Notes From Clown World: November 13, 2023
[image above by WITN TV 7, Greenville NC]
The town of Scotland Neck, NC has imposed a curfew that begins each night at 9:00 pm. The curfew, a clear violation of the U.S. Constitution, was implemented after two separate shootings last week in the coastal plains community of approximately 2000 people, 70% of whom are black. Interim police chief Tommy Parker said there were no problems this weekend after the curfew was implemented. But the shootings occurred at 1:40 pm and 6:00 pm, so it's logical to conclude that the 9:00 pm curfew was no deterrence to additional violence. Worse, the town has no set end date for the curfew, meaning it could go on for months if not challenged in court, something not likely to happen considering Scotland Neck's median income is $21,094, putting the cost of an attorney's representation far out of reach of the town's residents.
While I want everyone to be safe, I have confidence that the city, county, and state have the skills and resources to prevent criminal activity without violating the rights of people who have done nothing wrong and simply want to go about living their lives without hindrance.
Congresswoman and persistent narcissist Marjorie Taylor Greene led a hearing on COVID-19 vaccine injuries Monday. "MTG", as she likes to call herself, is presenting herself as the hero of the people by working to expose the risks of what the pharmaceutical industry calls "vaccines" (but what others call experimental bio-weapons). While this sounds like a noble cause, Dr Jane Ruby has dug into MTG's financial disclosure reports and discovered the dishonorable member of Congress owns stock in several sketchy corporations, including the very pharmaceutical companies she claims to be investigating. Marjorie Taylor Greene owns stock in Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Gilead Sciences (Remdesivir), AbbVie (Pharmaceutical Research & Development), Amgen, CRISPR Therapeutics, CVS Health (vaccination sites), and Johnson & Johnson. She also owns stock in several other companies with questionable ethics: BlackRock, Bank of America, Walt Disney, JPMorgan Chase, and Vanguard, among many others. While some of her holdings could be stocks bundled in with mutual funds, the fact that she lists them in her financial disclosure report proves she is aware of what she owns, and she could choose funds that trade in trustworthy, ethical companies not actively harming the citizens of the United States. Instead she profits from many of the things she frequently complains about in her fundraisers for re-election. Are there any honest, ethical members of Congress? I have my doubts. Dr Ruby goes even further by saying "You have no Congress, only sellouts." If you'd like to see her new video that exposes MTG's shady dealings, go to her Rumble page at
Finally, I leave you with this, a meme that first appeared in 2020 when it became obvious to some of us that the pandemic was a scam. Although it originally referred to COVID as the basis of a psychological operation, we shouldn't forget that we're still in a psy-op, one of the longest running ones in modern history. But COVID isn't its only component. Vaccines, viruses, climate change, terrorism, wars, censorship, space aliens, and mysterious wildfires are all part of the mindfuck we're getting from the wealthy globalists who wish to control everything on the planet right down to the atomic level.
How Evil Takes Over The World.
I created this graphic to give you an easy to understand explanation of why our world is in the chaotic state that we're now experiencing. This is based on my own worldview and spiritual beliefs. But even if your beliefs differ from mine, I hope you look at the graphic and consider how closely it matches our reality.
It is my belief that anti-human evil forces, which I call Wetiko (similar entities are Satan, Djinn, Iblis, and Mara) have been working for thousands of years of destroy mankind. This evil is relatively weak, but is very manipulative and very persistent. It has the ability to psychically influence weak minds, and it uses this ability to make us destroy ourselves through lust, drug abuse, suicide, and acts of violence. In addition to influencing us individually, it also takes advantage of the global elites, promising them more wealth and more power if they advance the evil agenda of enslaving and destroying humanity. Wars, slavery, tyranny, and genocide are often part of that.
The elites then use their ownership of the media, plus massive financial contributions to radical social and political groups, to change society and push us toward our demise. Narratives are created to divide us and keep us in fear, always looking for saviors. But these saviors, in whatever form they take, are actually working against us and take us farther from our connection to God. We begin to trust human authorities over our spiritual instincts. The spiral to hell then follows.
Of course there are more layers to this than I've presented here. I've intentionally stripped it down to the basics because every detail can't fit in one graphic and a full written explanation is more suited for a book than a blog post. But even as it is, I hope it helps you to understand what is behind so many of the problems in the world today.
