Notes From Clown World: August 26, 2024.

RFK jr tweet about Keith Olbermann

Robert F. Kennedy Jr kicked Keith Olbermann to the curb recently on Twitter/X. Olbermann, who frequently goes on rants that make him look like an unhinged mental patient, tweeted "To my old friend @RobertKennedyJr: You're a fucking anti-American disaster." Kennedy replied, "You were never my friend."

Boom! Olbermann is destroyed in one sentence. 

If given the chance, I'd like to ask Olbermann why he thinks Kennedy is an anti-American disaster. But I think I already know the answer: other than the usual irrational Trump derangement syndrome, which Olbermann has long suffered from, the radical left have bizarrely convinced themselves that it's "American" and "democratic" to support Communism. In their twisted little minds, the United States is destined to become a Communist nation. That is the America they dream of. So anything that gets in the way of their dream is "anti-American". I have to give them credit for one thing: they're masters at perverting the definitions of words to hide their evil agenda.

Kerry Kennedy

Speaking of perversions, Kerry Kennedy, who is the sister of Robert F. Kennedy Jr, got on her soapbox to publicly trash her brother. Ms Kennedy said, "I’m outraged and disgusted by my brother’s gaudy and obscene embrace of Donald Trump. And I completely get out and separate and dissociate myself from Robert Kennedy Jr. in this flagrant and inexplicable effort to desecrate and trample and set fire to my father’s memory.”

She went on to say “I think … the stakes this November couldn’t be higher, which is exactly why my whole family will be fighting so hard to reelect Kamala Harris and Coach Walz, who’ve been champions for the values that my family has fought for, for years."

I never thought John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy Sr were Communists or that they encouraged pedophilia, or that they honored politicians who lied about their military service. John and Robert were flawed men, but by all accounts they loved America and strongly supported the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are Marxists hell-bent on destroying America so it can be "built back better" as a godless Communist police state. It's possible the Kennedy family's morals have declined to the point they think Harris and Walz are acceptable candidates, but they shouldn't try to drag John, Robert, and Robert Jr into their sad worldview.

Keith Kidwell

North Carolina House of Representatives member Keith Kidwell is in the news for allegedly being a member of an "anti-government militia group", as if that's a bad thing. Kidwell has been outed as an “off-the-books” member of 'American Patriot 3 Percent'. 

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, a Marxist nonprofit that catalogs so-called "hate" groups, AP3 is made up of “Three Percenters,” who subscribe to “a sub-ideology or common belief that falls within the larger anti-government militia movement. AP3 is an “attempt to organize a national network of Three Percenter groups across the country.”

“Three Percenterism is at its core a vanguard extremist movement that claims to be ready to carry out armed resistance to perceived tyranny,” the SPLC writes.

As someone who has read the founding documents of our nation, I see nothing wrong with AP3, at least not based on SPLC's description of it. In fact, the Declaration of Independence states, "When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government." Militia's are formed with the directives of the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights in mind. It's ludicrous for the Southern Poverty Law Center or the mainstream media to imply that being a part of a militia group is dangerous. Actually it may be dangerous to the deep state and the Communists who want to turn the United States into something radically different than it's supposed to be, but to true patriots, a militia is as American as apple pie. I applaud Representative Kidwell for having the courage to be a part of something that is trying to protect the rights of all of us. 

cartoon mocks DNC convention

Finally, I'll close out with this cartoon by Ben Garrison. It mocks the Democrat's national convention, which was little more than a fake, scripted, festival of lies. Garrison captured the event better than I could ever fully describe it.

21st Century Crackheads.

smartphone addicts

Smartphones create weak, addicted minds. "Just say no" to digital dopamine.

News Bites: March 03, 2024.

Torba pokes a hornet's nest. You'll soon own nothing and not be happy. And all the experts agree...sort of.

