HIV & The Virus Deception: Scientist Blows Whistle On Entrenched Fraud.

The "science" on viruses is being increasingly debunked as brave researchers step forward and reveal the truth about the world of virology. Lives are being destroyed thanks to the money-driven deceptions being advanced by government agencies, NGO's, and research labs. This fascinating interview exposes it all and will shake your beliefs about what really causes diseases.

Here is the introduction to the interview ripped straight from Brendan D. Murphy's website:

"Ex-pharma senior scientist and medical whistleblower Mike Donio joins me for an insightful and disturbing show centered around the highly dubious “science” underpinning the HIV-AIDS myth. He details how he came through the education system and into the pharmaceutical industry with the best of intentions, hoping to do good science to make the world a better place. However he soon began finding reasons to question what he had been told about “viruses”, how they were supposedly worked with, “proved,” and how they were identified as so-called disease-causing agents. It turned out that nothing about HIV was as it initially seemed. Eventually, Mike realised the realm of corporately controlled Science wasn’t going to let him make a positive difference in the world, and was ultimately terminated from his job for refusing to take the experimental DNA-altering covax."

Watch the video here:

Or listen to the audio here:

Are You A Free Person Or Are You A Slave?

Are you really free or are your actions controlled by others? This short quiz will help you determine what's really going on with your life.

Does your government require you to wear a face mask even though scientific studies have proven masks don't protect you or others from diseases, and in fact may create health risks of their own?

Are you required to display a digital ID or vaccine passport before entering government buildings or public transit facilities? Are you barred from entering private businesses unless you have a digital ID or vaccine passport because the businesses are forced to comply with government mandates to avoid massive fines? Has any government agency demanded that you submit to a biometric scan in order to receive services or benefits? 

Are you under constant surveillance by government-owned security cameras whenever you leave your home? Do your neighbors have internet connected cameras that the police have access to whenever they request it, even without a warrant? Are any of these cameras connected to artificial intelligence facial recognition software?

Are you required to get a license or permit before you go fishing or hunting for food? 

Are you charged sales tax on food?

Do you have to get a government agency's permission before buying certain products, such as handguns and ammunition? Are you barred from buying or possessing certain items because a few politicians have decided they don't think you should have those items? Have those same politicians outlawed the manufacturing of certain items such as alcohol and marijuana because they can't tax them?

Are you paying property taxes despite the fact that such taxes are unconstitutional?

Can your property be seized by the government for not paying unconstitutional property taxes or other government fines, fees, and taxes?

Can the IRS use deadly force to enter your home or business to seize your documents or property for the purpose of collecting unconstitutional income taxes?

Are you forbidden to do whatever you wish to do with your own land (other than activities that are a critical risk to the lives of your neighbors)? Are you required to comply with zoning laws, get construction permits, and build what the government demands rather than what you want to build?

Can the government require you to take any medications, including vaccines, without your permission? Is that permission obtained by threats of force or threats to your freedom?

If you answered "yes" to any question above, you're not as free as you might think you are. If you answered "yes" to several questions, it's time to accept that you're a slave and have no control over your own existence. You're a source of revenue for a corrupt government controlled by international bankers and other wealthy elites.

If you're not happy with that, change how you think and change what you do. Freedom has to demanded. You're not going to get it any other way.

Ignorance, Lies, & Insanity Control The World.

A new poll shows many Americans are still believing the covid lie. According to Breitbart, "More than one-third of Americans, 37 percent, believe the U.S. will “never” return to a state of normalcy, predicting that “there will always be coronavirus restrictions.” That sentiment is held by 37 percent of Democrats, 35 percent of independents, and 36 percent of Republicans. It comes as members of President Joe Biden’s administration continue to hint at a resurgence of the virus as the fall and winter approach."

This poll suggests far too many people believe the largely debunked idea that covid is a real disease caused by a real virus, despite the fact that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has never been proven to exist other than in a computer simulation.  (In fact, no virus has ever been scientifically proven to cause any disease.) Or maybe a large number Americans have simply lost hope that their corrupt and illegitimate government will ever return all the freedoms they willingly gave up during the early stages of the pandemic scam.