The Most Disturbing Video You Will Watch Today.
In 2022, a recruitment video surfaced from the 4th PSYOP Group of the US Army, leaving anyone who viewed it incredibly disturbed. It features creepy music with a montage of unsettling political events. The screen text reads "All the world's a stage", and "We are everywhere", while showing empty movie theater seats. The video seems to be bragging about the US Army's ability to control what we see, hear, and think, as well as its ability to change world events.
"Have you ever wondered who's pulling the strings? You'll find us in the shadows. At the tip of the spear. Warfare is evolving, and all the world's a stage. Anything we touch is a weapon. We can deceive, persuade, change, influence, inspire. We come in many forms. We are everywhere."
Although "Ghosts In The Machine" is a recruitment video for soldiers who want to influence international politics, it's no stretch of the imagination to see how these same tactics could be used, and probably have been used, against the citizens of the United States, if not by the US Army then almost certainly by elements of the Department of Homeland Security. The deep state sees us as a threat just as formidable as Russia, the Taliban, or the CCP of China, if not more so, and that means they propagandize, manipulate, and attempt to control us everyday, everywhere. It's a form of domestic terrorism that most people aren't aware even exists.
Who's pulling the strings? No one with our best interests at heart.
Monsters, The Constitution, and Donald Trump.
[image by John Hain]
I've been spending too much time on Twitter lately. I got on there to keep track of the lies Biden & company spread on a daily basis, but naturally other crazy posts also caught my attention. Although the left would like the world to believe that Twitter has become a cesspool of right-wing rhetoric and white supremacist hate speech, in reality it's overflowing with propaganda from Marxists and people who appear to be paid to talk up the deep state narrative. Add a splash of woke mob rants and you've got the perfect mix of misinformation and insanity.
What's especially vile about it all are the tweets by leftists who mercilessly attack conservatives while pretending to be on some moral high ground. They call us "fascists" while demanding censorship. They go after political opponents with lies, lawsuits, and indictments while claiming they're protecting our "democracy". They ridicule, silence, and attempt to destroy everyone who gets in their way. They are vicious. They are ruthless. They are evil. And they grin with demonic pleasure whenever their tactics work and their enemies suffer. These are not good people. They are monsters who feast on the living carcasses of people who dare to stand up for freedom, humanity, and God.
Katie Hopkins said it best: "They will come for you until you swing from a tree."
I want to be clear in this warning: we are running out of time. With each passing week, the government is growing in power and taking away ours. Communism is stronger in America now than it's ever been in history. We are on the verge of losing everything and being enslaved by an evil political system that looks like it was created by the devil himself. And if that day comes, our new rulers won't care about the Constitution. It may still exist, but it will be ignored until eventually it is burned in an orgiastic ceremony that will mark the official end of our republic. Our protests will be stopped by brutal federal police officers, social media will be banned to anyone not loyal to the state, and the courts won't hear our cries. Unless each of us gets up and stops this evil madness right here, right now, we will descend into darkness and our children will never know that freedom ever existed.
We need to have a serious, adult conversation about Trump's ability to win the 2024 election. He has now been indicted four times, and these come after years of baseless attacks by the bloodthirsty left. His poll numbers are good, at least among Republicans, but we must admit the Trump brand is damaged. Some of it he brought on himself, such as his ongoing advocacy of the dangerous COVID vaccines, but regardless of the "why", voters are going to be looking at him even harder in 2024 than they did in 2020. And even if he can put all the legal challenges behind him, you can bet the attacks will continue and even intensify as we get closer to the primaries. He may come through this looking like a martyr and win in a landslide. But he has to win over the people in the middle: conservative Democrats, moderate independents, and "establishment" Republicans. Without those voters, Trump can't win this. And until the legal issues begin to move through the system, we can't know which way middle America will go. Depending on the timing and the legal outcome, we risk handing the next election over to the Democrats.
