Globalists Don't Believe Their Own Climate Change Propaganda.

Scientists and news media sites, both of which are often controlled by wealthy globalists, tell us every day that CO2 levels are too high, resulting in rising temperatures that threaten life on Earth. But many of us think the entire climate change narrative is nothing more than a scam, part of the UN's 'Agenda 2030' and the World Economic Forum's 'Great Reset'. Although both claim to be working for the good of the planet and humanity, in reality they plan to radically change human society by reducing the population and severely restricting our ability to live as free people. To be more blunt, they're creating the bio-security state, a global digital prison from which they will be no escape. The climate change narrative is designed to frighten us into voluntarily giving up our property and our rights. We are being tricked into believing if we live in pods, eat bugs, and endure cold winters without heat, that our sacrifices will save the planet and all of mankind. 

Don't believe their scam. It's a psy-op, just like the covid pandemic, but even more dangerous. The globalists who want to impose "climate lockdowns", end the use of fossil fuels, and send civilization back to the era of feudalism don't drink the Kool-Aid they're serving to the rest of us. Even while the corrupt news media is telling us that sea levels will rise by ten feet in the next few years, billionaires are buying oceanfront mansions and developers are building multi-million dollar resorts right at the sea. Banks are financing much of it and insurance companies are writing policies to protect these properties which, according to the psy-op, will soon be destroyed by flooding. That hardly sounds like a wise business decision, does it?

Even worse, we're being told that CO2 is our enemy, a toxic gas that is destroying the planet. But is it? Did anyone ask the plants, which depend on CO2 for survival? Without CO2 there is no life, including human life. Many scientists not employed by the climate change death cult have said we actually need more CO2 than we have now. But instead of working to increase our global levels, the cult is building insane machines that allegedly suck the gas out of the air to be stored in underground caverns. I don't think these machines are real but instead are elements of the psy-op to add a layer of seriousness and fear to the public consciousness.

Want proof that all of this is just another rich man's trick? Just look at the massive construction projects that seem to be everywhere. Even though trees convert CO2 into oxygen, when the globalists see a chance to make money they'll cut down thousands of acres of trees and replace them with asphalt parking lots and concrete factories and distribution centers. There are abandoned buildings in every city that could be torn down to make room for new developments, but that rarely happens. They'd rather kill life-giving trees than recycle a blighted part of town because it's cheaper that way. They're not worried about climate change. They're worried about their money. 

Here are a few examples:

Factory megasite in China.

Unknown development in Albemarle NC.

Office building development in Raleigh NC.

Commercial site in New South Wales, Australia.

Toyota electric vehicle battery factory, Liberty NC. (1,825 acres)

Toyota electric vehicle battery factory, Liberty NC, alternate view. (1,825 acres)

These sites alone represent thousands of acres of trees that have been destroyed to make room for developments owned by the globalists. If climate change is truly an existential threat to the planet, why are they cutting down so many trees? Why are governments allowing this to happen? Why aren't the radical Marxists of Extinction Rebellion chaining themselves to trees to keep these mega-factories from being built?

Because climate change is a scam, and they all know it.

Don't Feed The Beast.

Google, Facebook (Meta), Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter are all part of the technocratic beast system that is working day and night to build a global digital prison that you'll never be able to escape from. There are other monsters in this hellish slave world: the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, the United Nations, international  bankers, and puppet governments all over the globe. All of them need to be fought and brought down.

But start where you are with what you can easily do: stop using all products and services made by the Fascist tech companies. There are alternatives. Use them.

Don't feed the beast. It isn't your friend. It's the enemy of humanity, morality, and freedom.

Man-Made Horrors Beyond Your Comprehension.

It's been a tough couple of years, and while I'd like to tell you the worst is behind us and life will now slowly begin to return to normal, telling you that would be dishonest. For the worst isn't behind us, it is in front of us.

The world is currently being controlled and manipulated by mad-men. Psychopaths and the fools who follow them are pushing humanity down a path that is both extreme and reckless. We have billionaires playing God, manipulating weather systems they do not understand. We have politicians playing God, manipulating global tensions and threatening enemies with nuclear weapons. We have scientists playing God, manipulating diseases and even DNA itself as if all they have to do is hit an "Undo" button to fix any of their experiments that go horribly wrong. And we have an arrogant news media playing God, deciding for the rest of us what is to believed even when the facts suggest different truths.

These are the people who brought us the AIDS epidemic. These are the people who unleashed covid upon the world. These are the people who destroyed the supply chain which brought the economy down. These are the people who vaccinated the world by force and deny to this day that the jabs have injured or killed anyone. And these are the people who have hijacked elections all over the world so that brainwashed trainees of the World Economic Forum now run powerful nations. 

