Diet, Injections, and Injunctions Will Combine.

"Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so."

– Bertrand Russell, The impact of Science

You Are Their Enemy.

Never let them forget what they said. They hate you and your freedom.

"You're willing to walk among us unvaccinated, you are the enemy." - Gene Simmons

"Don't have the vaccine, can't go to the supermarket...Can't go to the ballgame...Can't go to work...No shirt, no shoes, no service!" - Don Lemon

"Who gets an ICU bed? Vaccinated person, come right in. Unvaccinated person who gobbled horse goo...Rest in peace, wheezy." - Jimmy Kimmel

"Love the idea of COVID vaccine passports for everywhere: flights, clubs, gyms, shops. It's time COVID denying, anti-vaxxer loonies had their bullshit bluff called." - Pier Morgan

"When are we gonna stop putting up with idiots in this country and just say it's mandatory to get vaccinated? Fuck'em, fuck their freedom." - Howard Stern

"Screw your freedom!" - Arnold Schwarzenegger

When Authorities Lie, People Die.

photo montage of experts lying about covid vaccines

Dr Anthony Fauci, mad scientist: "When people are vaccinated they're not going to get infected." .

Joe Biden, alleged President of the United States: "You're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations."

Dr Rochelle Walensky, former director of the CDC: "Vaccinated people do not carry the virus and don't get sick." .

Rachel Maddow, propagandist at MSNBC: "Now we know the vaccines work well enough that the virus stops." 

Bill Gates, technocrat & eugenicist: "Everyone who takes the vaccine is reducing their transmission."

Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO and alleged reptilian: "There is no variant that escapes the protection of our vaccines."

Every statement above has been proven to be false, and yet none of these people have apologized to us for spreading misinformation.

When authorities lie, people die. 

It's time for these so-called leaders and "experts" to beg for our forgiveness.

Marxist Indoctrination Is Changing American Values.

A recent article in the trade magazine "Convenience Store News" caught my attention. The article, "Supporting Social Issues Draws In More Customers" says that due to changing attitudes among potential shoppers, retailers need to adjust their social issue marketing campaigns to target various age groups. As someone who has worked in the retail industry for many years, I'm used to the idea of adjusting marketing tactics to attract teenagers, professionals, retirees, and other demographic groups, but these adjustments have traditionally focused on simple things like the newest music styles or the "graying" of the population. But what this article is suggesting is that the social values of customers need to be considered to get the most bang out of your marketing bucks.

According to research from EthniFacts, a cross-cultural knowledge and insights provider, all age groups are more likely to buy from companies that support social issues important to them. Generation Z, aged 16-24, is the most likely to buy based on social issues. The issues that matter vary by generation. Their study found:

social issues by age demographic

What stood out to me from the study's results is how decades of Marxist indoctrination have changed the values of Americans. Older generations, the Boomers, still support patriotism and Christianity, and we see similar support in Generation X, aged 20-59, although issues like protecting the environment and small businesses begin to gain new interest. But then look at the Millennials, aged 25-39, who prioritize racial and ethnic equality. There's no mention of religion in that age group, and I have to wonder if their concern for "unifying Americans" involves patriotism or if it's just a buzz phrase for social equity & inclusion apart from national pride. The study doesn't say. Now let's look at Gen Z, the current generation coming of age. This age group has similar values as the Millennials, but with the addition of "Black Lives Matter" (the terrorist group, not black lives in general), and the rainbow cult of LGBTQIA+. You'll notice that small businesses, America, patriotism, and religion aren't included in their values. This, in my opinion, is a clear indication that our youngest people have been indoctrinated with Marxist ideas that prioritize a government-run collective over private businesses and consider patriotism and faith to be poisons to society. In the chart above, you can see the gradual change in values as subsequent generations are fed increasing amounts of extreme leftist propaganda. 

