Waking Up With The House On Fire.

In 2020 everyone was wishing the year away, thinking 2021 would be better. Contrary as always I said "2020 is just the rehearsal. We're being conditioned for what's yet to come." We're now a couple of weeks in to Joe Biden's imaginary Presidency and the house we call America is on fire.

Nothing has been done about the alleged pandemic except to require people to wear face masks, something almost everyone has been doing for months. Public schools are still closed in many cities thanks to teacher's unions refusal to let their members go back to work. Biden has had nothing to say about it. Some Governor's and Mayor's have granted their slaves the right to reopen their businesses on a limited basis despite the fact that there's been no significant drop in new Covid cases, proving what we knew all along: the closures were always politically motivated. Biden and crew are working on a pandemic financial stimulus but most of the money will not go to anything or anyone directly affected by the pandemic. It's just more handouts to poorly run cities and labor unions, and no doubt they'll send more millions to mysterious overseas destinations.

As of a result of the January 6 attack on the US Capital, which we're now learning many people in our government knew about in advance and therefore could have prevented, or at least been better prepared for, Biden and his totalitarian regime are working feverishly to undermine our Constitution and destroy our basic rights. There's talk of radical gun control laws, mass censorship and elimination of free speech, and the deprogramming and re-education of conservatives. Political commentators on the extremist news site MSNBC have even suggested using drones to attack Trump supporters. Biden has had nothing to say about any of this either.

Millions of dollars are being spent on a sham impeachment of Donald Trump. It's unconstitutional to impeach a civilian, but that isn't stopping the Democrats from trying. But they've never cared about the Constitution anyway except when it advances their agenda.

On his first day in office, Biden sent troops into Syria for absolutely no reason. But this action is a good indicator that we'll soon be in a new war to benefit the military industrial complex. 

Compromised Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has announced she's open to new regulations on cryptocurrency, which is a nod to her bosses in the global banking industry.

The Keystone Pipeline project has been put on hold putting hundreds of thousands of blue collar workers out of work. But Biden's buddies in Russia and the Ukraine are really happy about it.

Women's sports have been destroyed thanks to Biden's unscientific executive orders on mentally ill transgender people.

Things are crazy. Facts no longer matter.

I'm not mad at Joe Biden. He's not in control. He's a puppet of the bankers and the global elite. We already knew Biden was a liar and a plagiarist and a traitor. Many voted for him anyway. 

But when you invite an arsonist into your house, you shouldn't be surprised when you wake up with your house on fire.

What did you expect?

How Do We Deprogram The Left?

In the days since Joe Biden was installed as the President of the United States, the left-leaning mainstream media and various self-proclaimed experts have called for Trump supporters to be re-educated or deprogrammed so that they can once again fit in with decent society.

On Thursday, Vanity Fair published an interview with cult expert Steven Hassan detailing how to go about “deprogramming” Trump supporters.

"There are people who are radicalized right now,' said Socialist US Representative Alexandria Ocasio- Cortez.

“And the question is how are we going to really almost deprogram these people who have signed up for the cult of Trump,” said Katie Couric during an appearance on Bill Maher’s show.

The Left and their propagandists are trying to create a new narrative in which anyone who supported Donald Trump was brainwashed and is now a threat to national security. They’re aggressively pushing conservatives and libertarians into the fringes of society, making us not only threats but also portraying us as insane and not as intelligent as they are. How long until we’re labeled as “sub-human” and sent off to Chinese style re-education camps? It can’t be far off.

I’ve spent the past 4 years watching the Democratic Party and its incredibly faithful followers become what appears to be a cult. Logic and reason no longer matter to them. Science only matters when it supports what they choose to believe. In their world facts can be bent and twisted however they wish as long as their agenda advances. Lies are their favorites tools and history is destroyed rather than used to educate and enlighten us.

Hundreds of millions of people have been killed thanks to Marxist regimes and policies. But liberals ignore all the deaths and claim it will be different this time.

In the past 4 years we’ve seen millions of dollars wasted on FBI and Congressional investigations against Trump, which resulted in nothing. Even more money we don’t have has been spent on an impeachment hearing that couldn’t prove anything. Today Congress is trying to impeach Trump once again even though he’s already left office.

Democrats believed fake news that there was a video of a prostitute urinating on Trump’s hotel room bed. The story was debunked, but many Democrats still believe it. The entire Russian collusion scandal was also debunked as a Hillary Clinton diversion and smear campaign, but Democrats won’t let it go. At the same time, the damning and illegal Clinton email server crimes were dismissed as just another conspiracy theory.