And soon, they'll be forcing digital ID's upon us and replacing cash with central bank digital currency (CBDC). Those will be the final two steps in the complete and permanent enslavement of humanity. Every place you go will be monitored and controlled. Every dollar you receive or spend will be tracked and automatically taxed. Our new masters will even be able to decide minute my minute what you're allowed to buy and where you're allowed to buy it. If you misbehave your digital money will be cut off, and the doors to your home may be sealed shut, locking you in like a caged animal. They'll be no escape.

The mad-men who want to control us are ruthless and determined. They'll go to any lengths to put their digital prison in place and force our compliance. How far will they go? 

“You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension.” -- Nikola Tesla, 1898

Already they've created a fake, engineered shortage of baby formula in the United States. They've put us at risk of World War 3 to hide their money laundering, human trafficking operations, and bio-weapons labs in Ukraine. They're working to make the World Health Organization a central authority over sovereign nations. They're passing legislation to silence us and prevent all dissent. They're even willing to starve us into submission. 

This week the United Nations Security Council announced the world only has a 10-week supply of wheat. The impact of this will be devastating, especially to people in poor and developing nations. 

"This isn’t cyclical. This is seismic," said Sara Menker, CEO of Gro Intelligence, a global company that uses artificial intelligence and public and private data to predict food supply trends. "Without aggressive global actions, we stand the risk of an extraordinary amount of human suffering and economic damage," Menker said.

U.N. food chief David Beasley warned the Security Council that rising food prices are already causing protests, and 323 million people would soon be "marching to starvation".

While the global elite's pretend to care about famine, in reality it is their greed and lust for power that creates the problem in the first place. They have no desire to end world hunger because it gives them leverage to impose their will upon the entire planet. They're perfectly willing to let children's stomachs become bloated from hunger if it helps them consolidate their control over the rest of us.

The elites are also proud eugenicists who think the human population is way too high and it's their duty to cull a few billion of us. Starvation becomes a noble means to an end when you're in a depopulation cult. 

We're dealing with people who are deluded at best and demonically possessed at worst. They cannot be reasoned with. They have a twisted vision of how the world should be, and they have the money and the power to make it happen. And like all good psychopaths, they feel no emotions when millions of us starve or when covid victims are welded into their homes, unable to escape. It's just a means to an end, a bit of unpleasantness on the way to creating their brave new world.

As determined as they are to succeed, we must be determined to defeat them. Sane people do not create famines, threaten nuclear annihilation, unleash bio-weapons upon innocent populations, and fantasize about locking down humanity in a digital prison. But the global elites do think about such things as casually as we decide what to have for breakfast. 

They are capable of man-made horrors beyond your comprehension. 

And those horrors are about to be launched.

Nina Jankowicz Is Nothing But A Pawn In The Globalist's Game.

Joe Biden's crazy-eyed Minister of Propaganda, Nina Jankowicz, is staying in the news thanks to her seemingly endless remarks about the dangers of free speech. Most recently she said Twitter should be moderated like Wikipedia by giving “trustworthy verified people” the ability to censor and edit anyone's posts, apparently to silence any information that doesn't prop up the government's current narrative. Jankowicz also came out in support of shadow banning users of social media so that no one sees their posts. She said “You can shout in the black void, but you do not get a huge audience to do that." 

Despite her delusions of being the truth queen, her history shows she supported the now discredited Steele dossier and she promoted the idea that the Hunter Biden laptop story was "Russian disinformation". 

The NY Post had this to say: "She’s a career left-wing partisan, from her days working at the National Democratic Institute to her Fulbright-Clinton fellowship to her gig at the left-leaning Wilson Center where she routinely did media hits with NPR, CNN, PBS and so on while placing New York Times and Washington Post op-eds. Hiring her for this job just shows how detached from reality and broad American society the entire Biden team has become."

In 2015 Jankowicz sang these colorful lyrics: “I want to be rich, famous, and powerful! Step on all my enemies and never do a thing.”

You really have to wonder what happened in her childhood to turn her into such a despicable person. Who destroyed her moral compass? 

Before you get angry about such an obvious fraud of an individual being put in a position of power, know that the reason she was appointed was to make you angry. One of the top strategies of the World Economic Forum's plan to control humanity is to place incompetent, clownish figures in charge of governments so that sovereign nations begin to fall apart and the public loses faith in the ability of local leaders to keep everything from going tits up. They think that when things get bad enough we'll turn to the United Nations and beg for a central "one world government" to step in and save us. Understanding their strategy helps you to understand Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Pierre Trudeau, Boris Johnson, Jacinda Ardern, and Emmanuel Macron. It also sheds some light on the entire Russia-Ukraine psy-op, another fraud created to make us think the world's gone mad and only a unified world government can save us from nuclear annihilation.

Jankowicz is clueless that she's merely a disposable pawn in the globalist's game. She's here to do a little damage, and then she'll be forgotten about, a victim of the very people she admires.

Are Aliens Coming To Enslave Humanity?

