Ukraine Conflict Is A Globalist's Scam.

It seems like only yesterday most of the world was talking about COVID. The others were watching Canada become a totalitarian nation. And then, just like that, it was all forgotten and Ukraine became the center of everyone's attention. It's hard to ignore it, considering the corrupt fascist news media has been beating it into our heads 24/7 for the past week. And now opportunistic politicians want to ban Russian vodka and news outlets, and celebrities are singing songs in support of Ukraine, even though they don't really know anything about the nation and probably couldn't even find it on a map. As a bonus, the numerous threats from China have been completely forgotten. The CCP must be thrilled.

But let's keep our heads on straight. The conflict in Ukraine is the creation of the wealthy global elites, their friends in the military industrial complex, and their puppets in the news media. They've created a situation to help them gain power, make money, and divert attention from their evil intentions. They're trying to create public sympathy for the Ukrainian people without telling the whole story. They're using propaganda to turn the world against Russia. This narrative has been carefully planned and brilliantly executed against naive world citizens who genuinely want to support a nation they're told is under an unjustified attack. But the global elites don't have a reputation that anyone should trust. The same people who claim to care about democracy and human rights in Ukraine...

...turn a blind eye to child sex trafficking and slavery all over the world. In fact, they likely finance it.


The elites let millions of people around the world, especially in Africa, try to exist without adequate safe water supplies. They have the money and resources to solve this problem, but they don't care enough to do it.

They buy up homes and apartment buildings and then jack up the rent so high people become homeless, losing everything they own, including their dignity. 

They ignore the cries of starving people, including innocent children who are often forced to scrounge for food in trash cans and landfills. The elites could fix this problem in a year's time. But they don't, because they don't care.

They install leaders in nations who try to force us into accepting experimental injections while refusing to disclose the jab's ingredients or adverse reactions, and then they deny us help when the injections cause harm.

They cry about Ukraine while at the same time destroying the rights of the people they've been entrusted to lead. No better example of that can be found than in Canada, where Prime Minister Justin Trudeau froze bank accounts of protesters and threatened to take away people's children and pets. This was after his many attempts to end free speech and body autonomy.

So do the wealthy global elites care about Ukraine or is it just another rich man's trick designed to lead us down a path that profits them but leaves the rest of us out in the cold?

History suggests the latter.

World Tyranny Report: December 03 2021.

The global elite and their government puppets keep pressing on, destroying human freedom using the false flag of an alleged COVID pandemic. Here's the latest:

France: Citizens over the age of 65 will be required to show a COVID booster vax digital passport or be locked out of society. According to Reclaim The Net, French President Emanuel Macron announced new rules for the nationwide vaccine passport mandate. The vaccine passports of those above the age of 65 will be invalid if they have not gotten a booster shot. Boosters will be approved for the over-50 crowd in early December, so expect the mandate to include millions more very soon. 

United States (Nevada): The state became the first to impose a $55 surcharge on health insurance premiums of any Nevada state employee who has not received COVID vaccines. The state claims they need the revenue to offset the cost of the notoriously inaccurate PCR tests that the state requires the unvaxxed to take. This is a typical government action: create a problem (testing) and then extort money from the people to "fix" the problem. Officials claim the surcharge isn't a punishment for refusing the vaccine, but anyone with two brain cells to rub together can see the state is threatening to take people's money to force submission to an unnecessary experimental medical procedure.

Germany: In a move Adolf Hitler would surely approve, Angela Merkel and her successor, Olaf Scholz, are introducing a nationwide lockdown for unvaccinated citizens, claiming the country needed “a lockdown, so to speak, for the unvaccinated.” This is despite clear evidence that the COVID vaccines don't prevent the spread of the virus. But who needs facts when you're trying to create a two-tier society while on the way to global totalitarianism? 

The proposed measures, which are expected to be fully implemented soon, suggest banning those who won’t show a vaccine passport from non-essential stores and venues such as cinemas, restaurants, pubs, and gyms.

Didn't Germany try this once before? I don't think it ended very well for them.

Irish Senator Gerry Horkan Doesn't Care If You Starve To Death.

Remember his face. Make him famous. You know what to do.

Gerry Horkan, a Senator in Ireland, recently said the unvaxxed need to be banned from society, and that includes forbidding them from being able to buy food. This heartless man said “Vaccine certificates should be required for entry into gyms and hairdressers. Why not introduce such a requirement for supermarkets and public transport? If people want to participate in society, they need to be vaccinated." He went on to say "Unvaccinated people are putting themselves, their families, the rest of us and the economy at risk." Horkan pushes the faulty injections despite current evidence that proves the jabs don't prevent people from getting sick with COVID nor do they prevent transmission. Horkan surely knows this, but as I've said before, this was never about public health. It's been about public control from the very beginning, creating a society where authoritarians like Horkan get to run every aspect of your life and punish you severely if you don't comply with the whims of their sick minds.

Despite wanting to isolate and lock down his own people, in 2019 Horkan attended the "Free Iran" conference where he said this: "I want to say that we are from the Irish Parliament. I bring you greetings from many of my colleagues. We are with you in your quest for democracy, for freedom, and for human rights. As a world, as a global world, we must all of us do everything we can to bring to an end this vicious, dangerous regime that is not allowing its own people to have freedom of association, freedom of thought and freedom of expression."

How can he justify advocating freedom for Iran while wishing starvation upon the people of Ireland? Why does he promote freedom of association, freedom of thought, and freedom of expression for people who he doesn't represent but wants to lock his own people inside their homes, separated from society like second class citizens? 

What is wrong with this man? How is he allowed to represent anyone?

Before he can do any more harm, including spreading his toxic ideas to other nations, let's make him famous and let the world know what kind of man Gerry Horkan is. 

Monopoly: The Documentary That Will Change The World.

This documentary by Tim Gielen is amazing. In one hour it explains why our world is so dysfunctional, why it could get much worse, and how we can end human suffering by simply understanding that our misery is engineered by less than 1% of the people who control almost every corporation, government, politician, and financial asset on earth.

Do you want a better life for yourself and your family? 'Monopoly - Who Owns The World' will explain why we're in this situation and how we can defeat the elite and create a new awakening that leads to a better life for every one of us.

Watch it now and share it with everyone you know. You've been a slave for too long. Rise up and find freedom!

We're Being Sold Out By Our Own Leaders. We Must Resist.

This could be the most important video you watch this year. Politicians around the world are lying to us about the pandemic, the vaccine, and climate change to scare us into accepting their "Great Reset", which is nothing but global Communism with it's subjects living in technocratic prisons. It's coming fast. We must resist it.

Know Your Enemy.


Joe Biden is so corrupt, so dishonest, and so consumed by the idea of becoming President before his death that he's sold us all out to the psychopaths of the global elite. Kamala Harris is his running mate not because she's the most qualified but because she was equally willing to sell us out. Their agenda is full compliance with the World Economic Forum's "Great Reset", which is nothing but a technocratic prison we'll be forced to live in. The "New Normal" means our freedom is gone and will never return. Is this what you want? We're running out of time to fight back.

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