods, gold foil, and what appears to be cardboard?

You might be a conspiracy theorist.

Richard Nixon moon phone

Do you believe that President Richard Nixon talked to the astronauts on the moon using a landline telephone with virtually no time delay in the conversation despite the (alleged) distance, crude technology, and satellite latency?

You might be a conspiracy theorist.

world trade center 9/11

Do you believe a man in a cave in Afghanistan orchestrated a massive terror attack on the United States on September 11, 2001 that our intelligence agencies didn't predict and our military was unable to stop?

You might be a conspiracy theorist.

chemtrails north carolina

Do you believe the weird streaks in the sky that gradually expand into massive sun-blocking clouds are nothing more than contrails emitted from jet aircraft?

You might be a conspiracy theorist.

climate change graphic

Do you ignore thousands of years of climate change and the impact the sun has on our weather and instead believe humans are responsible for a climate disaster that will soon destroy life on Earth?

You might be a conspiracy theorist.

CGI image of viruses

Do you believe tiny things called "viruses", which can't be seen in a living state even with an electron microscope, are somehow responsible for a variety of communicable diseases? Do you think these "viruses" spread from person to person making them sick, even though numerous rigorous studies have never successfully proven such a thing happens?

You might be a conspiracy theorist.


Do you believe vials full of mysterious, often undisclosed ingredients can somehow boost your immunity against diseases caused by viruses? Do you think these mysterious, undisclosed ingredients, called "vaccines", have been thoroughly tested and are safe? And do you believe vaccines were the reason many common diseases of the past have largely disappeared?

You might be a conspiracy theorist.

Scully and Mulder the truth is out there

The truth is out there. But you have to go find it. 

Mark Zuckerberg Admits The Biden Administration Pressured Meta To Censor Truthful Content.

Mark Zuckerberg Joe Biden censorship letter page 1

Mark Zuckerberg Joe Biden censorship letter page 2

This is the letter written to members of Congress by Meta (Facebook & Instagram) Chairman & CEO, Mark Zuckerberg. In it, Zuckerberg admits that the Biden administration "repeatedly pressured" Meta to censor certain COVID-19 content, including humor and satire. He also says the FBI contacted Meta and warned them of "potential Russian disinformation" regarding the Biden family and Burisma. Meta demoted related posts while waiting for fact-checkers to confirm or debunk the story. If the public had been told of the Biden-Burisma connection, would it have affected the election?

I wonder how many lives were lost in 2021 due to medical censorship on Facebook and Instagram. Important, potentially life-saving information was kept from the public to satisfy the demands of an authoritarian political regime more interested in controlling public opinion than protecting public health.

It's a topic Mark Zuckerberg doesn't touch.

Notes From Clown World: July 30, 2024.

George Takei touching men

Democrats are nothing if not entirely and predictably on script. A new talking point is created by someone among the party's elite, and the same day other Democrats across the nation will begin parroting that talking point like the reliable Borg drones that they are. I'm not sure who started the most recent one, but this week Democrats began calling Donald Trump and J.D. Vance "weird", and now it's being repeated by people who, in most cases, are much weirder than Trump or Vance could ever hope to be. Kamala Harris has said it, as have Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, Senators Brian Schatz of Hawaii and Chris Murphy of Connecticut, and even our favorite super-liberal man-loving Trek star, George Takei. But as the photo above reveals, Takei should probably sit this one out. His behavior is about as weird as anyone can imagine. What exactly is he doing to those men? I can't say, but if it turns out to be something bad, you can bet he'll blame Trump.

headlines about the threat of war

In an article that looks like it came straight from the Pentagon, we're warned "U.S. faces most serious threat of major war in 80 years and we aren't prepared: experts". The purpose of the article seems to be to frighten Americans into giving up more of our hard-earned (and rapidly shrinking) money to give to the military industrial complex. But let's examine the bullshit being fed to us. 

The bipartisan Commission on the National Defense Strategy warned we face “the most serious and most challenging” threats in 80 years. The commissioners, who said they were unanimous in their findings, said the U.S. faces “the potential for near-term major war.”