I've recently been watching old episodes of "The X-Files", and it's interesting how much predictive programming can be seen when you watch it from today's perspective. In season six it's revealed that the aliens are preparing to take over Earth with the help of a group of human elites who have made secret deals with the aliens to buy time in the hope that some form of resistance to them can be found. Naturally they also hope to be seen as friends and allies to the aliens if no way to resist them is discovered. The elites think they'll be spared if they cooperate to the bitter end, but the rest of us will contract a virus that turns us into slave workers for our planet's new owners. 

After watching the show I began to think about how it could be predicting the situation we currently find ourselves in. 

I admit what I'm about to say is probably the stuff of science fiction, but open your mind and hear me out. 

We know the odds are favorable that intelligent life exists on other planets, and if they're advanced enough to reach our solar system it also likely means they're a very old species that's had time to develop advanced technologies. The problem is that a species that's been around that long is quite possibly very aggressive and has survived by conquering other civilizations. Some scientists have said that if the aliens do visit, it won't be Captain Kirk on shore leave. Expect something more along the lines of the Borg, here to assimilate us. And that will be a problem we're not prepared to deal with.

But what if the global elites were contacted in advance and told their lives would be spared if they cooperated with the aliens and prepared the planet for the new inhabitants who would soon be arriving? Why would the elites help the invaders instead of informing us of what was about to happen? Perhaps they were told, "Do as we say or every person will be killed". Calculating the losses, it may have appeared that following orders and handing over the planet with a small population of transhumanist slaves would be the less bloody outcome. 

And what would that involve? Terraforming the planet so that it’s more suitable to the invading aliens might be part of it. Maybe they need less sunlight, or less CO2, both of which are part of the current plans to reduce “global warming”. Maybe they want a lot less people around, just enough to serve as slaves but not enough to be too difficult to control or use up resources. That would explain the elite’s obsession with depopulation. As for the control aspect, the entire planet is being forced down the road to totalitarianism, with 24/7 surveillance and centralized currency tied to our social credit score being gradually introduced. We’re being conditioned to accept our own slavery. And when you add in the DNA manipulation and graphene oxide and self-assembling structures some scientists say are part of the COVID jabs, one has to wonder what the real end-game is and who, or what, is really behind it all.

I admit it’s not likely that we’re being prepped for an alien invasion, but the idea can’t be carelessly dismissed either. And you can bet if the psychopaths who run powerful organizations like the United Nations and the World Economic Forum learned of an impending attack and colonization, they’d sacrifice all of us to save their own asses. But as The X-Files shows us, those who make deals with the devil end up getting burned, very badly, and often while still alive.

In the meantime, I’ll be searching for a nice dry cave to hide out in. I’ve had enough of this madness.

Ukraine Conflict Is A Globalist's Scam.

It seems like only yesterday most of the world was talking about COVID. The others were watching Canada become a totalitarian nation. And then, just like that, it was all forgotten and Ukraine became the center of everyone's attention. It's hard to ignore it, considering the corrupt fascist news media has been beating it into our heads 24/7 for the past week. And now opportunistic politicians want to ban Russian vodka and news outlets, and celebrities are singing songs in support of Ukraine, even though they don't really know anything about the nation and probably couldn't even find it on a map. As a bonus, the numerous threats from China have been completely forgotten. The CCP must be thrilled.

But let's keep our heads on straight. The conflict in Ukraine is the creation of the wealthy global elites, their friends in the military industrial complex, and their puppets in the news media. They've created a situation to help them gain power, make money, and divert attention from their evil intentions. They're trying to create public sympathy for the Ukrainian people without telling the whole story. They're using propaganda to turn the world against Russia. This narrative has been carefully planned and brilliantly executed against naive world citizens who genuinely want to support a nation they're told is under an unjustified attack. But the global elites don't have a reputation that anyone should trust. The same people who claim to care about democracy and human rights in Ukraine...

...turn a blind eye to child sex trafficking and slavery all over the world. In fact, they likely finance it.


The elites let millions of people around the world, especially in Africa, try to exist without adequate safe water supplies. They have the money and resources to solve this problem, but they don't care enough to do it.

They buy up homes and apartment buildings and then jack up the rent so high people become homeless, losing everything they own, including their dignity. 

They ignore the cries of starving people, including innocent children who are often forced to scrounge for food in trash cans and landfills. The elites could fix this problem in a year's time. But they don't, because they don't care.

They install leaders in nations who try to force us into accepting experimental injections while refusing to disclose the jab's ingredients or adverse reactions, and then they deny us help when the injections cause harm.

They cry about Ukraine while at the same time destroying the rights of the people they've been entrusted to lead. No better example of that can be found than in Canada, where Prime Minister Justin Trudeau froze bank accounts of protesters and threatened to take away people's children and pets. This was after his many attempts to end free speech and body autonomy.

So do the wealthy global elites care about Ukraine or is it just another rich man's trick designed to lead us down a path that profits them but leaves the rest of us out in the cold?

History suggests the latter.

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