We need to ask if that risk is too great. We do have other candidates, most of whom would be more appealing than Trump to non-MAGA America. I'm not saying we should give up on him, but we need to at least have a conversation about "plan B". Personally I'm in a "wait and see" mode and I'm hopeful he'll be cleared of all charges and we can finally make America great again. But we have to be realistic that this might not work out in his favor. We don't need to be at the eleventh hour trying to come up with a new strategy to save our nation. Because if the Democrats hold the White House for another four years, this nation is finished and the predatory globalists will control us. We won't have another chance.
Joe Biden Gaslights Us About Censorship & The Canceling of History.
A few days ago on Twitter, Joe Biden or his handlers posted this: "At a time when some seek to ban books and bury history, we're making it clear that we can't just choose to learn what we want to know. We should learn everything - the good, the bad, and the truth of who we are as a nation. That's what great nations do."
We're all used to Biden's lies. Rarely a day goes by without something dishonest slipping past his lips. But this particular post really fired me up. Since his installation as President in 2021, he has worked harder to censor free speech than any other President in history. He has bullied social media networks to silence dissenting opinions, he has weaponized the DOJ to go after his political opponents, and he has stayed silent as his allies in the Democratic Party have pushed the cancel-culture woke agenda across America.
Biden's attempts to censor have been so aggressive and dangerous that when a federal appeals court was hearing the Justice Department’s appeal of a July 4 decision in Missouri v. Biden, Federal Judge Terry Doughty’s opinion condemned the Biden administration for potentially “the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history.” The case involved Biden's attempts to bully social media companies into suppressing millions of posts and comments by Americans.
In another case, America First Legal (AFL) filed a lawsuit against the US Department of State, alleging covert activities surrounding the Biden administration’s outsourcing of censorship through the Global Engagement Center (GEC). AFL says GEC was hired to enable the outsourcing of the Biden administration’s propaganda and censorship efforts to leftist nonprofit groups. Critics go on to say, “Citing ‘misinformation,’ ‘disinformation,’ and ‘malinformation’ as a pretext, the Biden Administration has launched an unprecedented assault against the First Amendment. (source:
Biden's continuous attacks against free speech make his tweet about banning books seem disingenuous, at best.
But what about his tweet saying others are trying to "bury history"? Is he being honest about that? Sadly, no. Biden is referring to the Florida State Board of Education's new curriculum that says “slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit.” The radical left, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris included, have worked overtime lying about the curriculum and claiming it requires students to be taught that slavery itself was a good thing. Anyone with more than a couple of brain cells can see through the left's dishonesty and understand what's really being taught in Florida: slaves did in fact learn useful skills while working for others. We can say that while still condemning the hideousness of slavery. The left wants us to ignore the truth and pretend nothing positive came out of slavery, because that's the politically correct way to think. But anyone who has suffered hardships in life knows they learned something in the process and possibly came out the other side a better person...stronger if nothing else. This applies whether the hardship was slavery, prison, the onset of a physical handicap, the death of a child, or even a really bad relationship. I don't wish any of those things on anyone, but when it does, you do your best, you endure, you learn, and you move on. What you shouldn't do is turn it into an opportunity for political gain.
Since Biden is accusing his opponents of burying history and saying we "should learn everything - the good, the bad, and the truth of who we are as a nation", let's see how that's worked out so far. Here are a few reminders of the radical left embracing the exact opposite of Biden's words, tearing down historical statues in a short-sighted effort to bury the past to better suit their Marxist agenda:
Portland, Oregon: Thomas Jefferson statue toppled by BLM supporters:
Minneapolis, Minnesota: Christopher Columbus statue knocked over by leftists & native Americans:
Salisbury, North Carolina: Confederate statue removed by city officials to appease the left:
Denver, Colorado: Confederate statue removed by city officials to appease the left.
As is typical, Joe Biden is being dishonest and deceptive when he talks about book bans, censorship, and American history. But we needn't be surprised. Those who push the poison of Marxism, whether they call themselves progressives, Democrats, socialists, or communists, rarely struggle with ethics, morality, or the truth. In their world, the end always justifies the means, and if that means silencing their opponents and rewriting history, they're all for it.
I leave you with this quote from Lee Hyeon-seo, a political activist who defected from North Korea:
"In communism, we never had any freedom - of movement, of speech, of press. We didn't even make own decisions for our lives, our future. We were human robots."