Man-Made Horrors Beyond Your Comprehension.

It's been a tough couple of years, and while I'd like to tell you the worst is behind us and life will now slowly begin to return to normal, telling you that would be dishonest. For the worst isn't behind us, it is in front of us.

The world is currently being controlled and manipulated by mad-men. Psychopaths and the fools who follow them are pushing humanity down a path that is both extreme and reckless. We have billionaires playing God, manipulating weather systems they do not understand. We have politicians playing God, manipulating global tensions and threatening enemies with nuclear weapons. We have scientists playing God, manipulating diseases and even DNA itself as if all they have to do is hit an "Undo" button to fix any of their experiments that go horribly wrong. And we have an arrogant news media playing God, deciding for the rest of us what is to believed even when the facts suggest different truths.

These are the people who brought us the AIDS epidemic. These are the people who unleashed covid upon the world. These are the people who destroyed the supply chain which brought the economy down. These are the people who vaccinated the world by force and deny to this day that the jabs have injured or killed anyone. And these are the people who have hijacked elections all over the world so that brainwashed trainees of the World Economic Forum now run powerful nations. 

And soon, they'll be forcing digital ID's upon us and replacing cash with central bank digital currency (CBDC). Those will be the final two steps in the complete and permanent enslavement of humanity. Every place you go will be monitored and controlled. Every dollar you receive or spend will be tracked and automatically taxed. Our new masters will even be able to decide minute my minute what you're allowed to buy and where you're allowed to buy it. If you misbehave your digital money will be cut off, and the doors to your home may be sealed shut, locking you in like a caged animal. They'll be no escape.

The mad-men who want to control us are ruthless and determined. They'll go to any lengths to put their digital prison in place and force our compliance. How far will they go? 

“You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension.” -- Nikola Tesla, 1898

Already they've created a fake, engineered shortage of baby formula in the United States. They've put us at risk of World War 3 to hide their money laundering, human trafficking operations, and bio-weapons labs in Ukraine. They're working to make the World Health Organization a central authority over sovereign nations. They're passing legislation to silence us and prevent all dissent. They're even willing to starve us into submission. 

This week the United Nations Security Council announced the world only has a 10-week supply of wheat. The impact of this will be devastating, especially to people in poor and developing nations. 

"This isn’t cyclical. This is seismic," said Sara Menker, CEO of Gro Intelligence, a global company that uses artificial intelligence and public and private data to predict food supply trends. "Without aggressive global actions, we stand the risk of an extraordinary amount of human suffering and economic damage," Menker said.

U.N. food chief David Beasley warned the Security Council that rising food prices are already causing protests, and 323 million people would soon be "marching to starvation".

While the global elite's pretend to care about famine, in reality it is their greed and lust for power that creates the problem in the first place. They have no desire to end world hunger because it gives them leverage to impose their will upon the entire planet. They're perfectly willing to let children's stomachs become bloated from hunger if it helps them consolidate their control over the rest of us.

The elites are also proud eugenicists who think the human population is way too high and it's their duty to cull a few billion of us. Starvation becomes a noble means to an end when you're in a depopulation cult. 

We're dealing with people who are deluded at best and demonically possessed at worst. They cannot be reasoned with. They have a twisted vision of how the world should be, and they have the money and the power to make it happen. And like all good psychopaths, they feel no emotions when millions of us starve or when covid victims are welded into their homes, unable to escape. It's just a means to an end, a bit of unpleasantness on the way to creating their brave new world.

As determined as they are to succeed, we must be determined to defeat them. Sane people do not create famines, threaten nuclear annihilation, unleash bio-weapons upon innocent populations, and fantasize about locking down humanity in a digital prison. But the global elites do think about such things as casually as we decide what to have for breakfast. 

They are capable of man-made horrors beyond your comprehension. 

And those horrors are about to be launched.

Government Actions Prove A Lack Of Concern And An Obsession With Control.

boy wearing face mask

I was listening to a podcast and the looming food shortages were being discussed. Although I've been predicting food shortages for over a year, this particular podcast hit a nerve because it made me realize how little the government actually cares about us. 

Ye shall know them by their deeds. -- Matthew 7:16

When the pandemic psy-op began in 2020, government officials with the CDC, the NIH, and the Surgeon General's office began issuing recommendations and mandates, most of which were devoid of any scientific credibility, to wear face masks, keep six feet apart from others, and to practically bathe ourselves all day in toxic alcohol-based hand sanitizer. The recommendations changed over time but they always focused on avoiding a virus that had never been proven to exist. Society was almost torn apart by the constant insistence that diseases were everywhere and people were the dirty spreaders of them all. A deadly chemical goo, which was called a vaccine, was rushed into production and health authorities elevated it to god-like status, claiming it alone would be our salvation and lead us back to normalcy. But keep wearing your mask, don't touch anyone, and while you're at it, let us track and control your life with a digital passport.