Regardless of the reasons for these poll results, it shows we have a lot of work to do to overcome Fascist propaganda and bring truth to the people.

Radical left-wing news source 'The Hill' reports that veteran sportscaster Bob Costas has criticized unvaccinated baseball players who were required to recently sit out games in Canada due to vaccination requirements. In an ignorant and heartless rant, Costas said “Leave aside any medical opinion, leave aside the politics of it. This is a team sport. No matter whether you agree or disagree with the mandates or any country’s rules and regulations, you are hurting your own team.”

Yeah, guys, stop being selfish! Don't worry about the tens of thousands of people who have been killed by the vaccines. Ignore the crippling injuries. Forget about all the professional athletes who have dropped dead on the playing field after receiving the covid jabs. It's okay if you destroy your health as long as you're doing it for the team. I'm sure Costas will be by your side comforting you as you lie in a vegetative state on a hospital bed. But don't expect him to pay your medical bills.

No matter how you feel about Alex Jones, he's a great entertainer and most of the time his predictions come true. So it's unfortunate but not unexpected that the corporate propaganda press is having a field day over Jones' lawsuit stemming from comments he allegedly made about the Sandy Hook shooting incident. Although it's clearly a show trial to shame and silence Jones, the corrupt system will still eventually succeed in hurting him in some way, most likely through his bank account. To protect against his attackers, Jones' InfoWars parent company, Free Speech Systems, has filed for bankruptcy. The action doesn't mean the company is broke or going out of business. It's merely a defensive move to protect the company and allow it to move forward after the frivolous trial is over.

The corrupt media is using the news of the bankruptcy as another opportunity to smear Jones, calling him a "far-right conspiracy theorist". In these dishonest times, "far-right" now describes anyone who believes in freedom and our Constitutional rights. The radical left has done a great job of portraying their extreme Marxist views as mainstream, and anything to the right of that is now "far-right". It's a word game that the media gladly plays as well. As for being a conspiracy theorist, if you went into InfoWars' archives and reviewed its content, you'd likely find that Jones and his hosts told the truth and accurately predicted the future. Being ahead of your time doesn't make you a conspiracy theorist, but to the corporate propaganda press that does nothing but say what they're ordered to say, it must be really annoying having people like Jones calling out your bullshit.

Today alone there are enough crazy stories to fill a blog post 4 times longer than this one. I can't include everything, so I'll leave you with this bit of insanity: Teen Vogue has published an editorial suggesting 'paid menstrual leave' is a 'fundamental worker's right'. Have you noticed that everything the left 'wants' is twisted into a 'right'?

The editorial was written by Sara Youngblood Gregory, a self-described “lesbian poet,” whose upcoming work “The Polyamory Workbook” deals with “navigating ethical non monogamy”, whatever the fuck that is. In any event, she claims women have special needs that employers must address and ultimately pay for. What she doesn't explain is how women are once again being recognized as a real biological sex with unique biological needs. Where do the trans people fit in? 

It's a bloody mess.

The Gates Agenda.

Is Bill Gates evil? Listen to his own words and then decide.

Man-Made Horrors Beyond Your Comprehension.

It's been a tough couple of years, and while I'd like to tell you the worst is behind us and life will now slowly begin to return to normal, telling you that would be dishonest. For the worst isn't behind us, it is in front of us.

The world is currently being controlled and manipulated by mad-men. Psychopaths and the fools who follow them are pushing humanity down a path that is both extreme and reckless. We have billionaires playing God, manipulating weather systems they do not understand. We have politicians playing God, manipulating global tensions and threatening enemies with nuclear weapons. We have scientists playing God, manipulating diseases and even DNA itself as if all they have to do is hit an "Undo" button to fix any of their experiments that go horribly wrong. And we have an arrogant news media playing God, deciding for the rest of us what is to believed even when the facts suggest different truths.

These are the people who brought us the AIDS epidemic. These are the people who unleashed covid upon the world. These are the people who destroyed the supply chain which brought the economy down. These are the people who vaccinated the world by force and deny to this day that the jabs have injured or killed anyone. And these are the people who have hijacked elections all over the world so that brainwashed trainees of the World Economic Forum now run powerful nations. 