And it gets even worse with the group coming next, the so-called "Generation Alpha", composed of those born between 2010 and 2025. This group will be immersed in technology and have little desire to know God. Individuality will be considered a negative social trait, not in the best interests of the collective. Family ties will be weak. “The share of this new generation spending at least part of their early formative years in living arrangements that do not include both of their biological parents is higher than any generation observed in the previous century,” said Elwood Carlson, a demographer and professor of sociology at Florida State University. “When you look at a child in this generation, you never know what kind of family life they have experienced.” Add in years of leftist propaganda from government schools, Hollywood, the music industry, and peer pressure, and the result will be the first generation of Communist technocrats, ready to transform humanity and society into a cold mix of science and group-think. 

While I try to be optimistic and think we can still "Make America Great Again", when I look at the changing values among generations and the projected values of Gen Alpha, I have to wonder if our efforts are "too little, too late". 

Still, we must try.

The Radical Left Controls The Language. Conservatives Have To Step Up And Fight Back.

In the fight to save America, it's bad enough that we're severely outgunned in the mass media. With even Fox News being exposed as just another propaganda site for the globalists, conservatives are left with fewer and fewer places to get accurate information and have our voices heard. But what's equally bad is our failure to control the language even in those places where we're still allowed to speak. I'm referring to social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, where people of all political persuasions mingle, but the voices of the radical left scream the loudest. Not only are they the loudest, they're also more skilled at using powerful language to create emotional responses.

Since I'm no longer on Facebook but I still have an active Twitter account, I'll use that platform to show some examples.

Here's a tweet from the hive queen, Nancy Pelosi:

Nancy Pelosi tweet

"Republicans are holding middle class families hostage to pass their extreme MAGA agenda and give tax cuts for the wealthy. A default on America's debt would eliminate jobs, increase housing costs, and threaten retirement plans."

Note the language: she uses the expression "extreme MAGA agenda" to describe the negotiating process used by the GOP to win concessions from Joe Biden. This portrays Republicans as mean-spirited and callous, while completely avoiding the fact that Biden is 50% responsible for the stand-off. That's a classic tactic of the Democrats: pointing their fingers at others while never taking any blame for anything. Whatever is happening is always someone else's fault. Pelosi then goes on to use the emotion of fear to drive home her assertion, without providing any proof that a default would actually lead to the elimination of jobs, increased housing costs, or threats to retirement plans. But she doesn't have to provide proof, because once she invokes fear, proof no longer matters.

What makes the left's messages more powerful, however, is the repetition of labels and themes. In addition to a continuous portrayal of conservatives as evil and heartless, they use negative labels that are used by several different members of the Democratic Party cult at the same time in numerous posts across multiple social media sites. This is the same tactic used by advertising agencies that want you to buy their junk food and it's the same tactic used by propagandist's who are pushing vaccines or this week's war.

Just as Nancy Pelosi used the term "extreme MAGA agenda", look at how similar terms are used by other political operatives to influence public opinion into thinking "MAGA" is somehow bad for America:

Democratic Party tweet about Ron DeSantis

Democratic Party tweet about MAGA and Ron DeSantis

Ted Lieu tweet

Adam Kinzinger MAGA brain worms tweet

Rashida Tlaib MAGA tweet

Chuck Schumer tweet about Supreme Court

President Biden tweet about debt crisis

Joe Biden tweet about Kevin McCarthy

Kamala Harris tweet about abortion

Words are powerful, and the radical left knows how to use them. By repeating "MAGA" over and over in posts that attack Republicans, they've managed to turn something we should all agree upon, "Make America Great Again", into a something negative that should be avoided. And "MAGA" is only one term they use to their advantage. You'll see them use the same tactic on other issues, including climate change, Ukraine, COVID, and the trans agenda.

Sadly, the GOP and other conservatives haven't been united in using the same tactics to support our own positions. And as a result, the left looks powerful and united while we look weak and unorganized.

It's time for us to step up and fight back. Let's fight fire with fire. Let's repeatedly call them what they are: the radical left, Marxists, reckless, and irresponsible. Use these words and others over and over until they begin to stick and people's perceptions of the left begins to change. We cannot allow them to control the language anymore. 

It's not enough to try and win the hearts and minds of the public: we have to show them what is truly in the hearts and minds of the extremists who are hell-bent on tearing America apart and handing it over to the totalitarian globalists.

The Pushback Must Begin.