Andrew Torba

Gab CEO Andrew Torba created a bit of a storm on his social media site when he announced, with only 48 hours notice, that users would have to upgrade to paid status if they want to continue posting media files (photos, memes, videos) on the site. This didn't go over very well with users who have been on the site for years and now feel like Torba is shaking them down for cash. Apparently, standard (free) users who have made financial donations to Gab in the past still have to upgrade or else they'll be limited to text and link posts. It looks like quite a few members have already closed their accounts and others are threatening to do the same. Anger over the sudden decision has led some Gab members to dig in to Torba's past, and it's being said that Gab is a "honey pot" for law enforcement agencies and that Torba may be misrepresenting himself and the financial status of his company. Whether or not the accusations are true, I cannot say. But a scan of the posts on Gab shows a lot of people are asking questions and slinging criticism at the social media site they seemed to trust until now. We'll have to wait and see what happens over the next couple of weeks: will there be a mass exodus, will Torba back down on his new policy, or will this eventually blow over with no serious harm done? All I can say for now is that my account on Gab used to be the busiest of all the social media sites I'm on, and after the new policy went into effect, activity has dropped like a rock.

empty wallet has a new article about the seven things the middle class won't be able to afford in five years. To save you time, here's the list: Family trips, especially overseas - New cars - Private school tuition - Homeownership & real estate - Healthcare costs -  Leisure & travel in retirement - Safe investments for retirement.

Luckily, food didn't make the list, but if the predictions come true we'll going to be getting by with a lot less luxuries and comforts than we have now. In fact, the middle class of the near future may be a lot like living in poverty today. And mobility may be an issue too: the European Union has proposed a law that would make it illegal to repair cars that are over 15 years old, leaving only three options: buy a new car (which you won't be able to afford), carpool with someone who CAN afford a new car, or use public transit systems. But don't worry. I'm sure they're already planning 15-minute cities (urban prisons) near you, so you won't have anywhere to go anyway.

And finally, a humorous meme that's unfortunately the reality of the world today:

Wokam's razor

News Bites: February 28, 2024.

Trump is called a racist...again. Biden feels frisky. And Max Igan is silenced.

Donald Trump

The mind-control media is at it again, saying recent comments by Donald Trump are "as racist as they come". But as they typically do, they've taken an innocent statement and purposely chosen to be offended by it. Then they found some people who hate Trump to their core and used them to amplify their imagined harm. According to ABC News, "Trump’s comments were widely condemned by Black leaders, the Democratic Party and the White House". In other words, the usual suspects, many of them race-baiting Marxists, piled on and pretended to be offended in an effort to make orange man look bad.

What exactly did Trump say? 

“I got indicted for nothing, for something that is nothing. And a lot of people said that’s why the Black people like me, because they have been hurt so badly and discriminated against, and they actually viewed me as I’m being discriminated against.” 

That's obviously not a racist statement, and the black audience members didn't appear to be offended, but in the inverted world of Marxism, anything can be labeled 'racist' if it advances the radical left agenda, and the news media and opportunistic politicians are more than happy to play along. 

Quick quiz: Who said the following about Barack Obama? “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

That was said in 2007 by Joe Biden, one of many racially insensitive comments made by Biden in his long and destructive career. The Democrats and the media have managed to sweep all of those comments beneath the rug, a rug that is probably the door mat at the White House.

news story Biden

Joe Biden had his annual physical today at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. Despite the fact that Biden doesn't seem to know where he is, walks like a man with dementia, and stumbles when climbing airplane stairs, his doctor gave him a clean bill of health. At least that's what they'd like you to believe. According to Dr. Kevin O'Connor, "President Biden is a healthy, active, robust, 81-year-old male who remains fit to successfully execute the duties of the presidency.” Wow, that's sounds good, until you realize his exam didn't include a cognitive test. Biden's neurologist doesn't believe he needs one, despite a recent special counsel’s report on the investigation into Biden's handling of classified documents that repeatedly derided Biden's memory, calling it “hazy,” “fuzzy,” “faulty,” “poor” and having “significant limitations.” It also noted that Biden could not recall defining milestones in his own life such as when his son Beau died or when he served as vice president.