We watched our cities burn nationwide all Summer while Democratic leaders and their media lapdogs dismissed it all as “peaceful protests”.

We heard one after the other elected official calling for violence against Trump supporters, all the while saying Trump was the one inciting violence.

We heard horribly racist comments being said by Joe Biden, and yet liberals ignored it and called Trump a racist.

We saw Democratic Governors acting like little dictators during the pandemic, shutting down and bankrupting small businesses while leaving big corporate superstores untouched, yet the Left called Trump a Fascist.

And now the Left is pushing for censorship and the cancel culture to silence anyone who disagrees with them, at the same time claiming they are defending our democracy.

The rhetoric and actions of Democrats and other Leftists is not only the stuff of cults, in many cases it’s clinical insanity.

But in their disturbed and ignorant minds, we are the ones who need to be deprogrammed.

Based on their behavior I think it’s obvious that if anyone needs to be deprogrammed it’s the Democrats. Their constant lying, spreading of conspiracy theories, refusal to accept reality, and endless pathological and baseless hatred of Donald Trump are not representative of healthy minds. Not all Democrats are crazy, but most crazy people become Democrats. It is the home of the mentally weak, and sadly, they rule our nation right now. Like inmates who have taken over the asylum, they’re off their meds and running wild.

How do we deprogram millions of people who soak up every bit of disinformation fed to them by a corrupt corporate news media? How do we get people to once again think critically and research what they’re told rather than believing what they can see with their own eyes is untrue?

It’s a huge problem to fix.

And I don’t have all the answers. But I do know that we have to stand firm and not let them marginalize us any further. We have to seek the truth ourselves and not spread fake news that can be used to discredit us. We have to protect free speech, no matter the cost. We have to call out the Left when they speak lies.

And we have to aggressively work at the local level to drive out the cancers of Socialism, Authoritarianism, and Totalitarianism. Don’t ignore your Marxist Mayors. Speak up against your dictator Governor. Write your representatives in Congress. Keep the heat on them. And stop being quiet when your liberal neighbor calls patriotic Americans “Nazi’s”. We have to push back and stand up for our values and our Constitution.

Let the deprogramming begin!

Bubble Tea With Lemon.

I was at a Thai restaurant sharing a bubble tea with CNN journalist Don Lemon and he asked if I remembered where I was when Donald Trump said the KKK is full of fine people.

A moment later he asked if I had witnessed a Russian prostitute urinating on Trump’s hotel bed. This was followed by him asking what I knew about Trump and Russian collusion.

Not longer after that, he asked what I thought about President Trump calling the pandemic a scam.

He wouldn’t stop. Next he asked if I had become a racist due to Trump’s divisive comments. He wanted to know if my hatred of the LGBTQ community was caused by Trump’s brainwashing efforts.

Next, after sipping some more bubble tea, he asked if my violent behavior stemmed from Trump’s daily hateful remarks which set the tone for not just me but the entire nation.

Finally, he wanted to know exactly how Donald Trump influenced me to commit an act of insurrection and treason by storming the US Capital. Why did I listen? How could I do such a thing? Didn’t I know that Biden’s stolen election was for my own good? Why couldn’t I accept it, stay home with my mask on, and keep quiet?

And then I woke up. It was all a dream.

President Trump never said the KKK were fine people.

He never called the pandemic a scam.

He never said anything racist.

He never insulted the LGBTQ community, which, by the way, I don’t hate.

He never encouraged me to commit any acts of violence.

And he absolutely never suggested that I invade the Capital in an act of insurrection.

These are all fabrications of a dishonest and traitorous gang of Leftist journalists and politicians. None of it is true, except the part about Joe Biden stealing the election.

And then I laughed at myself. I should have known it was all a dream.

Because I would never share a bubble tea with Don Lemon.

Without Principles We Have Nothing.

Depending on your attitude, it’s either a frightening time to be alive, or it’s an exciting time to be alive. Maybe it’s a little of both. But there’s no doubt history is being written all around us, not only in the United States but all over the world.

Things heated up enormously after the protest and riot in the US Capital on January 6. I wish it hadn’t gotten out of control. I won’t speculate if our side got caught up in the heat of the moment or if they were manipulated by professional agitators, or even if ANTIFA were the real destroyers that day. That will be debated for months to come and I doubt we’ll ever agree on the answer. But there’s no denying the protest happened, things got crazy, and people were hurt.

