Psychotic Parasites Are Destroying Us.

nuclear bomb mushroom cloud

The daily news is becoming too depressing to read. We're kept in a constant state of ever-increasing fear thanks to the irresponsible, immoral, and often insane behavior of the people we let run the world. We live on a planet that has everything we need for a peaceful life: food, water, natural medicine, materials for shelter, and amazing views that calm our souls. But we've been tricked into letting the worst among us, people who are possibly possessed by dark forces, take control of our paradise and turn it into a living hell. 

In a world where no one should be hungry, no one should feel hatred, and no one should fear the next day, we have millions living in poverty, scrounging for food in trash cans, numbing themselves with drugs & alcohol, and blaming everyone except the guilty for their situation. We're divided into an infinite number of groups pointing fingers at each other for every problem we have to endure. Meanwhile a cabal of wealthy, psychotic parasites live like kings, consuming all the Earth's resources and complaining when we dare to pick up a crumb they've mistakenly left behind.

These parasites are so greedy and morally bankrupt they'll do anything to expand their power and wealth. Wars, famines, pandemics, and genocides have been their tools of choice, along with ample amounts of fear, chaos, confusion, ignorance, mind-altering substances, religious doctrines, fake science, and anything else they can come up with to keep us docile and quiet.

We should be living in a time of spiritual peace. But instead we now face the very real threat of global nuclear annihilation. Government leaders, a mere handful of people among the billions who live on this planet, have created conflicts where none should exist. There's a war in Ukraine, and we're told it affects all of us. But it shouldn't. It's not our war. It's a war created by governments because of the demands by the psychotic parasites who think it will provide them with a bit more land, a bit more money, a bit more power. If they have to threaten to blow up the entire world, then so be it. These people are so insane they actually think they can detonate a few hydrogen bombs, do a bit of sweeping up, and live to see another day, just with fatter bank accounts. If a few million of us regular people die as a result, well that's just collateral damage.

The fact that so many of us are caught up in this maniacal system and think it's normal is equally frightening. Let me be clear: there is nothing normal about the system we exist in. It's a corrupt, morally bankrupt system that needs to be ripped up by its roots so that something healthy can take its place.

We shouldn't live in fear. We shouldn't have to ask for permission to voice our opinions. We shouldn't have to pay taxes that fund our own destruction. Our governments shouldn't be conducting psychological and medical experiments on us. We shouldn't be tracked and surveilled like farm animals. We shouldn't have to ask for permission to move from one place to another. We are born free, and we have the right to remain free. No government and no wealthy psychotic parasite should be able to take that away from us.

But the madness will continue and the suffering will go on until we decide we've had enough. How bad must things get before we make that decision? I pray we come to our senses before it's too late.

Biden Bombs The Children.

Joe Biden, President of the Banana Republic of America and illegal occupier of the White House, is using the shooting in Uvalde Texas as an excuse to further attack the US Constitution. Biden, who pretends to be the United States President, never lets a tragedy go to waste if he thinks it can further his lifelong career of corruption.

No one is really surprised by this. But to see him faking compassion about the deaths of 19 children while ignoring the horrible suffering endured by babies being aborted in the most brutal fashion imaginable is something decent people can't stomach. 

And to add to his evil bloodlust, Biden continues to fund the war in Ukraine, causing the unnecessary deaths of children throughout the region. At every turn he announces steps to escalate the conflict rather than working with Vladimir Putin on a peace agreement. This is because Biden has horrible secrets in Ukraine, and he'd rather let kids die than have his wickedness exposed.

On the entire planet I'm not sure there's a more vile, immoral, and indecent man than Joe Biden. 

Pray for the children, because Biden plans to kill thousands more.

Pray For The Innocent.

“Older men declare war. But it is youth that must fight and die.” ― Herbert Hoover

“There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people.” ― Howard Zinn

“When the rich wage war it's the poor who die.” ― Jean-Paul Sartre

“We don't like to kill our unborn; we need them to grow up and fight our wars.” ― Marilyn Manson

“In war, our elders may give the orders...but it is the young who have to fight.” ― T.H. White

“Eyes so young, so full of pain ... Two lonely drops of winter rain ... And no tear could these eyes sustain ... For too much had they seen.” ― Shaun Hick

“I dream of giving birth to a child who will ask, Mother, what was war?” ― Eve Merriam

Mind Controlled Globalist Puppets

Young mind-controlled globalist puppets:

Justin Trudeau - Canada

Jacinda Ardern - New Zealand

Emmanuel Macron - France

Volodymyr Zelenskyy - Ukraine

Ukraine Conflict Is A Globalist's Scam.

It seems like only yesterday most of the world was talking about COVID. The others were watching Canada become a totalitarian nation. And then, just like that, it was all forgotten and Ukraine became the center of everyone's attention. It's hard to ignore it, considering the corrupt fascist news media has been beating it into our heads 24/7 for the past week. And now opportunistic politicians want to ban Russian vodka and news outlets, and celebrities are singing songs in support of Ukraine, even though they don't really know anything about the nation and probably couldn't even find it on a map. As a bonus, the numerous threats from China have been completely forgotten. The CCP must be thrilled.

But let's keep our heads on straight. The conflict in Ukraine is the creation of the wealthy global elites, their friends in the military industrial complex, and their puppets in the news media. They've created a situation to help them gain power, make money, and divert attention from their evil intentions. They're trying to create public sympathy for the Ukrainian people without telling the whole story. They're using propaganda to turn the world against Russia. This narrative has been carefully planned and brilliantly executed against naive world citizens who genuinely want to support a nation they're told is under an unjustified attack. But the global elites don't have a reputation that anyone should trust. The same people who claim to care about democracy and human rights in Ukraine...

...turn a blind eye to child sex trafficking and slavery all over the world. In fact, they likely finance it.


The elites let millions of people around the world, especially in Africa, try to exist without adequate safe water supplies. They have the money and resources to solve this problem, but they don't care enough to do it.

They buy up homes and apartment buildings and then jack up the rent so high people become homeless, losing everything they own, including their dignity. 

They ignore the cries of starving people, including innocent children who are often forced to scrounge for food in trash cans and landfills. The elites could fix this problem in a year's time. But they don't, because they don't care.

They install leaders in nations who try to force us into accepting experimental injections while refusing to disclose the jab's ingredients or adverse reactions, and then they deny us help when the injections cause harm.

They cry about Ukraine while at the same time destroying the rights of the people they've been entrusted to lead. No better example of that can be found than in Canada, where Prime Minister Justin Trudeau froze bank accounts of protesters and threatened to take away people's children and pets. This was after his many attempts to end free speech and body autonomy.

So do the wealthy global elites care about Ukraine or is it just another rich man's trick designed to lead us down a path that profits them but leaves the rest of us out in the cold?

History suggests the latter.

And Just Like That...

And just like that, people began thinking Russia is a bigger threat than China. 

The wealthy globalists love to control your mind and make you focus on what they want you to see rather than what really matters. Don't be a fool. Don't be their tool. 

Reject their propaganda and structured narratives. Search and find the truth.

The truth really will set you free!

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