Free Speech Still Not Allowed At Twitter Despite Claims By Elon Musk.

Is the new Twitter the same as the old Twitter? Is the social media platform, now called 'X', nothing more than a controlled site that promotes the agenda of the deep state establishment? Yes, and yes, if my experience and the experiences of others I've talked to are any indication. 

I joined Twitter earlier this year and slowly but surely gained followers. But I noticed very little engagement with my tweets. I added hashtags, followed influential people, and interacted with others regularly. But my numbers wouldn't budge. After several months of steady tweets, I saw that the vast majority were only viewed by one or two people. Twitter simply wasn't showing my posts to anyone, not even to my followers who wanted to see them. I've been shadow-banned before on other platforms, but never to this extent. I was literally invisible to almost everyone. Remember when Elon Musk said “the new Twitter policy is freedom of speech, but not freedom of reach”?  Obviously he wasn't joking about that. Because two weeks ago I logged into my account and saw this: "Your account is suspended".

I was surprised, as I'd gotten no warnings from Twitter concerning any of my posts, other than this notice I once got from the thought-police department: "Most Tweeters don't post replies like this. We're asking Tweeters to review replies with potentially harmful or offensive language. Want to take another look before Tweeting?"

I didn't think my tweet was offensive and it broke no rules, so I posted it despite the A.I. generated attempt to censor me. Nothing more was heard of it. I continued posting news articles and commentaries from a libertarian and conservative perspective. I never posted anything that could be considered "hate speech". I never bullied anyone. I did my best to make sure my posts were factual. I played by their rules, even refraining from posting some things on Twitter that I posted on true free speech platforms such as GAB and Brighteon. My account was suspended anyway. I assume I was kicked out due to my persistent protests of the misinformation, propaganda, and outright lies being vomited out every day by deep state hacks and the useful Communist idiots they employ. I went after the big guns on Twitter: Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, The Democratic Party, Adam Kinsinger, George Takei, Hakeem Jeffries, Ted Lieu, and Lincoln Project founder Rick Wilson. I suspect one of them got tired of me exposing their nonsense and then took steps to get rid of me. 

I appealed my permanent suspension and asked what I had done wrong to warrant the action. I've received no reply. It made me wonder what Musk meant when he said "To be super clear, I'm pro free speech, but against anti-Semitism of any kind". Nothing I ever tweeted was "anti-Semitic", so his claim of being "pro free speech" seems hollow and fake.

To make sure my case wasn't an isolated incident, I went on other social media platforms and heard from several other people who had also been suspended from Twitter. None of them knew why. All of them are libertarians and conservatives. This is interesting because socialists, communists, and deep-state propagandists don't seem to be getting suspended or shadow-banned. But a conservative (Olivia Krolczyk) who complained about pedophilia permanently lost her account? How does this make any sense unless Twitter and Musk aren't being honest about the purpose of the platform?

We really shouldn't be surprised by the decisions made by Twitter. Despite his grand promises, Musk hired Linda Yaccarino as the company's CEO. Yaccarino previously worked on a covid vaccine propaganda campaign for Joe Biden and she's also been linked to the dreaded World Economic Forum. Choosing someone with that sort of history suggests Musk never was serious about free speech. In my opinion he's using free speech as bait to get conservatives to come back to Twitter. He needs more people to be active on the platform so he can generate ad revenue, and he needs to please the deep state to keep his business operating. Keep in mind his business is more than just Twitter; he also relies on government contracts and subsidies for Tesla, SpaceX, Starlink, and The Boring Company, and he needs government approval for his Neuralink brain implants. So while Musk may truly believe in free speech, at least for himself, he can't remain as the world's richest man if the bites the hands that feed his projects.

But he can bite Twitter users without fear or explanation. And he does, frequently.

Joe Biden Gaslights Us About Censorship & The Canceling of History.

A few days ago on Twitter, Joe Biden or his handlers posted this: "At a time when some seek to ban books and bury history, we're making it clear that we can't just choose to learn what we want to know. We should learn everything - the good, the bad, and the truth of who we are as a nation. That's what great nations do."

We're all used to Biden's lies. Rarely a day goes by without something dishonest slipping past his lips. But this particular post really fired me up. Since his installation as President in 2021, he has worked harder to censor free speech than any other President in history. He has bullied social media networks to silence dissenting opinions, he has weaponized the DOJ to go after his political opponents, and he has stayed silent as his allies in the Democratic Party have pushed the cancel-culture woke agenda across America. 