And now politicians are foaming at the mouth in excitement trying to exploit a national tragedy for personal and political gain, completely oblivious to the fact that their self-serving greed is a large part of why the protest happened to begin with. These people truly think they are more important than the people they’re supposed to serve. Even days later there are very few elected officials promising to listen to us and work on serious reform that can bring us all back together. Instead, all I see is finger pointing, accusations, hateful statements, and a rush to destroy our freedom in the name of national security. But let’s be honest: they’re worried about their own security, not yours and mine. They’ve learned nothing, feeling safe in their delusion that January 6 was nothing but a bunch of deranged Trumpsters tearing up their Congressional offices. Get rid of Trump and silence his base and the problem is solved, or so they think.

Adding gasoline to the fire is corporate America which has jumped on board the crazy train promising to help with the silencing. While pretending to care about national unity, in reality corporations are censoring, condemning, and canceling President Trump and the entire freedom movement so that they gain favorable points with the Left, which they see as the probable winner of this fight. Most corporations have no loyalty to any nation or political cause. It’s just a horse race to them, and they’ll bet on whichever one is in the lead at the moment. They have no principles. And they’re hoping you don’t either.

But without principles, we have nothing. Our power comes from our principles. And this means:

When Netflix airs a movie that is basically kiddie porn, you complain, and if they don’t pull it off the air, you cancel your account. You don’t ignore it because your favorite show comes on later tonight.

If your bank is accused and found guilty of defrauding customers, change your bank. Don’t reward them by keeping your account open because it’s too much trouble to go elsewhere.

If Facebook and Twitter are censoring everything you post and there’s good reason to suspect they’re guilty of election interference, don’t accept it. Cancel your accounts. They think you’re too weak to leave them. Are you?

Google has trained you to think of them and only them when you need to search for something. But they also censor you, track you, and manipulate your thinking by only showing you the results they want you to see. I’ve published a list on my blog of the better search engines you should be using. Check it out.

And when giants like Amazon shut down our voices like when they recently announced they were turning off Parler’s web hosting, we need to complain. And if they don’t listen, we need to stop ordering from them. Cancel Prime. Get it out of your head that the default shopping site is Amazon. You have other choices.

We have to do these things even if it means we adjust our lifestyle a tiny bit.

Nothing will change until we stand firm by our principles and support the people and companies fighting for us instead of the people and companies trying to shut us down.

The power is ours, unless we’re weak and give it away.

Today The Silent Majority Got Loud.

At the time that I’m writing this, there is still a fragment of hope that Congress will not accept the electoral votes for the corrupt Joe Biden and his wretched choice for Vice President, Kamala Harris. But that hopes fades by the minute as one after the other Republican politician caves in to the Left, sending the United States down a solid path to Marxism. One of our last hopes was the runoff election in Georgia, but even that is looking like a another likely win for the Democrats. Not an honest win, of course. Anyone who has been to the fine southern state of Georgia knows Socialist candidates can’t win there, but there was also no way Joe Biden could have beaten Donald Trump in the Presidential election, but here we are. We’re here because the Democratic Party is a gang of traitorous criminals backed by misinformed followers who worship their party with cult-like fanaticism. Democratic voters have proven repeatedly over the past 4 years that facts don’t matter and living in denial of the truth is perfectly acceptable as long as their radical agenda moves forward. In their defense, the public has been fed a non-stop diet of propaganda and outright lies about Trump since even before his inauguration. And the truth about Deep State criminal activity has been kept out of sight. But we live in an information age, so the truth is out there, but intellectual laziness stops many people from finding it.

Millions of patriotic Americans are angry and fed up with the corruption and the lies, and many are now marching in DC in a large protest against the rigged election and the state of our government in general.

Although the Marxist Fascist news media will continue to promote their side as the side of rational thinking and democracy while painting the protesters as unhinged dangerous white nationalists or “Trumpsters” or whatever slur they choose, the truth is that the dangerous people are the Democrats, spineless Republicans, the media that profits from both. Here’s some of the latest from the swamp:

Democratic Representative Johnson said: Trump Should Be ‘Perp-Walked to the Jail’ Like ‘Black Folks’ Have Been.

Democratic Representative Omar says she’s drawing up new articles of impeachment against President Trump.

Republican Senator Burr said: ‘the President bears responsibility’ for the riots at the U.S. Capitol, but Burr is taking no responsibility at all for his failure to serve his constituents in North Carolina which likely led to pent-up frustration among the DC protesters.

Radical Leftist and former star Sean Penn appeared to suggest President Trump take cyanide: “May Well Be a Road Worth Your Exploration”, he reportedly said.

Facebook and Twitter removed a video by President Trump urging protesters to peacefully return home and respect law enforcement. Why? This action probably resulted in even more anger and violence, and shows a lack of corporate responsibility by the social tech companies.