And soon, they'll be forcing digital ID's upon us and replacing cash with central bank digital currency (CBDC). Those will be the final two steps in the complete and permanent enslavement of humanity. Every place you go will be monitored and controlled. Every dollar you receive or spend will be tracked and automatically taxed. Our new masters will even be able to decide minute my minute what you're allowed to buy and where you're allowed to buy it. If you misbehave your digital money will be cut off, and the doors to your home may be sealed shut, locking you in like a caged animal. They'll be no escape.

The mad-men who want to control us are ruthless and determined. They'll go to any lengths to put their digital prison in place and force our compliance. How far will they go? 

“You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension.” -- Nikola Tesla, 1898

Already they've created a fake, engineered shortage of baby formula in the United States. They've put us at risk of World War 3 to hide their money laundering, human trafficking operations, and bio-weapons labs in Ukraine. They're working to make the World Health Organization a central authority over sovereign nations. They're passing legislation to silence us and prevent all dissent. They're even willing to starve us into submission. 

This week the United Nations Security Council announced the world only has a 10-week supply of wheat. The impact of this will be devastating, especially to people in poor and developing nations. 

"This isn’t cyclical. This is seismic," said Sara Menker, CEO of Gro Intelligence, a global company that uses artificial intelligence and public and private data to predict food supply trends. "Without aggressive global actions, we stand the risk of an extraordinary amount of human suffering and economic damage," Menker said.

U.N. food chief David Beasley warned the Security Council that rising food prices are already causing protests, and 323 million people would soon be "marching to starvation".

While the global elite's pretend to care about famine, in reality it is their greed and lust for power that creates the problem in the first place. They have no desire to end world hunger because it gives them leverage to impose their will upon the entire planet. They're perfectly willing to let children's stomachs become bloated from hunger if it helps them consolidate their control over the rest of us.

The elites are also proud eugenicists who think the human population is way too high and it's their duty to cull a few billion of us. Starvation becomes a noble means to an end when you're in a depopulation cult. 

We're dealing with people who are deluded at best and demonically possessed at worst. They cannot be reasoned with. They have a twisted vision of how the world should be, and they have the money and the power to make it happen. And like all good psychopaths, they feel no emotions when millions of us starve or when covid victims are welded into their homes, unable to escape. It's just a means to an end, a bit of unpleasantness on the way to creating their brave new world.

As determined as they are to succeed, we must be determined to defeat them. Sane people do not create famines, threaten nuclear annihilation, unleash bio-weapons upon innocent populations, and fantasize about locking down humanity in a digital prison. But the global elites do think about such things as casually as we decide what to have for breakfast. 

They are capable of man-made horrors beyond your comprehension. 

And those horrors are about to be launched.

This Way Friend.

The world is rapidly changing. Psychopaths are trying to enslave us in a digital, open-air prison that no one will be able to escape from. Once you're in its grip, every word said, every movement made, and every dollar received or spent will be monitored by the authorities and artificial intelligence systems. Cameras will watch your facial expressions to try and read your thoughts. Implants connected to 5G networks will track you as you travel, notifying the police if you dare to stray outside your designated area. Churches will be outlawed and shut down. Vaccinations and other experimental drugs will be forced upon you regularly. Your mind will be in a fog, and you'll be unable to clearly think anymore. The past will be a hazy memory. All you will have is the current moment, some bugs to eat, and a virtual reality world to help you pass the time. The sedatives in your drinking water will ease the pain.

Or not.

You don't have to enter the digital prison. You were born free and you can stay free. But doing so will require hard choices.

This way friend. There's nothing back there for us.

Be prepared to leave personal property behind. Know that many of your friends and family members won't join you, being more afraid of freedom than of the tyrants who will trap them. Accept that the life you have up until the moment you break free will be gone forever. It will be a new day, with no stability, very little safety, and many hardships to overcome.

But the stars will shine. The air will be pure. Food will be celebrated. Your senses will be alive.

You'll have your dignity. You'll have your soul. You'll still be connected to all that is miraculous and divine in the universe.

You'll be free.

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