Biden's attempts to censor have been so aggressive and dangerous that when a federal appeals court was hearing the Justice Department’s appeal of a July 4 decision in Missouri v. Biden, Federal Judge Terry Doughty’s opinion condemned the Biden administration for potentially “the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history.” The case involved Biden's attempts to bully social media companies into suppressing millions of posts and comments by Americans.

In another case, America First Legal (AFL) filed a lawsuit against the US Department of State, alleging covert activities surrounding the Biden administration’s outsourcing of censorship through the Global Engagement Center (GEC). AFL says GEC was hired to enable the outsourcing of the Biden administration’s propaganda and censorship efforts to leftist nonprofit groups. Critics go on to say, “Citing ‘misinformation,’ ‘disinformation,’ and ‘malinformation’ as a pretext, the Biden Administration has launched an unprecedented assault against the First Amendment. (source:

Biden's continuous attacks against free speech make his tweet about banning books seem disingenuous, at best.

But what about his tweet saying others are trying to "bury history"? Is he being honest about that? Sadly, no. Biden is referring to the Florida State Board of Education's new curriculum that says “slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit.” The radical left, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris included, have worked overtime lying about the curriculum and claiming it requires students to be taught that slavery itself was a good thing. Anyone with more than a couple of brain cells can see through the left's dishonesty and understand what's really being taught in Florida: slaves did in fact learn useful skills while working for others. We can say that while still condemning the hideousness of slavery. The left wants us to ignore the truth and pretend nothing positive came out of slavery, because that's the politically correct way to think. But anyone who has suffered hardships in life knows they learned something in the process and possibly came out the other side a better person...stronger if nothing else. This applies whether the hardship was slavery, prison, the onset of a physical handicap, the death of a child, or even a really bad relationship. I don't wish any of those things on anyone, but when it does, you do your best, you endure, you learn, and you move on. What you shouldn't do is turn it into an opportunity for political gain.

Since Biden is accusing his opponents of burying history and saying we "should learn everything - the good, the bad, and the truth of who we are as a nation", let's see how that's worked out so far. Here are a few reminders of the radical left embracing the exact opposite of Biden's words, tearing down historical statues in a short-sighted effort to bury the past to better suit their Marxist agenda:

Portland, Oregon: Thomas Jefferson statue toppled by BLM supporters:

Minneapolis, Minnesota: Christopher Columbus statue knocked over by leftists & native Americans:

Salisbury, North Carolina: Confederate statue removed by city officials to appease the left:

Denver, Colorado: Confederate statue removed by city officials to appease the left.

As is typical, Joe Biden is being dishonest and deceptive when he talks about book bans, censorship, and American history. But we needn't be surprised. Those who push the poison of Marxism, whether they call themselves progressives, Democrats, socialists, or communists, rarely struggle with ethics, morality, or the truth. In their world, the end always justifies the means, and if that means silencing their opponents and rewriting history, they're all for it.

I leave you with this quote from Lee Hyeon-seo, a political activist who defected from North Korea:

"In communism, we never had any freedom - of movement, of speech, of press. We didn't even make own decisions for our lives, our future. We were human robots."

The Radical Left Controls The Language. Conservatives Have To Step Up And Fight Back.

In the fight to save America, it's bad enough that we're severely outgunned in the mass media. With even Fox News being exposed as just another propaganda site for the globalists, conservatives are left with fewer and fewer places to get accurate information and have our voices heard. But what's equally bad is our failure to control the language even in those places where we're still allowed to speak. I'm referring to social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, where people of all political persuasions mingle, but the voices of the radical left scream the loudest. Not only are they the loudest, they're also more skilled at using powerful language to create emotional responses.

Since I'm no longer on Facebook but I still have an active Twitter account, I'll use that platform to show some examples.

Here's a tweet from the hive queen, Nancy Pelosi:

Nancy Pelosi tweet

"Republicans are holding middle class families hostage to pass their extreme MAGA agenda and give tax cuts for the wealthy. A default on America's debt would eliminate jobs, increase housing costs, and threaten retirement plans."

Note the language: she uses the expression "extreme MAGA agenda" to describe the negotiating process used by the GOP to win concessions from Joe Biden. This portrays Republicans as mean-spirited and callous, while completely avoiding the fact that Biden is 50% responsible for the stand-off. That's a classic tactic of the Democrats: pointing their fingers at others while never taking any blame for anything. Whatever is happening is always someone else's fault. Pelosi then goes on to use the emotion of fear to drive home her assertion, without providing any proof that a default would actually lead to the elimination of jobs, increased housing costs, or threats to retirement plans. But she doesn't have to provide proof, because once she invokes fear, proof no longer matters.