At no point were we told to do anything natural to boost our immune systems and protect our health. We weren't told to take vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, quercetin, and selenium. In fact, such measures were ridiculed and discouraged. We weren't told to go outside and soak up some sun and get fresh air. Instead we were told to stay inside and breathe stale air. Gyms and health food stores were forced to close, but government-owned liquor stores stayed open. And I don't recall a single government official suggesting we drink lots of pure water and eat fresh vegetables. The news media did nothing but parrot whatever they were told to say by the people who paid their salaries, which in many cases was Pfizer.

Now we're facing food shortages, and once again the government, health officials, and the media are failing us. We're being targeted with propaganda to condition us to the idea that meat may no longer be available, and that bugs can be a tasty part of our daily meals. We're being told to lower our expectations and accept the new normal. At the same time, the government promises we won't starve to death if we just accept whatever handouts they manage to provide, handouts that will be limited to those of us who accept the coming digital ID's the elite's have planned to track and control us common folk. 

At no point has it been suggested that we learn how to can and preserve food. We've not been told to stock up on anything. In fact we've been told to not buy extra, out of fear we'll overwhelm the already sabotaged supply chain. And we've not been told to start a garden, not even something as simple as a single tomato plant. During World War 1 and World War 2 we were told to start "victory gardens" (also known as war gardens) in backyards and even in public parks so everyone would have a source of food during the austere days of the wars. During WW2 around one third of the vegetables produced by the United States came from victory gardens. But here we are today facing food shortages in the United States and famine in third world countries and not a single leader or media figure is suggesting we grow our own food. In March Joe Biden said, “With regard to food shortages, yes we did talk about food shortages. And it’s going to be real.” He went on to say, "We are in the process of working out with our European friends what it would take to help alleviate the concerns relative to food shortages." He had no advice for anyone. "Trust us" is basically all he had to offer as the solution to a problem he helped create. 

I have advice no one else seems willing to offer: First, begin building up your food reserves. You don't have to clean out the local grocery store in a single visit. Just get in the habit of buying a little extra each time you go to the store. If you need one bag of rice, buy two. Over time you'll have enough in storage to get you by a few months. Second, learn how to grow your own food. Don't wait until you're hungry. It takes time to grow food. It takes time to learn how to grow food. You won't plant a seed and eat tomorrow. You have to start today for what you'll need one, two, or three months from now. 


If you don't have space for a traditional dirt garden, consider hydroponics. Using the simple Kratky method, you can grow leafy greens and herbs without the expensive equipment needed in other forms of hydroponic growing. At the very least, buy a couple of tomato plants and put them on your porch. And then take care of them. Care for them and they'll care for you, which is something the government will never do. 

With both the pandemic and the coming food shortage, the authorities are proving they don't have our best interests at heart. Don't wait for them to prove it again. 

It's up to you to protect yourself and your family.

Digital ID's Are Shock Collars For Humans.

You've seen the headlines: 

New South Wales plots Digital ID to access services.

UK to launch new digital ID technology next month as part of nationwide digital ID push.

Canada School of Public Service panel proposes digital IDs tied to vaccine passports.

Nigeria ties all SIM cards to national ID system.

Australia to “actively explore” a national digital ID system.

Vietnam to introduce vaccine passports.

Eight countries team up to form Digital ID group.

These headlines are even worse when you consider they all appeared within the past month. It's undeniable there's a global push to create a digital ID system to track and control every person on Earth.  The system, which will treat us like farm animals, is the final and most important component of the digital prison the elites, led by the demonic World Economic Forum, are working to impose upon us. 

The complete system will include a centralized digital currency, vaccination records, energy usage & "carbon footprint" data, credit & rental history, employment status, your social media score, criminal records, and every financial transaction you make anywhere with anyone.

Cash will be abolished, making it impossible to buy or sell anything without the government's knowledge and permission. Possession of decentralized cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin will be outlawed. This will done to force you into the digital ID system and maintain total compliance.

When the system is fully functional, no one will be able to exist in mainstream society without submitting to the beast system. There will be no access to cell phones, internet services, stores and restaurants, travel, or government services like registering vehicles or getting a driver's license. You'll do what they tell you to do, when they want you to do it, where they tell you to do it.

And since everything is tied to your digital ID, including your money, all they have to do is shut off your bank account and wait for your compliance.