Police shot and killed an unarmed protester who was behind a locked and barricaded door. The mainstream media is quiet about it.

As much as I’d prefer that peaceful solutions can be found, our political system is broken and dominated by greedy politicians who do the bidding of China or whoever else gives them cash. The 2020 elections were an outrageous display of voter fraud nationwide. And whatever happens today and in the coming days, the Marxist Fascist news media – CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, The Washington Post, Fox News, The New York Times, and many others – are significantly responsible and have blood on their hands. And so do countless Senators, Representatives, Governors, Mayors, and an endless list of DC bureaucrats.

But they need to pay attention to today and make no mistake about it: the silent majority is now awake, and we won’t be silent anymore.

The Civil War Has Begun.

There was no official announcement and no shots have been fired, but if you look around you can see the United States is clearly divided into opposing tribes: Leftists including Democrats, Socialists, and Communists on one side.  On the other side are patriots defending the Constitution, freedom, and the rule of law. Most Republicans are on the side of the patriots but many elected officials from the GOP have yet to prove which side they're on. 

We are a damaged and divided nation thanks to years of sabotage by Communists who have hidden their true identities while infiltrating the government, our education system, and our news media. They have systematically steered public sentiment toward the Left using legislation, propaganda, and most recently, by taking advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic to crash our economy and enable them to manipulate us even further using the time-tested tool of fear.

And there are rumors that the Chinese Communist Party sent soldiers to the United States using fake ID's to train ANTIFA thugs and provoke the BLM and Defund Police rioting that we suffered through most of the year. We're also hearing reports that the Chinese may also have been involved in election interference, including printing thousands of fake ballots that were used to throw the election to Joe Biden. And Biden himself is compromised and a national security threat thanks to his many years of  questionable deals and suspicious cooperation with the CCP. Add to this the real possibility that some (perhaps many) in the deep state are sympathetic to China and may have done their own brand of damage to our nation and it adds up to a serious and immediate threat to the ability of the United States to continue forward united in any way. It's also no secret that members of the world's financial and political elite, as represented by the World Economic Forum and the United Nations, are pushing for a one world government and the United States has been the major roadblock to their plans. This is why it looks like the entire world is trying to destroy Donald Trump. He sees what is going on and has been trying to stop it, but the opposition has been overwhelming. It appears that his new strategy is to make the people aware of the plot to make the US subservient to a centralized government, before it's too late to protect what's left of the Republic.

But that will be a Herculean task, since the people on the Left are either sworn to Marxism or else are so solidly programmed by news media propaganda that they refuse to believe anything except the propaganda.  Facts don't matter to them if the facts don't support their worldview. Case in point: Democrats have called Trump a Fascist and claim he's a tyrant, while they completely ignore the fact that Wall Street bankers and powerful tech companies overwhelmingly backed Joe Biden. And the vast majority of unconstitutional pandemic mandates came from Democratic Governors who have let big businesses stay open while forcing small local businesses and places of worship to shut down. That's Fascism and tyranny in full view, but Democratic voters can't see it.

We're at a critical point where the nation is under attack from multiple fronts: the pandemic response, internal disruption by the Left possibly promoted by the Chinese, the global elite who want us to submit to them, a compromised federal government full of traitors and profiteers, and a corrupt news media that supports all of it.

Normally if the public was given good information we could see through the nightmare and come together as Americans, but the sabotage has been going on too long and the damage is too severe. The division of Left and Right is so extreme that communication is breaking down and friendships and even family relationships are falling apart along ideological lines. The Left has begun its attack using censorship and the "cancel culture" to silence us. Soon they'll find a way to further exploit COVID-19 and vaccines to push us further down. Already there is serious talk of requiring a digital proof of vaccination if we want to have a job, collect government benefits, or in some proposals, leave our homes at all. Paper currency is on the way out, soon to be replaced entirely by digital money, and when that happens, tech companies, banks, and the government will have the ability to track our every move and forbid us from buying items they don't want us to own. It will also give them power over businesses by refusing to process transactions if they don't comply with the rules of the elite. Already VISA, MasterCard, and PayPal have shut down the ability of some companies to accept payments. Gab is a good example of company put on a permanent blacklist and their only crime is protecting free speech. What happens if the banks decide they'll no longer do business with gun companies? What happens if the government shuts off Social Security payments to anyone who refuses the vaccine? It's an attack on freedom just as damaging as cannon fire, and much of it is happening right now.

So yes, we're already in a civil war. We haven't divided ourselves geographically but there's no denying that Left and Right are as opposed to each other right now as the north and south were in 1861.

And we know how that ended.

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