It's hard to sleep at night knowing Biden has the codes to our nuclear arsenal and could possibly start World War 3.

Max Igan

I was watching Max Igan's latest video tonight and he made a disturbing revelation: He's just been permanently suspended from both Gettr and MeWe, two social media sites that claim to protect free speech. This happened after he posted a video critical of Israel. At the same time, Rumble has shadow-banned the same video on their platform. Rumble was created to give people like Max a place to speak freely after YouTube became little more than a mind-control device for the global deep state. Luckily, BitChute is hosting the video [Terrorism Is Made In Israel] without censorship, if you want to see it. Even if we disagree with them at times, people like Max Igan serve a valuable role by speaking out when others won't and pushing the boundaries to see just how dedicated to free speech some of these platforms really are. We know that Facebook, Instagram, Twitter/X, and YouTube are censoring voices of freedom, but Gettr, MeWe, and Rumble promised to be different. But at this point, they are failing.

The System Doesn't Like The Truth.

fact checkers

[image credit: artist unknown]

Fact checkers didn't exist until the truth started getting out.

Truth Is The New Hate Speech.

truth is the new hate speech

In today's inverted world, truth is the new hate speech and lies are the new truth. The global elites use a number of methods to advance their radical, totalitarian fascist agenda. Censorship is one of their favorites. By promoting misinformation far and wide and then silencing those with dissenting opinions, the general public begins to believe narratives that have few supporting facts and in many cases run contrary to what they can see with their own eyes. We saw it with the COVID scam, when we were told millions would soon die and bodies would be dropping to the street right in front of us. The bodies never dropped except in a few staged propaganda videos from China, but the fear-mongering worked anyway. People complied with every insane directive issued by the government, and even allowed unknown chemicals to be injected into their arms in the mistaken belief it would make them safe from a virus that has never been proven to exist. 

The same game is being played with the so-called climate change crisis. Fake science, faulty data, and outright lies are being used to once again trick the public into doing insane things that, rather than save humanity, may actually wipe out all life on the planet. People have actually been conned into believing that CO2 is poison when in truth it is the gas of life, without which plants couldn't survive. Without plants, nothing else lives. Right now, global CO2 levels are at one the lowest levels in history, but billionaire maniacs want to suck it out of the air and pump it deep underground. It's madness, but we're told it's "science". 

Many people are trying to speak up about the misinformation being spread by the global elites and their partners in government and the news media, and quite a few of them have lost their jobs, their medical licenses, and their formerly good reputations simply for telling the truth. 

And now a new tactic is being tried to silence not just scientists and doctors, but every one of us who dares to repeat something on social media. Hate speech rules and laws, which were created by Communists, are being used to censor dissenting opinions on all kinds of subjects. "Hate speech" has never been defined by anyone trying to enforce it, but that's on purpose. The more vague a rule is, the more it can be used to shut people up. Recently it's even been used to describe comments protesting the ongoing genocide of children in Gaza. People who have dared to defend Palestinians have been called "Hamas supporters", and then they're labeled as "anti-Semitic". And being anti-Semitic gets you banned for spreading hate speech. It's a huge leap from defending children to hating Jews, but it's an effective way for the elites to control the narrative and shame or silence anyone who fails to toe the line. You can expect similar nonsense in the future for anything that is part of the elite's agenda: central bank digital currency, 15 minute cities, surveillance, social credit scores, vaccinations, gender issues, pedophilia, or replacing meat with insects. I'm not sure how they'll be able to label carnivores as spreaders of hate speech, but you can bet someone at some international organization is working on the language right now. 

How do we fight it? By telling the truth whenever we can. wherever we can, as loud as we can. Keep your facts straight and never back down to those who want to twist and flip reality into something only a fool could believe. Overwhelm the lies with truths and we'll have a fighting chance to get back on a path to sanity.

In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act. 

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