It really is like putting a shock collar on a dog.

If you submit and let them put it on you, they'll be no escaping it later on. 

Life as you know it will end. And life as they decide it should be will begin. Forever.

It's Not Just...It's Unjust.

It's just a mask. It's just six feet. It's just a jab. It's just an app. No, it's not's unjust.

The Deadly Payload Has Been Delivered.

It's been a long and stressful two years of COVID pandemic theater. The elites and their global propagandists, working in partnership with governments around the world, have successfully made humanity go mad from fear of an illness with a 99.9% survival rate.  We've lost our jobs, our businesses, our freedom, our decency toward others, and even our dignity, with the vast majority of us complying obediently to it all without complaint or protest. We've believed lie after lie from the people who claim to represent and protect us. And we've rolled up our sleeves and let mysterious substances be injected into us and our children in the blind belief that the jabs will save us from COVID, the only disease that seems to exist anymore.

We've been so compliant and obedient some of our leaders are now backing away from lockdowns and vaccine passports. They're giving us back the freedoms they had no right to take away in the first place. And people are celebrating this hollow victory as if everything is now going back to normal. But don't get too excited. The same people who have been abusing us for two years aren't suddenly going to stop no matter how nice their words may seem. The elites are psychopaths. The politicians they control are morally bankrupt puppets, willing to do anything for money, power, or social status. They aren't on our side. They never have been. They never will be. They've put a huge amount of effort and money into planning their new society, the technocratic hell they've disguised as progress by naming it "The Great Reset". Anyone who thinks they'll abandon it now is either horribly naive or a complete fool. They might slow down a bit and ease the pressure on us for a while, but the long term goals will remain just as they have been, ready for action as soon as the next "variant" or other global "crisis" is created. 

But what if they've already accomplished the largest part of their agenda? Are they backing off on some of the tyranny to keep society from erupting into violent protests, confident that they've already beaten us? Are we being lulled back to sleep while they wait for the bombs they've already launched to detonate, slowly but surely in nation after nation?

Consider this: many doctors and scientists have said the COVID vaccines are bio-weapons created for depopulation. Already we've had more than 20,000 deaths linked to the jabs in the United States alone, a fact regularly covered up by our corrupt news media. And now we're seeing even more people dropping to the ground within a month of getting their second or third shot. Hundreds of healthy athletes in peak physical condition have collapsed in the past several months due to chest pains and heart attacks. Many have died. Insurance companies are reporting a 40% increase in non-COVID deaths in the past year. Funeral home operators are complaining that they've never been as busy as they are now. If the vaccines are indeed bio-weapons, the elites have already delivered the deadly payload and they no longer have to threaten us with lockdowns to move their agenda along. They just have to wait for more bodies to fall.

Worldwide the majority of people have been injected with at least two doses of the vaccines. A few numbers:

Portugal: 90% - Chile: 88% - Singapore: 87% - Cuba: 87% - Spain: 82%

Denmark: 81% - Japan: 79% - Canada: 78% - Australia: 78% - France: 76%

Italy: 75% - Germany: 73% - United Kingdom: 71% - United States: 63%

If predictions come true, this is a huge number of people who will either die or develop serious chronic diseases within the next several months. The depopulation will happen, and no one will connect it back to the vaccines. The elites will laugh and pat each other on their backs, smug about their apparent victory. 

They don't need vaccine passports right now. The lockdowns can go away. Their deadly payload has been delivered.

Wait for it to explode.

Dr Michael Yeadon: COVID Vaccines And Vaccine Passports Will Lead To Mass Depopulation.

Former Pfizer Chief Scientist Dr. Michael Yeadon believes the combination of vaccine boosters and vaccine passports will lead to "mass depopulation and deliberate execution, potentially of billions". 

Dr. Yeadon said, "You don’t need vaccines, and you don’t need any of the measures that have been introduced at all. So, it’s not just a shade of opinion here, I would say objectively, none of those things were ever required. And yet, governments and their scientific advisers have lied to us for a year, and I think they’ve just produced mayhem, potentially to fatal damage to our economies and civil societies. You don’t need to be vaccinated by inadequately tested and somewhat dangerous gene-based spike protein inducing proteins, and you don’t need to do what you’re told by corrupt scientists who are apparently advising our government."

And he had this to say about the digital vaccine passports that are being required in a growing number of places around the world: "You don’t need vaccine passports. They provide nothing whatsoever to you or anybody else in relation to safety. But it will give away to whoever controls that database and the rules complete control over everything you do."

This is a must-see video if you care about your life and the future of humanity. Watch it now and please share it with your friends.

The entire transcript of the video can be found at:

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