American Leaders Let Nation Rot While Sending Billions To Ukraine.

Americans are suffering through record-high inflation and a housing crisis that is making people live in tents. Many families now call their car their home. Depression and desperation have driven people to use hard drugs to numb the pain. Deaths from opioid overdoses and alcohol abuse have devastated families.

The response from the federal government? Send billions of dollars to Ukraine to fight a war that was triggered by the United States and other NATO nations. We're being bankrupted by our own leaders who insanely think they can prop up the western world's crashing financial system by destroying Russia. Our leaders are so demented they've actually suggested a nuclear war might be in our future.

But they have no money and no answers for the problems facing US citizens and the cities we live in. 

Recently I wrote my state's US Senators and the Representative for my district about this horrible situation. Only one of them replied, and he stood by his votes for funding the Ukraine war and he completely ignored my questions about homelessness and the housing crisis. The other two don't even care enough to send a generic response.

Joe Biden has abandoned us. Congress has abandoned us. They work for the international bankers, not us. Their actions make that clear every day.

[video source: Mint Press News -]

The Problems Of The World Are Caused By Your Obedience.

It's easy to blame the psychopaths for all the oppression and chaos we're seeing today. But the problems of the world aren't caused by insane politicians. They're caused by our obedience to them.

Fascism and tyranny cannot exist without our compliance.

Mass non-compliance will set us free.

Biden Bombs The Children.

Joe Biden, President of the Banana Republic of America and illegal occupier of the White House, is using the shooting in Uvalde Texas as an excuse to further attack the US Constitution. Biden, who pretends to be the United States President, never lets a tragedy go to waste if he thinks it can further his lifelong career of corruption.

No one is really surprised by this. But to see him faking compassion about the deaths of 19 children while ignoring the horrible suffering endured by babies being aborted in the most brutal fashion imaginable is something decent people can't stomach. 

And to add to his evil bloodlust, Biden continues to fund the war in Ukraine, causing the unnecessary deaths of children throughout the region. At every turn he announces steps to escalate the conflict rather than working with Vladimir Putin on a peace agreement. This is because Biden has horrible secrets in Ukraine, and he'd rather let kids die than have his wickedness exposed.

On the entire planet I'm not sure there's a more vile, immoral, and indecent man than Joe Biden. 

Pray for the children, because Biden plans to kill thousands more.

No Authority.

None Of These People Have Any Real Authority Over You...Unless You Give It To Them.

You Are Not A Slave.

The Clowns Are Here On Purpose.

The news seems to get crazier and crazier by the day. Things that would be considered insane only ten years ago are now being pushed in our faces in a radical attempt to normalize the abnormal. Although we've always had eccentric characters, goofballs, and clowns in our midst, today we have these people in positions of power, dictating policies and controlling arsenals powerful enough to destroy the world.

The clowns are in charge, and they're here on purpose.

Over the past several years, the psychopath elites who own most of the world have been quietly grooming these clowns and putting them into positions of influence and power. But unlike the circus, these clowns aren't here just to entertain and distract us. They're also here to fuck things up and send our polite, familiar society into a tailspin. When they do stupid things and create harm, it's not by accident. It's what they're here to do.

It's no coincidence that the President of the United States, a man with nuclear bombs at his command, is so mentally deficient he can't even put together a coherent sentence. Remember this one? 

“You’re going to see when you’re there, and some of you have been there, you’re gonna see — you’re gonna see women, young people standing in the middle in front of a damned tank.” 

Or this confusing message about food shortages:

"We both talked about how we could increase and disseminate more rapidly food. Food shortages.”

Try to sleep well knowing this imbecile is running the show. But here's the point: he's not building anything back better. His job is to destroy, dismantle, and disillusion the United States and makes things so bad we will beg for foreign intervention. Biden wants the economy to crash, crime to skyrocket, and bridges to collapse. He wants us angry. He wants us to take to the streets violently. He wants everything stable to become unstable. He wants us to wonder where our next meal will come from and if we'll have a place to sleep at night. Because once we're desperate enough, we'll turn our backs on our own country and accept a One World Government, with our every action dictated by investment banks and the multi-billionaires who own them.

And it's not just in America that this clownish path of destruction is being followed. We see it in Canada with Justin Trudeau, in the United Kingdom with Boris Johnson, in France with Emmanuel Macron, and in New Zealand with Jacinda Ardern. These aren't just clueless idiots who coincidentally all ended up in power at the same time. These are puppets, remote controlled clowns working to bring us to our knees.

But when their tent folds, it will be replaced by an open-air digital prison run by what is basically the Fourth Reich: a cabal of technocrats and power-mad psychopaths who see us as nothing more than slaves.

These circus performers may act funny and sometimes amuse us, but the next show we see will be brutal and horrific.

And that's no laughing matter.

Mind Controlled Globalist Puppets

Young mind-controlled globalist puppets:

Justin Trudeau - Canada

Jacinda Ardern - New Zealand

Emmanuel Macron - France

Volodymyr Zelenskyy - Ukraine

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