What makes the left's messages more powerful, however, is the repetition of labels and themes. In addition to a continuous portrayal of conservatives as evil and heartless, they use negative labels that are used by several different members of the Democratic Party cult at the same time in numerous posts across multiple social media sites. This is the same tactic used by advertising agencies that want you to buy their junk food and it's the same tactic used by propagandist's who are pushing vaccines or this week's war.

Just as Nancy Pelosi used the term "extreme MAGA agenda", look at how similar terms are used by other political operatives to influence public opinion into thinking "MAGA" is somehow bad for America:

Democratic Party tweet about Ron DeSantis

Democratic Party tweet about MAGA and Ron DeSantis

Ted Lieu tweet

Adam Kinzinger MAGA brain worms tweet

Rashida Tlaib MAGA tweet

Chuck Schumer tweet about Supreme Court

President Biden tweet about debt crisis

Joe Biden tweet about Kevin McCarthy

Kamala Harris tweet about abortion

Words are powerful, and the radical left knows how to use them. By repeating "MAGA" over and over in posts that attack Republicans, they've managed to turn something we should all agree upon, "Make America Great Again", into a something negative that should be avoided. And "MAGA" is only one term they use to their advantage. You'll see them use the same tactic on other issues, including climate change, Ukraine, COVID, and the trans agenda.

Sadly, the GOP and other conservatives haven't been united in using the same tactics to support our own positions. And as a result, the left looks powerful and united while we look weak and unorganized.

It's time for us to step up and fight back. Let's fight fire with fire. Let's repeatedly call them what they are: the radical left, Marxists, reckless, and irresponsible. Use these words and others over and over until they begin to stick and people's perceptions of the left begins to change. We cannot allow them to control the language anymore. 

It's not enough to try and win the hearts and minds of the public: we have to show them what is truly in the hearts and minds of the extremists who are hell-bent on tearing America apart and handing it over to the totalitarian globalists.

Governments Are Waging War On Internet Anonymity.

online internet anonymity

Governments around the world are attacking online anonymity. They are attempting to pass legislation that would require a government-issued or approved photo ID in order to gain access to social media sites. Some US states are also proposing ID requirements to view websites with 33% or more "adult content", but the definition of adult content is left purposely vague and could include virtually anything at the discretion of the "authorities".

In the same way that government-sponsored terrorism was used to enact anti-privacy rules in the financial realm (so-called "Know Your Customer" rules) governments use fear-based excuses to destroy our freedom, and internet anonymity is no exception. This time, children are being used, with politicians claiming we must protect the young ones from online hate, bullying, and porn. While these are valid arguments, locking down the internet to anyone who is unwilling or unable to satisfy government requirements is like killing a mosquito with a cannon. And it's not the government's job to protect us from web content. If children are viewing things they shouldn't be seeing, then it's the parent's job to monitor and control their children's internet browsing. And content filters are available to help parents keep their kids safe.

But this isn't about keeping kids safe. It's about ending anonymity for everyone, including whistleblowers, battered women hiding from their abusers, and political dissenters. It would mean everything you post online could be tied back to your employer, your bank, law enforcement, and eventually, your social credit score. It would have a chilling effect on bloggers, investigative reporters, and other content producers who work to expose the government's crimes. And it would put people at risk of losing their jobs if they dared to criticize their employers. 

Online anonymity creates a unique set of challenges that society has to deal with. But ending that anonymity would create even worse challenges, including unchecked abuses of power, self-imposed censorship, and the end of open and free debates. 

Write to your representatives and demand that they keep their hands off the internet and let it be the free and private community space that it was designed to be.

For more information on this, please watch the video below created by the great people at Reclaim The Net:

Blaming Wuhan For Covid Takes Us Farther From The Truth.

The propaganda machine cranked out a story worldwide today saying a Team Biden investigation uncovered evidence that the covid-19 virus likely originated from the Wuhan lab in China. Social media went wild re-posting the story as gospel, with even self-proclaimed critical thinkers saying “Look! This proves it was China!”. But slow down. What does it really prove?

Nothing, except that the government psy-op continues.