For the first time in the known history of man, oppressive totalitarian ideologies are spreading around the entire world. While fascism, Marxism, and other poisonous concepts have existed in limited areas in the past, they can now go global instantly thanks to the internet and other advanced methods of communication. Censorship used to be a tool of dictators, but now millions of regular people are demanding that information be suppressed when that information disagrees with their worldview or makes them feel uncomfortable in any way. Non-government organizations such as the World Economic Forum are pushing radical new ways to run society, some of which would lock us into cities that are run like prisons. The World Health Organization is trying to take over healthcare decision-making from sovereign governments. Governments are forcing green energy schemes upon us that can't possibly work and threaten to return us to the days of feudalism. We're being spied on constantly, and more cameras and microphones are installed every day, often at the taxpayer's expense. And tech companies are trying to position themselves as the new rulers of a technocratic age powered by artificial intelligence, in which humans are no longer valued.

While I try to be optimistic, I see storm clouds gathering. I fear we're going to be swept away by this storm, with a dark, evil, slave-like society facing us on the other side. It will be global, and there will be nowhere to go to escape it. 

If we want to stop it from happening, the pushback must begin. We can no longer wait around for someone to save us. We can't "trust the plan" and hope for the best. We have to be the ones who save ourselves, standing up to evil wherever we find it, speaking the truth, calling out the lies, and protecting the innocent.

So with all of that in mind, here are some things each of us can do, starting right now, that will help stop the spread of totalitarianism and the evil that fuels it.

  1. Stop being loyal to political parties and candidates rather than to God and the principles of truth, decency and freedom. Voting for the "lesser of two evils" is still voting for evil.
  2. Stay loyal to your country and its Constitution but accept that our governments have gone rogue and no longer protect the people or enforce the rule of law.
  3. Limit exposure to globalist-owned mainstream media television stations and websites. Their primary goal, other than selling advertising, is to limit our knowledge of what is going in the world. While they also spread misinformation and propaganda, their real danger is how they hide important information from us. Find reliable alternative news sites.
  4. Vote, even if it feels useless. We know the voting system is flawed and often rigged, but voting does no harm (when we vote for good candidates) and can make a huge difference in precincts with honest officials.
  5. Speak up against wrongdoing. Silence makes you complicit in evil. It's your responsibility to stand up to it when you can do so without putting yourself in mortal danger. Be a warrior, but don't be a fool about it.
  6. Use cash as often as possible. This keeps cash in circulation and sends a message that we won't accept a fully-digital cashless society. Cash gives you privacy and freedom, two things government authoritarians don't want you to have.
  7. Stop using Google products, including search, Gmail, navigation, Google Photos, Google Drive, and YouTube. If you use an Android phone, remove or disable as many Google apps as you can. Alternatives are available.
  8. Stop using Facebook. The company has proven itself to be untrustworthy and a threat to privacy, freedom, democracy, and morality. When you use Facebook, you're voluntarily cataloging your entire life and making it available to government spy agencies such as the NSA, the CIA, and the FBI. And much of Facebook's revenue comes from selling advertising with rates based on how many active users they have. Simply by logging in, you're helping to fund their operations.
  9. Talk to people. Too many of us are afraid to bring up any topics that are even slightly controversial. But I've found that when I mention the economy, the vaccines, privacy issues, and government overreach, I typically get a good response. Many people are relieved to meet others they can talk to and find common ground with, but it seems we've all been trained to stay quiet and keep our heads down. Conversations create change.
  10. Bank local, shop local. The big banks, while they may be "too big to fail", are also the most likely to be poorly managed and in need of bailouts. Corruption in the big banks is a primary driver of instability in the entire financial system. Find a good local bank or credit union and stick with them. Know your banker and what their values are. Break free from your Walmart and Amazon addiction and spend your money with smaller retailers. You'll soon find there's nothing the big box stores and internet giants sell that you can't find elsewhere, often for lower prices.

I could go on with another ten suggestions and maybe I'll write a 'part 2' someday, but the ten listed above are the most important, in my opinion. They're easy for anyone to do and they'll have tremendous impact if enough of us do them.

Remember: “Big Things Happen When You Do the Little Things Right” - ― Don Gabor

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