I Have No Desire To Fit In.

no desire to fit in meme

"I have absolutely no desire to fit in with a world that accepts tyrants for rulers."

This Is Psychological Warfare.

quote on psychological warfare

"You do realize...they are trying to mentally exhaust you and break you down. So when they attempt their next step in their plan... you just give up and fold and comply.

They think because you're tired and sick of arguing and just want shit to go back to normal you'll start giving up your freedoms.

I was not kidding when I said this is PSYCHOLOGICAL warfare.

It is NOT for the weak.

Is The Wall Being Built To Keep Others Out, Or To Keep Us In?

southern border wall

Aaron and Melissa Dykes, the amazing team over at Truthstream Media, have made this thought-provoking video about the wall being built between Mexico and the United States. Despite his promise to never add another inch to the wall, Joe Biden has authorized additional construction of the barrier originally ordered by President Trump. This prompted the question, is the wall really being built to keep illegal immigrants out, or is it being built to keep Americans trapped in this free-range tax farm? When you combine government surveillance, militarized police forces, armed IRS agents, digital currency, medical tyranny, 15-minute cities, and the predicted collapse of the U.S. economy, it starts to make sense that maybe the deep state establishment doesn't want any of us escaping. After all, they see us as their property, not as sovereign people who can do as we please.  Take thirty minutes out of your day to watch this video. It'll make you see the wall from a new perspective.

The Real Threats To America.

The two biggest threats to America are: the globalist's who want to destroy the nation, and the socialist's who want to take over the nation. 

Any elected official, politician, or news outlet not talking about it is probably in on it.

The Deep State's Barbaric Treatment Of J6 Defendants Is A Warning To All Of Us.

january 06 protests

Conservative journalist Katie Hopkins, the most banned woman on the planet, tells us what the harsh sentences being given to the January 6 defendants are really all about:

“The whole purpose of what’s being done to the J6 defendants is to serve as a warning, to serve as a message. The reason has nothing to do with the law. The reason is it’s a message: “Don’t you dare play up. When we lock you down and we shut you down to force Biden through in 2024, don’t you say a word. Don’t you take to the streets. Don’t you dare protest. Don’t you dare have anything to say when you see fraud happening before your very eyes because look what we will do to you. We will crush your soul and your family. We will make you weep and beg for your life. And we’ll spit on you anyway.””

America is under siege by enemies inside and out. Their goal is to destroy our nation's sovereignty and make us subservient to the globalists who want to turn the entire world into a technocratic totalitarian slave colony. We are all that stands against the forces of evil and endless tyranny. We have to take it seriously. We have to take it personally. Or else we'll be taking it shackled, on our knees.

How Evil Takes Over The World.

how evil influences the world

I created this graphic to give you an easy to understand explanation of why our world is in the chaotic state that we're now experiencing. This is based on my own worldview and spiritual beliefs. But even if your beliefs differ from mine, I hope you look at the graphic and consider how closely it matches our reality.

It is my belief that anti-human evil forces, which I call Wetiko (similar entities are Satan, Djinn, Iblis, and Mara) have been working for thousands of years of destroy mankind. This evil is relatively weak, but is very manipulative and very persistent. It has the ability to psychically influence weak minds, and it uses this ability to make us destroy ourselves through lust, drug abuse, suicide, and acts of violence. In addition to influencing us individually, it also takes advantage of the global elites, promising them more wealth and more power if they advance the evil agenda of enslaving and destroying humanity. Wars, slavery, tyranny, and genocide are often part of that.

The elites then use their ownership of the media, plus massive financial contributions to radical social and political groups, to change society and push us toward our demise. Narratives are created to divide us and keep us in fear, always looking for saviors. But these saviors, in whatever form they take, are actually working against us and take us farther from our connection to God. We begin to trust human authorities over our spiritual instincts. The spiral to hell then follows.

Of course there are more layers to this than I've presented here. I've intentionally stripped it down to the basics because every detail can't fit in one graphic and a full written explanation is more suited for a book than a blog post. But even as it is, I hope it helps you to understand what is behind so many of the problems in the world today.

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