Let’s not forget that the covid virus has never been isolated and proven to exist. Capital ‘N’ Never. And taking a step further, let’s not avoid that fact that virology isn’t a definite science. The existence of viruses and their ability to cause diseases is a theory, not a fact. Many very intelligent and very experienced doctors and scientists have debunked the virus theory quite thoroughly. Their proof is so solid that when you hear it, you can’t help but laugh at the entire field of virology and the dishonest clowns who promote it and profit from it. So I question how covid-19 escaped from a lab if it doesn’t exist to begin with. And why is the alleged evidence of a lab leak coming from the Department of Energy? No one seems to be questioning this. Today’s propaganda also mentions a 2021 investigation by the FBI which concluded with moderate confidence that the “virus” escaped from Wuhan. Suddenly people on social media are quoting the FBI’s statement, even though for the past two years, some of these same people have brutally criticized the FBI for being corrupt beyond redemption. Can we now trust the FBI since they’re telling us what we want to hear? Even Alex Jones is jumping on the Wuhan bandwagon, saying “Biden’s Dept of Energy essentially admitted that covid-19 originated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China”. Keep that virus lie alive, Alex. I thought you knew better.

If there’s no virus, what really happened? There’s no need to make it complicated with all kinds of bizarre theories that take us farther from the truth while protecting the guilty. Based on what I’ve learned over the past three years from reputable scientists and other researchers, the real story is fairly simple: Wealthy globalists, the so-called parasite class, think there are too many people on this planet and we’re ruining it for them. They think they own this planet and the rest of us are just useless eaters taking up space and consuming “their” resources. They’ve also convinced millions of gullible people, including many in government positions, that if the human population isn’t dramatically reduced soon, all life on Earth will be destroyed. So they want to depopulate us. This isn’t a crazy conspiracy theory: the parasite class has openly discussed the need to reduce the human population. You can prove it to yourself with five minutes of research, so I won’t cite the references here. Do the work and learn something. To reduce the population slowly enough so that we don’t connect the dots and realize a genocide is taking place, it was decided to kill us using vaccinations, specifically the covid-19 vax. But how do you get millions of people to line up, unsuspectingly, for their own deaths? Scare them with a pandemic. Create an event so frightening that it induces long-term trauma. Convince people that every death is the result of an invisible boogeyman that only trained medical wizards can see with their magical instruments. This was done with a chemical toxin or bio-weapon of some sort, the exact nature of which hasn’t been discovered yet. But we were poisoned with something in a very targeted manner that created the impression that the pandemic was real. All it really would have taken was the release of this substance in a few small shops or classrooms in a handful of cities around the world and the panic would begin. After the news media did their job of spreading propaganda and fear, the public would begin thinking every cold, flu, pneumonia, and virtually every other ailment was linked to the pandemic. Everything became covid, and the media and the government made sure they fueled the fire. Once the panicked public got admitted into the hospital, many were killed off with Remdesivir and Midazolam, which were sold as treatments but in reality fatally injured hundreds of thousands of people.

And then came the vaccines. And people practically begged for them. Sleeves were rolled up and needles stabbed into arms faster than cult members line up for their final cup of Kool-Aid. We’re now seeing the results of it all: The death rate is higher now than during the worst days of the pandemic. The jabs are killing people, which was the goal all along. The pandemic was nothing but a psy-op to brainwash us into euthanizing ourselves. The “virus”, Wuhan, and so-called “gain of function research” were just parts of the psy-op. So when we continue to hunt for the source of this “virus” and then believe what our assailants tell us, we’re pretending the psy-op didn’t happen. Maybe it was a real pandemic. Maybe it really was the Chinese. Let’s ignore the evidence showing that the United States Department of Defense helped create the vaccines long before any pandemic was announced. Let’s forget about the books and speeches from the globalists and the wealthy elites declaring that we need to get rid of a lot of people. Joe Biden’s Dept of Energy said it was all the fault of the Chinese, and we’ve all been trained to hate those people, right?

Don’t be fooled again. The Chinese government can’t be trusted, but neither can our own. Blaming invisible, mythical viruses and foreign labs in remote locations won’t bring us any closer to the truth, nor will it put the real guilty parties behind bars.

The People Didn't See.

man reading poem about tyranny

Our freedom is being stolen from us. Fascist totalitarianism is spreading around the world. It's happening right in front of our eyes. But too many people still can't see it. This poem, spoken from an historical perspective, tells how it happened so that maybe we can change the future. It's a powerful warning.

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