But war with whom? They say threats loom from Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and others. But most of those threats are due to aggressive actions taken by the United States and NATO. Russia entered Ukraine only after years of warnings to NATO that they not push any closer to Moscow. NATO pushed anyway. This gang of war criminals now has military installations all along Russia's western border with missiles within easy reach of Russia's capitol city. The U.S. and NATO provoked the war, and now they make the false claim that Putin wants to invade and conquer all of Europe. It's a complete lie, but it justifies endless spending on weapons, which keeps the military industrial complex and international bankers very happy. What about China? Yes, it's a scary totalitarian nation that treats its people like soulless robots, but it's never been very big on war. Other than invading Tibet several decades ago, China has largely kept to itself militarily. It has expanded its influence through economic development programs, largely in Africa, rather than using the American tactic of bombing nations to steal resources. China would like to bring Taiwan back into the family, claiming the island nation has always been a part of China. But other than Taiwan, which the United States has pledged to protect as a way of poking China in the eye, China has posed no threat to us except economically. And much of the economic advantage they have is thanks to American politicians selling us out through various trade agreements. What about Iran? We're told it's a threat mainly because they stand up to Israeli aggression in the middle east. The U.S. government obeys Israel and supports it in terrorism and war. Israel has admitted they want to annex a huge chunk of the middle east, and Iran stands in the way. So we're fed propaganda that Iran is full of terrorists who hate America because of our "freedom". It's yet another lie to keep the war machine going. In truth, Iran is a target of the Zionists who want to claim it as their own. That, apparently, makes Iran our enemy. Last on the countries named is North Korea. It's no threat to anyone. A nation that lacks food and electricity and equips its soldiers with fake wooden rifles isn't going to start a war. They'll sit there continuing to do what they've always done: fire missiles into the sea, attempt to hack into American computer networks, and counterfeit U.S. dollars. 

The article goes on to say that American military spending is inadequate and that we must increase the budget. It doesn't mention that in 2023, the U.S. military budget accounted for approximately 36% of the world’s total military expenditure. It also doesn't mention that the U.S. military budget is larger than the combined military budgets of the next eight countries: China, India, Japan, Germany, France, the UK, Italy, and South Korea. In 2018, the United States spent more on defense than China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, India, France, the UK, and Japan combined. But we need to spend more? Where did the money we've already spent go? Are Pentagon officials lighting cigars with hundred dollar bills? Or are they lying about the threats while funding so-called "black" projects, like directed energy weapons powerful enough to set some place on fire...some place like Lahaina, Hawaii, maybe? Or maybe they're funding the next round of bio-weapons disguised as vaccines. Who really knows? 

I do know this: the biggest threats we face come from Washington DC, not Russia, China, Iran, or North Korea. 

Venezuela election chaos

Venezuela just held elections, and the results have thrown the nation into turmoil. Both presidential candidates are claiming victory, and accusations of election fraud are being thrown from all sides. 

I'm not terribly concerned, which is the opposite of what the establishment wants. The fact that the CIA-influenced news media wants me to care about Venezuela's election makes me suspicious. Any time a story is shoved down our throats repeatedly by all the corporate news sources, you can bet there's an agenda behind it. Their game works: already on social media I'm seeing people taking sides on an election that they know little about and that has no bearing on their lives whatsoever. Do they know that Maduro's opponent, Edmundo González, was probably funded by the U.S. State Department, which has coveted Venezuela's massive oil reserves for decades? Probably not, but they do know what has been carefully fed to them: that Maduro is a socialist who cheated for the win. But did he cheat, or are we being told he cheated because that's the story the State Dept and the CIA want us to believe? The U.S. government wants their guy to win, even if their guy ends up being the worst dictator the world has ever seen, because they intend to steal all the natural resources Venezuela has...especially the oil. 

Is Maduro a good guy? Probably not. But neither is his opponent. Sometimes there are no good guys. But there is always truth, that elusive thing we should always try to find no matter what we're told to believe by government spooks and media propagandists.

Jesus barn

Since today's "Notes From Clown World" was more serious than usual, and since we've just endured a weekend that exposed us to the perversion and degeneracy of the Olympics opening ceremonies, I'm closing today with this barn that I spotted outside Lexington, North Carolina. Even non-Christians should be able to see that the message on the barn is one of hope and faith. And we could all use more of that right about now.

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